The Book of Enoch

Original translation by R. H. Charles in 1906

(with our LORD’S Scriptural references notated by jpw)

If you do not know who Enoch was, you will find his story in Genesis 5:21 – 24.

Enoch was born while Adam and Eve were still alive: being the

Great-grandfather of Noah, he lived while all of mankind was of “one speech.”

It is a very short story (in Genesis); but Enoch was oh, so important to God.

You see . . . Enoch is the only person who was born, but never died!

Remember . . . what you are about to read predates EVERYTHING found in the New Testament and the Qur’an. Everything you are about to read predates Jesus’ time on earth and predates the Book of Revelation. This has been proved, to every person’s satisfaction, when a copy was found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls.

If any truth, found upon this earth, leads only to the Glory of God; it cannot be of Satan. (See Matthew 12:25 - 26) Let Christ’s Wisdom (in Matthew) be your deciding factor, regarding the place you allow this Scripture in your life. If you do not allow this Scripture into your life, that is fine; but please do accept (meaning “obey”) whatever Scripture you call your own.

(Perhaps your Scripture might be Allah’s Qur’an): “And mention in the Book, Idris (meaning Enoch). Verily he was a man of truth: and a Prophet. And we raised him to a high place.” ( سورة مريم , Mary, Chapter #19, Verse #56/57.)

(Blue portions are Internet links.)

Why did Allah include these words in His Qur’an? Because He is sending us a message: telling us to “listen” to Enoch, because Enoch spoke the truth. But . . . a prophet? Enoch never prophesied during his life on this earth! What does this mean? Well, you will soon be able to decide all of this for yourself.

(And yes, Christians, there is a book, in the Qur’an . . . about Mary, the mother of Jesus!)


To all Muslims . . . the Bible truly is a Word from God. Do not just say your Qur’an teaches this. Learn the Bible! Today’s Muslim clerics teach that the Bible was corrupted (about 300 years after Jesus died) and that you should now ignore the entire Bible. Gabriel taught Muhammad the opposite! Gabriel speaking:

The Qur’an 28:49 Muhammad, say to them, “Bring a Scripture, delivered by God, that gives better guidance than these two books and surely, I will follow it!”

(“These two books” meaning . . . the Bible and the Qur’an! Gabriel taught Muhammad that the Bible is not corrupt and verified this truth again just three verses later, 28:52). And Gabriel did this more than 600 years after Jesus died! Truly, Muslims today are free to listen to their clerics’ vanities and desires; Muslims are also free to listen to (and obey) the words Allah delivered to this world, through Muhammad. On Judgment day, we shall all be questioned regarding our “vanities and desires.”)

Could it be? Could it be that Allah (God) has revealed these words of Idris (Enoch), in these last days, so as to prove for all Muslims, that His Bible stands UNCORRUPTED today? The book of Revelation (found in the Bible) warns all Muslims that they will send gifts, one to another, after they have killed their last prophet. But no Muslim, today, believes this Truth of God because they have been taught (from childhood) that the Bible is corrupt. Idris (Enoch) proves that this Muslim “desire” is wrong. Very wrong! (More on this below.)

To all Muslims . . . learning the Bible will only make you a better Muslim and will teach you much regarding parts of the Qur’an, which you think you, understand, but do not. When you choose to do this, you should use a Bible that introduces each book with a commentary that teaches “who” God was speaking to (in that book) and “why” God sent that book down.

To all Christians . . . the Qur’an truly is a Word from God. Learning the Qur’an will only make you a better Christian. A Christian is telling you this! God states that one reason His Qur’an was sent down was to teach Jews and Christians what they failed to understand in His earlier, but still, “perfect” Scriptures. If you desire to research any references to God’s Qur’an here, please use the translation provided by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem (Oxford University Press). His is, by far, the best translation found by this author (this author having studied them all), regarding the difficult task of converting Arabic idioms to the common English language. (More on this below.)

