November 25, 2014 / HARRISON NEWS /

Christmas Dinner & Jumper Day

Our school Christmas dinner will be on Wednesday 10th December.

On that day the children (& staff) can wear something festivee.g. a Christmas hair band, a special Christmas jumper or some tinsel!

We will have a basket to collect £1 donations for Newry Hospice for wearing your festive outfit.

Christmas Post Box

Will be arriving at the end of this week! You can post letters to Santa in our Christmas post box (just inside the front door). All letters welcome – even from brothers and sisters!

W5 Trip

We will be visiting W5, including a trip to meet Santa on Friday 12th December. The trip will cost £10 – please include this with your snack money at the start of December. On the day we will be leaving school at 8.30am and returning at around 1.15pm. Please send a healthy packed lunch with your child.

Let us know if you can help with this trip.

We will have a consent for you to sign for all the trips before Christmas.


Harrison N.S. Open Day

This year our open day will take place on Tuesday 16th December from 2-4pm – spread the word!

**School will close at 11.30am on Tuesday 16th to allow for preparation for the open day. There will be no school dinner on that day**

Please encourage friends and relatives to look at the school Facebook page for updates.

Visit to JoyceClarke Estate Agent & posting our Christmas cards

As part of our jobs theme we have been invited to visit an estate agent in Portadown. Mrs Hunter’s class will be going on Thursday 27th November & Mrs Edwards’ class will be going on Friday 28th November.

We will be stopping off at the Royal Mail sorting office at Craigavon to post our Christmas cards.

Keepan eye out for a decorative envelope coming through your letter box!

Christmas Cards

You are welcome to allow your child to bring in Christmas cards next month for his/her friends – use the information wallets in the entrance hall to distribute them. Please do not feel it is necessary to send a card to every child in the class but allow your child to suggest a few names of those they play with most often and send cards to those children only.

Visit to Santa’s Grotto

The children have been invited to visit Santa’s Grotto on Monday 1st December at Alwood Kitchens.

We will be going round in the bus & the children will have their snack at the Grotto & receive a gift.

Many thanks to the Briggs family for inviting us!

Well Teddy Clinic

Nurse Fugard from Craigavon Area Hospital Children’s Ward will be visiting Harrison on Friday 5th December to conduct a Well Teddy Clinic.

On this day the children can bring a small teddy bear into school for it to receive a check up by the nurse.

Visit to see a donkey

Edward (in Mrs Hunter’s class) has a pet donkey. Each class will be going out to Edward’s house on Thursday 4th December to see his donkey. Thank you to Edward’s Mummy for allowing us to visit!

Christmas Concert

Preparations are in full swing for the concert on Wednesday 17th December. Children should be dropped off at Harrison at 9.30 am. The concert starts at 10.00am and is taking place in Lurgan Junior High. Your child will go home with you after the performance. More details will follow closer to the time. EVERYONE WELCOME.

If you have any objections to the use of video cameras or cameras on the day of the concert please submit them in writing by 1st December.

Christmas Hampers

As part of our fundraising efforts we are organising 2 Christmas hampers to be raffled at our Christmas concert. Look out for a list of 26 items (one list for each class) in the entrance hall. If you can provide one item on the list to be added to the hamper, please write your name beside it and bring it to school on Monday 15th December. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door on the day of the concert.

We are raising funds for Harrison Hollows. We are hoping to build a structure that will act as a shelter from the elements. It is estimated that this will cost approximately £800.

Cinema visit

As our special Christmas treat we are going to Iveagh Cinema, Banbridge, to see ‘Paddington Bear’ on Monday 15th December.

December Fund & Dinner Money

December Fund - £15

W5 Trip - £10

December Dinner Money - £23.10

(for the month of December)

11 dinners @ £2.10 each

TOTAL - £48.10

Last day of term 1

The last day of term 1 will be on Friday 19th December. School will finish at 11am & there will be no school dinner on this day. We will be celebrating with a Christmas party and Santa will be calling in to see us.

November 25, 2014 / HARRISON NEWS /

Emergency closure due to severe weather

We will endeavour to remain open at all times. However, if there was very severe weather which would make transport to school dangerous for staff and pupils, we may be forced to close.

In this event you will be informed using the following methods-

  • Our text message service
  • Notice will appear on the school website:
  • Notice will appear on our school Facebook page
  • We can also inform BBC Northern Ireland

Should heavy snow begin to fall during school hours, and be persistent, we would appreciate it if parents/carers collect their children from school as soon as possible. The roads soon become very dangerous and some staff have quite a distance to travel. We will contact you via text if we feel this measure is necessary.