Cork County Council

Library and Arts Services

Craft Commissions

Celebrating Year of Craft 2011


To celebrate National Year of Craft 2011, Cork County Council Library and Arts Services plan to commission up to five craftspeople to create unique works designed for Library environments. The commissioned works will be inspired by a children’s story or book. The commission also allows an opportunity for makers to work with and involve children in the design and/or making of the work.

The project’s aims are:

  • To mark National Year of Craft through a series of creative commissions.
  • To provide an imaginative and challenging context for the creation of new work.
  • To use children’s literature and stories as a starting point in the creative process.
  • To enable makers engage with young people and library staff to share ideas and work collaboratively in the course of the commission.
  • Through longterm display of the commissioned work, promote the idea of Library as a creative space in the community.
  • To support the local SME craft sector in County Cork by increasing ir profile and enhancing sales opportunities.

We will consider proposals from Craftspeople for work in any of the following strands

  1. A unique work made solely by the craftsperson but involving young people at some level
  2. Work made in collaboration with a selected school( school selected by Library Service)
  3. Proposals for work to be made by the selected school constructed under the supervision of a maker.

As the final work(s) are intended to be installed in Libraries, makers are encouraged to consider ways in which the public might engage with the work. Can the work be touched/ manipulated? How does the work reference its source story from children’s literature? Will the work require an explanatory leaflet or panel? Is the work safe to be handled by all ages?


Proposals from makers working in all craft materials are eligible. The work must not present a safety hazard, (for example have sharp edges).

Collaborative projects involving several makers using different materials will also be considered.

Commissioning process

Commissioning will take place in two stages. Stage One is an open call for proposals. These submissions will form the basis for short listing makers who will be then invited to develop a detailed concept in consultation with staff from a designated Library and local school group, as appropriate

(Each short listed maker will be awarded a small honorarium of € 150 towards costs of developing proposals).

Fully developed proposals will then be submitted to Stage 2 where they will be assessed by the selection panel who will make recommendations for commission.


A maximum budget of €1,500 inclusive of all costs may be awarded for each commission.

Competition Requirements Stage 1:

  • A general project proposal outlining the general scope of the project envisaged and how it relates to your current practice. This will include a written proposal, and any other supporting information relevant to the proposal (4 copies)
  • Outline budget inclusive of fees and materials ( 4 copies)
  • Your C.V.
  • Up to 10 images of your work in digital format on CD. Image files must be in JPEG format
  • List of images/ files submitted
  • Completed contact information sheet (See below)

Completed Proposals to be submitted not later than Friday July 22nd


The Arts Office

County Hall


Cork County Council

Library and Arts Services

Craft Commissions

Celebrating National Year of Craft





Telephone: ______(Day). ______(Evening)

email: ______

Craft Form (eg. Ceramics Textiles, Glass, Wood, Metal etc.)

Please list______

PPS Number:______

Check List.

Proposal (4 copies)

Budget (4 copies)


CD Images of work

Image List

Contact information form

Please complete and print this sheet and include with your proposal