To all mankind . . . there is only one God who made this entire earth (and all of mankind). No faith teaches otherwise. (If you remember nothing else from this book, please remember this primary Truth of God.) Well, the words of Enoch teach this very fact also. You see, Enoch lived before any “faith” existed: Enoch lived before any “Scripture” existed. Enoch’s words, which are addressed to those living today, make no mention of any religion, whatsoever! And you will see here, that his words disagree with no Scripture of God found anywhere upon this earth. God has always known that this world would eventually become a very small place. Satan has always known this Truth also. Mankind has not prepared itself for this Truth of today. Enoch was born so long ago, that he most likely lived in a cave. Will you allow a “caveman” to show you how small this world has become today? Will you allow this “caveman” to teach you what is wrong with mankind, today? (This “caveman” living, indeed, some 5,000 years ago.)


Why Enoch?

Ask yourself now . . . why would God use a “caveman” from 5,000 years ago to teach today’s world about God the Father, Christ, the angels (including Gabriel’s place upon this earth), Satan, and most importantly, to teach “people today” of their errors (meaning, mostly, “desires”)? Why would God use a “caveman” to teach us what the word “godless” means to God, Himself? (This is a very special section of the book and a very special message for people today.) Remember, that the Book of Enoch is addressed to those folks living in the latter days of this earth. God could have used anyone to present this message. He could have used Christ, Moses, Muhammad, the Buddha, Noah, Abraham, one of Christ’s disciples, or any angel of His choosing . . . BUT HE DIDN’T.

God used someone from so long ago, that this person never heard of religion, church, or Scripture. He used someone who had no “name” for God and practiced no rituals such as baptism, bowing in prayer at specified times of the day, or observing any Holy Days. God used someone whose life was a “clean slate,” someone who probably lived in a cave, and then showed that person of mankind’s eternal squabbling and vanity-ridden ways. Such as:

My God is better than your God,

My faith is better than your faith,

My ways are better than your ways,

My Scriptures are better than your Scriptures,

And the ultimate vanity of this world . . . I am going to Heaven and you are not.

Put yourself in God’s place and ask yourself why He would purposely choose someone from 5,000 years ago, have that person teach a special message addressed specifically to this world today, and then make sure that the message addresses every faith, found on all four corners of this earth. (Oh, Enoch’s message also addresses the Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Confucianist, and Native faiths. This author just has not referenced these faiths in the particular work you are now reading.)

This author can only guess that God used Enoch because Enoch was independent of any religion or faith, Enoch was independent of any race of people, and as such, Enoch was the perfect person to deliver this very late message to mankind. Late? Yes, meaning “nearing God’s appointed time for this world.” Meaning “approaching the Day of the Lord.”

Also meaning “one more chance that God is giving us to get our life right!” A great lesson from Daniel 12:9 (and especially Daniel 12:10). Click here for this great lesson of God.


Please find, at the end of this book, a commentary, by jpw, titled, “Debunking the debunkers!” You truly should listen to these debunkers . . . and do so as an educational tool. They are found all over the Internet. From these folks, you will learn much about personal vanities, religious hang-ups (“hang-ups” being defined by most dictionaries as “obstacles”), and then outright lies; which our religious beliefs can cause. There is a great lesson to be learned here. These folks do not want you to read the Book of Enoch, but this author, jpw, (and Enoch himself) would desire you to read “their words,” because Enoch addresses these type of people . . . quite often . . . in his book.

Never, but ever, be afraid of different opinions! There is much to be learned through the opinions of others. Always keep the Word of God in your mind, on your lips, and in your heart. Then, the “different opinions” will teach you (and this world) much! In today’s world, no person should ever be afraid to have their faith “tested.” This is a great strength found in some (who are not afraid of being tested). The Bible shows how God, Himself, by way of Christ, was tested by Satan on the mountaintop! (See Matthew 4:1 – 11)

God did not reject the test: but oh, He could have!

No . . . God won the test!


