
1st & 2nd Semester Women’s Ensemble(Advanced Chorus) Syllabus

Instructor: Anita Ray


Materials Needed: Pencil & Fee

Concert Attire for VCDA , ACDA, and All Area Chorus Events (student provides)

Women: Black Skirt (to knee or longer), Long white sleeve blouse (no ¾ sleeves);

Black closed toe shoes (no spikes or stilettos), hose in your shade.

Women’s Ensemble (Advanced Chorus) Fee: $25.00. Includes black concert gown and pearls.

Men: VCDA, ACDA, and All Area Chorus Events (student provides) Black Dress pants, long sleeve white shirt, black tie, black dress shoes and socks. $25.00 fee.

Includes tuxedo suit

Course Description:

Women’s Ensemble is a select choir for 9 – 12 who have completed a successful audition. It is designed to challenge students to sing and improve their vocal technique. The repertoire varies from standard choral repertoire , to “pop”, musical theatre, jazz, and classics songs.

Required Choral Literature: Students will perform a wide variety of choral literature based on the following criteria, the director determines the selection of literature:

·  The literature should be of appropriate musical material to aid the physical development and function of the vocal mechanism.

·  The literature will include representation from the historical periods of Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth Century.

·  The literature will be written by composers of historical significance or those presenting valid alternative programming opportunities.

·  The literature will represent a wide variety of text sources and types.

Course Requirements: Participation in public performance is mandatory. (This includes all home football games, Christmas concert, Spring Concert, and any other events that the choir is invited to attend. Any absence must be excused by the Director at least two days prior to the performance date. All absences will be reflected in grading assessments. In the event a conflict should arise between activities within the high school, an arrangement agreeable to all parties will be worked out in consultation with the student, activity sponsors involved, the Principal and the parent/guardian.

Students with an excused absence from a performance will be required to do make-up work

as assigned by the Director. Students will be allowed ten school days for make-up work. Loss of credit may result if make-up work is not completed promptly.

Students are required to participate in the Madrigal Dinner (if scheduled).

Students are also required to be present for 1 after school rehearsal in the fall and one in the spring. Students will receive a grade for each after school rehearsal.

Anyone not adhering to the above rules will be moved at the end of the semester to another music class that doesn’t require after school commitments.

Academic Evaluation: Choral activities seek to provide students with an appreciation of various types of music, attitudes about music as it relates to their lives, and understanding of basic musical concepts, and discriminations regarding compositions and performances, and performance and listening skills.

Student grades will be determined using the following formulas:

Daily rehearsal preparation ,participation and 35%

contribution to the whole group and

after school rehearsals.

Music & pencil (out and on the correct page and always 5%

ready to sing)

Theory/Sight-singing/Test 10%

Performances (each ) of total grade 50%

Choirs are working and learning organizations with high expectations and goals. Students are expected

to aid in this learning process. Appropriate daily participation is worth 35% of student grades.


Conduct during rehearsals and performances

Care of music, equipment, costumes, props

Commitment and willingness to achieve excellence

Being on time to all rehearsals and performances.

Class Objective: Read and notate music 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Sing literature without accompaniment; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Learn to sing in four part harmony; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Demonstrate interest in group achievement and willingness to contribute toward

toward group goals; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Demonstrate appropriate performance behavior as a participant and/or listener;

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Explore music styles and genres through listening, performing, writing, and

discussing; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Demonstrate the ability to organize and express musical ideas and sound;. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Glossary of musical terms and dance terminology; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Extensive vocal technique; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Expanded vocal range and control; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Advanced interval training; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Microphone technique; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Staging technique; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Choreography and movement; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Learn exercises for proper vocal development; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Participation in all concerts; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Preparation for performance; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th weeks

Daily Rehearsal Expectations: The vocal music department is proud of the outstanding accomplishments of the choirs and individual members of the program. The continued success of the ensembles is dependent upon the daily contribution of each member.

Rehearsal time is precious and must not be wasted. Each individual must approach every rehearsal with high expectations and a willingness to work toward the fulfillment and realization of those expectations.

Students will be expected to:

1)  Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of rehearsal time. (Be in their seats with their folder and all necessary materials at the bell. Rehearsals end when the Director is finished conducting.

2)  Bring a pencil to all rehearsals.

3)  Focus all of their mental energy on the conductor and the literature. (Stand when your section and full group is rehearsing and no talking during rehearsals).

4)  Focus all their physical energy on the correct application of proper singing technique. (Sit tall; Breathe Deep, Sing with Space.)

5)  Demonstrate respect for the rehearsal facilities and equipment. (No playing the piano prior to rehearsals. Keep the room and equipment clean and orderly.)

6)  Leave food, pop, gum, and candy out of the rehearsal room. No cell phone or any other electronic devices are allowed to be out in the room or during rehearsals. Anyone eating in the room will be issued a referral. Any cell phones found during class will be taken and turned into the office. No Exceptions!

Homework: Students are expected to know the material covered in class. On occasion it will be

necessary to take music home for additional practice and memorization. Music will

need to be memorized for performances. Assignments may be made to watch choral

performances, attend concerts, or listen to recordings outside of class. In addition, students

will be given written assignments and it is imperative that assignments be completed in a

timely and thorough manner

Tardiness: You will be considered tardy if not in your place with materials when class begins – when the

bell rings or at the appointed start time. Rehearsals begin with announcements and vocal

warm-ups designed to prepare the singing mechanism. It is imperative that all students

participate in these opening rehearsal procedures. (See tardiness policy in handbook.)

Tardiness to rehearsals will result in director’s choice of punishment. Anyone not complying-

parents will be called.

Discipline Policy: Refer to Policy Sheet

Conditioning: There will be times when we will run, walk, and do other physical movement to get

To get into shape for walking to the field and just for general good health.

To be a member of this group is a honor and a privilege, and therefore should be treated as such.