RREC Advisory Board Meeting
Note: Meeting was held at the Rolla City Council Chambers, Rolla MO.
July 17, 2015, 2015– 8:00 A.M.
Attending voting members: Mike Woessner, Randy Verkamp, Robert Tessaro, Shad Becker, Candace Connell, Lou Magdits, Keith Strassner, Harold Selby, and Wayne Parry.
Absent voting members: Dusty Cruise, Stevie Kearse, Ben Tipton, and Ed Clayton.
Guests: Aaron Bradshaw, Bill Jenks, John Butz, John Petersen, Lonna Sowers, Stan Frisbee, Carol Pennington, Larry Stratman, and Nick Barrack.
Call to order:
The meeting was called to order by President Wayne Parry at 8:00 A. M. Wayne introduced Harold Selby, the new St. James City Administrator to the group before asking the board members to review the June minutes which had been sent electronically prior to this meeting. A motion was made by Robert Tessaro and seconded by Mike Woessner to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried.
New Business:
o 2014 Audit Report.
Wayne introduced Kristen Deluca of Deluca Audit Services to present the audit report ending on December 31, 2014. (See 2014 Audit report). Mrs. Deluca reviewed the report with the board members. She noted RREC had a net increase in cash of $35,649 from operating activities at the year end. Mrs. Deluca found no material weaknesses in her review of the internal controls and she also noted she had no findings with the audit. Director Lorey reminded the board members that RREC is audited every other year. A motion was made by Keith Strassner and seconded by Shad Becker to accept the audit as presented. The motion carried.
o Nomination/Vote to fill the vacant seat.
Director Lorey updated the board members on the resignation of Jeff Davis from his position of the St. James City Administrator. The executive board has suggested this seat be filled by the new administrator Harold Selby until the term expires in 6 months. The nomination was sent to the board members last week recommending the seat be filled by Mr. Selby. A motion was made by Mike Woessner and seconded by Keith Strassner to accept the nomination. The motion carried.
o Nominating Committee for 2016.
Wayne noted that several board positions will be open for 2016. Discussion was presented to appoint a nominating committee for the 2016 slate of officers. Wayne Parry, Candace Connell and Mike Woessner have agreed to serve on this committee with Mike as the chairman. The committee will present their recommendations at the October Advisory Meeting to be voted on in November and installed in December at the Annual Meeting.
o Mid Year News letter:
To fulfill one of Director Lorey’s Work Plan goals, she created a news letter to be mailed to the advisory members and other community leaders. A copy of this news letter was presented to the group. One of the highlights was the announcement that RREC would be hosting the Missouri Highway Commissioners on October 7th. She also noted that Rolla’s Major Transportation Study results will be released to partners, stake holders and at a public open house in August and she encouraged everyone to attend.
Old Business:
Project Activity Report:
-Director Lorey updated the members on the progress of Project Fish. They are still working on the site planning.
Director Lorey reviewed the Activity and Project Report. (See the Handout) In summary, the project and prospect contacts are down this year and she and the Executive Board are looking at other marketing strategies to promote and grow the area.
Presentation: Missouri 2014-15 Legislative Session Wrap Up.
Speaker: Brian Grace, MEDC Legislative Consultant with Denton US, LLP, St. Louis
Adjourned at 9:15 AM
Ben Tipton, Secretary/Treasurer Prepared by Lee Flowers