May God bless M.A.S. Abdel Haleem for his magnificent work toward all who seek the God of Abraham. You can purchase a copy of his translation of the Qur’an (for less than $1.00 sometimes!!!) at

This author’s (meaning jpw’s) knowledge of the Qur’an is pathetic. If you seek a good apple, find the tree. For all English speaking people, M.A.S. Abdel Haleem’s work IS THAT TREE! Again, a Christian is telling you this. His 2005 version is just fine!


Also, you can find the entire Bible (for free) at

Regarding any Bible Scriptures quoted here, this author used the King James Version.

And Muslims . . . here is your complete truth. The Catholic Church did, indeed, corrupt God’s Bible about 300 years after Jesus’ death. The letters of the New Testament prophesied of this corruption, but they also prophesied of God’s correcting this corruption. God did correct all of His Words, and He did so LONG before Gabriel ever spoke to Muhammad. (Reference the Synods of Carthage: the last, of which, took place just before Muhammad’s birth.)

Muslim clerics, your only problem (for the past 1,200 years) is that you attempted to track “Christian beliefs” in this world. Big mistake! You wait . . . for some mythical book called “Q” to be discovered: in this, you disregard your own Scripture. In this! You have followed the lies of Satan, the whisperer! (This, too, is prophesied in your Qur’an. Satan has whispered, and you have listened.) In His Qur’an, Allah only told you to seek HIS SCRIPTURES (or Word) in this world. You should have tracked the Truths found in “God’s known Scriptures:” but here in this world, you did not “desire” this knowledge, did you? Your Scriptures teach that you will, one day, be questioned about this.

Muslim clerics, you did well in 2007, regarding the destruction of Al Qaeda . . . albeit silently, (such as this world will never know). Now . . . will you stand, once more, with Allah? Will you speak loudly this time, regarding God’s truths of today?


A necessary word about “The Book of Enoch”

So many people teach that the Book of Enoch was written around the year 300 BC. This is wrong. Below, is a brief, but accurate, history of the Book of Enoch.

In the late 1600’s, rumors passed around Europe that the Book of Enoch existed in Ethiopia (which, since the days of Solomon and Sheba, had a strong Hebrew-faith presence). Several people attempted to obtain copies in Ethiopia, but to no avail. James Bruce was the first person that obtained copies of this Book of Enoch written in the Ethiopic language (Ge’ez). James returned to Europe in 1773 with three copies of this book. Richard Laurence was the first person to translate the book into English in 1821. R. H. Charles released a translation in 1893 and again in 1906. His last translation is credited with being the best of any translations.However, there was one big problem. Many people doubted the validity of the Book of Enoch because they did not believe the Ethiopians’ insistence of their accurately reproducing the book throughout the generations (as earlier copies always deteriorated). Most people were aware of the amazing comparisons to the Gospel and Revelation. But there was always a proof-of-age issue hanging over the entire Ethiopic Book of Enoch. Well, this all changed when two Muslim children discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Enoch was found amongst these scrolls. In truth, none of these scrolls were the original works of Moses (or any other prophet), but were “freshly minted” exact copies produced (and placed in the jars) by Jewish scribes when the copies in use, at the time, were about to fall apart. During the production of these Dead Sea Scrolls (and all Hebrew scrolls used since Moses’ day), clerical supervisors were assigned to each scribe to make sure every letter was correct, that the size of the letters was perfect, and even that there were an exact amount of letters in each line before a new line was started. The Scrolls are accurate! They are not the original writings of the various prophets, but they are accurate! What is important here, is that science has positively dated these Dead Sea Scrolls to at least 100 years before Christ was born. Some parts of Enoch have been dated to 300 years before Christ. And all copies found in the Dead Sea Scrolls demonstrate that the Ethiopians kept perfect translations during every “fresh minting” of their older copies when they started to fall apart. Between the copies that James Bruce took from Ethiopia and the older Dead Sea Scrolls versions, there are but a handful of differences and these differences only amount to ordinary language translation preferences.