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Preamble to the Constitution

For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations during the Great Wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and goodwill on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy; to participate in and contribute to the accomplishment of the aims and purposes of The American Legion; to consecrate and sanctify our association by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.

ALA Department President: Name


Colors: Colors

Theme: Click or tap here to enter text.

Project: Click or tap here to enter text.

Unit name

Unit #: #

Meetings Held: @Week# and day of Week @ Time

Where meeting is held.

Hostess Committees

August- Public Relations


September: POW/MIA


October: Membership


November: Education & Scholarship


December: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation


January: Legislation & National Security


February: Americanism


March: Community Service


April: Children & Youth


May: Poppy & Memorial Day


June: Election & Junior Activities


July: General Discussion



First Person Calls: Second Set of people

Second Set Calls:Third set of people

Third Set Calls: Fourth set of people

Fourth Set Calls: Fifth set of people

Officer / Name / Phone #
President: / Name / Phone # /
Vice President / Name / Phone # /
Secretary: / Name / Phone # /
Membership: / Name / Phone # /
Treasurer: / Name / Phone # /
Chaplain: / Name / Phone # /
Historian: / Name / Phone # /
tarian: / Name / Phone # /
SGT. At Arms: / Name / Phone # /
Board Members: / Name / Phone # /
Board Members: / Name / Phone # /
Board Members: / Name / Phone # /
Board Members: / Name / Phone # /
Past President: / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Misc / Name / Phone # /
Americanism: / Name / Phone # /
Benevolence / Name / Phone # /
Children and Youth / Name / Phone # /
Community Service / Name / Phone # /
Distinguished Guests / Name / Phone # /
Education / Name / Phone # /
Girls State / Name / Phone # /
Governing Documents / Name / Phone # /
Juniors / Name / Phone # /
Legislation / Name / Phone # /
Operations / Name / Phone # /
National Security / Name / Phone # /
Past Presidents Parley / Name / Phone # /
Patriotic Council / Name / Phone # /
Poppy / Name / Phone # /
Affairs and Rehabilitation / Name / Phone # /
Ways and Means / Name / Phone # /

Notes: Misc Info


Basic Meeting Information

Here is some general information:

  1. Three raps of the gavel mean to stand up.
  2. One rap means to sit down.
  3. Nothing should be placed above your membership pin, except a flag pin or corsages.
  4. The area in front of the President’s podium, between the American flag and the American Legion Auxiliary banner is hallowed ground. During a meeting, you should not step between, reach across this area or hand papers between the flags for any reason.
  5. When at a meeting, and you wish to speak, address the President “Madam President”, wait to be recognized and then speak.
  6. At the beginning of each meeting, the President calls the meeting to order. The Chaplain leads us in prayer; the Pledge of Allegiance is recited; then the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary is recited. The Preamble can be found on page 1 of this document and on the back of your membership card.
  7. By attending unit meetings, you have a voice and vote in how our unit operates and how you can help deliver our mission. The Executive Board, may consist of unit officers, past unit presidents and other members at large. They meet on a regular basis, possibly before the unit meeting.
  8. If you have a question during a unit meeting, raise your hand and wait to be recognized. Please refrain from speaking until others are finished talking and you are recognized by the President.
  9. When you have a question about the Auxiliary and we are not in a meeting format, please feel free to ask any questions. If you do not feel comfortable with others around you can contact the officers by phone or email to ask your question. A listing of home numbers and/or emails for our officers is included in this handout.
  10. Keep cell phones turned off or in silent mode during meetings.
  11. Proudly wear your Auxiliary pin at meetings or have it in your possession. (The unit provides an Auxiliary pin to members when they join.)
  12. Try to attend conferences and district meetings to learn more about Auxiliary programs and activities and how you can contribute.
  13. Don’t fret -- attendance at meetings is not mandatory but you could miss out on important information, volunteer opportunities and a good time.
  14. The Auxiliary Unit Handbook is available to download at under Member Resources. A hard copy of the Unit Handbook, along with other Auxiliary merchandise, is available for purchase from Emblem Sales of The American Legion at .
  15. The Auxiliary’s membership year is from January 1 to December 31. Dues are paid in advance, starting as early as July. Membership notices from National are not mailed until September; you are considered delinquent if your dues are not paid by December 31 of the year preceding the membership year.