Bolling Road
Ben Rhydding
Ilkley LS29 8QH
T: +44 (0) 1943 431133
F: +44 (0) 1943 433479
Executive Headteacher: Mrs C Lee
20th November 2015
Year Group / ReasonReception – Isabella Turner / For always listening to other people and thinking about what is being said.
Year 1 – Alexander Rawse / For being enthusiastic, hard working and motivated to learn.
Year 2 – Lydia Green / Her class chose her because she is enthusiastic, conscientious and caring every minute of every day.
Year 3 - Louis Morton / For always being polite and respectful.
Year 4 – William Archibald / He always shows respect for everything and to everyone. He is an excellent role model.
Year 5 – Charlie Cain / For being hardworking at all times and showing a lot of enthusiasm for learning.
Year 6 – Ben Redman / Great at questioning to forward his learning. Talented, creative writer with a good understanding of how to up level his work. Use knowledge to help others.
National Champion
We are really proud of Connie Ashcroft in year 4 who is now the under 10s National Champion for white water canoeing. A brilliant accomplishment Connie-well done.
Thank you to all the parents who have supported school in our drive to improve punctuality this week.
We have seen a marked difference and appreciate the efforts of parents and children a like.
Diary Dates:
· Scholastic half price Book fair – Friday 27th, Monday 30th November and Tuesday 1st December in the dining room from 2.45pm. The perfect opportunity to buy stocking fillers for Christmas. Come along to the dining room from 2.45pm. All books are half the marked price. Cash or cheque payments only please. Any questions please see Mrs Robinson or Mrs Wilcock.
· School Disco – Thursday 26th November, KS1 5 – 6.00pm, KS2 6.15-7.15pm.
· Second hand uniform sale together with book fair on Friday 27th November.
· Year 5 Cake Sale – Friday 27th November.
· Christmas Fair on Sunday 29th November – Any donations gratefully received.
Clare’s Children In Need Singathon
Clare sang 41 songs in full on her laptop and it was filmed and edited. For convenience the edited version can be watched on our YouTube channel under The Soundy family. If anyone wants to see a song in full I could email it to them. Clare tried very hard, but she wasn’t very well at the time. Thank you to anyone who supported her.
School raised just over £214 for Children In Need last Friday. Thank you to everyone.
Sports Notices
PLEASE NOTE : The Ben Rhydding Cross Country event on Saturday 21st November has been CANCELLED, as the field is water logged and unfit for purpose.
Girls Football Results 13 11 15 - Ben Rhydding v Burley Oaks Score 5-0
Players: Isabel Macina – captain, Hunnah Weller, Sophie Pitt, Jo-Jo Meridth, Charlie Macina, Emily Jowett
Francesca Macina.
Possibly the worst weather for football ever. It was wet windy and absolutely freezing. We played against the wind for the first half but we fought hard and spent most of our time around their penalty area. At the end of the first half Sophie Pitt scored the first goal of her football career much to her surprise and she froze in shock. The whistle went for half time Sophie our coach gave us a team talk. We went back on the pitch with the wind on our side. It was an amazing 2nd half for Isabel and Hunnah both scoring 2 goals each. Every player played really well especially Maisy who is new to football. Emily played well despite carrying an injury. Charlie played well wearing her Pudsey ears. Jo-Jo played well putting pressure on the other side. Francesca continues to improve despite being in year 4.
Written by Isabel Macina