Bingham Township Board

Regular Meeting

Monday, September 12, 2016, 7:00p.m.

Clinton County RESA

4179 S. BR127, St. Johns, MI 48879


Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Roll Call

Clerk Chant called roll: Present were Supervisor Ostrowski, Treasurer Smith, Clerk Chant, Trustee Harger, Trustee Hufnagel. Others Present: Pete Preston, Betty Lamb, Jean Lublow, Bob Lublow, Diane Chapko, Karen Lusk, Mike Lusk, Richard Chapko, Robert Newman, Heather Newman, Ron Patterson, Joe Thelen, Bruce Delong, Harold Rappuhn and Tom Welsh. A quorum reported.

Invocation and Pledge

Supervisor Ostrowski led in the pledge to the flag and Trustee Harger gave the invocation.


Motion by Harger supported by Hufnagel to approve the Agenda with the removal of Renewal Burnham and Flowers. Motion carries

Consent Agenda

Motion by Harger supported by Hufnagel to approve the Consent Agenda including minutes of regular meeting from August 08, 2016. Motion carries.


1.)  CCDC Review of Apportionments: September 13, 2016 all the drain assessments will be posted at the drain commissioner’s office if you would like to review them.

2.)  CCTOA September 15, 2016 @ 7pm Riley Twp. Hall:

3.)  CCDC Notice of Repairs and Spraying Brush and Trees at various locations.

4.)  MMDHD Notice of Correction: complaint at Lois Ln due to excessive garbage.

5.)  Minutes Briggs District Library Meeting were past to all board members.

Public Comment

Public Comment opens at 7:07.

1.)  County Commissioners Report: nothing to report

2.)  Deputy Bang: not present

3.)  Other comments

Public comment closes at 7:09.

Planning & Zoning

1.)  ZC-11-15 VR Variance request- Nathan Bancroft: Motion by Harger supported by Smith recommends approval to board of appeals for the variance. Motion carries.

2.)  Searles Rezone Request: County Board of Commissioners tabled it and sent it back to the Planning Commission and the Township for further comment. They meet with Searles and encouraged an outreach to the residents to see what could be done to remediate some of the major issues or stumbling blocks in the neighborhood. Will have to wait to see if this will be done.

Assessor’s Report

1.)  Tax tribunal at Kmart not much movement there going to see how having Round Lake Produce going in will help. Habitat for humanity is exempt on some of their projects. Construction that was not complete last year has already been followed up with.

Utility Operator Report

1.)  Lab results for the testing that was done last month on the filters stats that the filters have 2-3 years left. Will cost around 30,000.00 to replace the filter media. Looking into the type of equipment to see if we can do the work ourselves. Annual water main flushing and valve exercising will be done the end of September to help maintain working order. We had fire hydrant use on August 17 and 18 the City of St. Johns wanted to use a hydrant behind Sundaes and they did. But as of Aug.23rd have not heard back from them nor have we received the appropriate paper work. Jim will be reaching out to them again to complete the appropriate paperwork.

Old Business

1.)  Water Extension-Scott Rd & Townsend: nothing new to report.

2.)  AccuMed Fire Run Update: Will be sending a response to AccuMed to notify the involving party that we will reduce the fire fee by half for the fire run. Motion by Smith supported by Harger to reduce fee by half to $400.00. Motion carries.

3.)  Vacant Trustee Seat Question: We can appoint a trustee if we so choose to.

4.)  Windy Pines Property-Land Rent Request

a.)Lynn Thelen wants to plant wheat on the 10 acres again. Motion by Hufnagel supported by Smith to allow them to continue to plant on the 10 acres. Motion carries.

b.) serious meeting with a building group is interested in developing the land. Hopefully an offer will be coming soon. If they are interested they have no problem that we have rented out those 10 acres.

5.)  Committee Reports: nothing to report

New Business

1.)  CCEA Agreement: We accept the agreement and will send in the payment along with the signed agreement.

2.)  Clinton Transit Millage Renewal: They would like for us to approve a resolution in support of the Clinton Transit and there millage renewal efforts. Motion by Hufnagel and supported by Smith to not support the renewal resolution but to place a millage statement on our website for them. Motion carries.

3.)  Street Lights: Looking into seeing if we are allowed to raise or change the street lights assessment.

4.)  Election Inspector Wages: Clerk Chant is wanting to raise the wages for the election inspectors’ from $10.00 an hour to $13.00 an hour. Motion by Smith and supported by Harger to raise the inspector wages from $10.00 to $12.00 an hour starting with the November election. Motion carries.


1.)  CAASA Updates

a.)  Next Meeting: October 20, 2016 @ 7pm

b.)  Update on grant that they applied for was turned down. Audit was complete.

2.)  Treasurers Report

a.)  Fund Balances: Total amount received is $103,819.29. General fund has $349,906.57 and Restricted fund has $132,100.53. LAFCU account with $125,366.63. Tax account $113,972.73. With the total from the general and restricted funds including the LAFCU and tax account has a total of $721,346.46.

b.)  Tax Collections

c.)  Other

Motion by Ostrowski and supported by Harger to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion carries.

3.)  Clerks Report

a.)  Invoices for Approval: Accounts payable for period September 1- September 12, 2016 for check numbers 7921 thru 7940 with a total disbursement for this time period in the amount of $99,760.73. With 20 checks issued.

b.)  Financial Reports: Bank Reconciliation and Cash Receipting are balanced up to the month of August.

c.)  Other: Transfer $100,000.00 into the LAFCU account due to only being covered for $250,000.00 in the General account, does not need to be done we are covered for up to $500,000.00 total.

Motion by Ostrowski and supported by Smith to approve accounts payable in the amount of $99,760.73 for check numbers 7921 thru 7940. Motion carriers.

4.)  Supervisor’s Report

a.)  Relocation Round Lake Produce-Kmart Bldg.: will be proceeding to the middle part of the Kmart building.

b.)  CCEA Meeting: September 14, 2016 at 8 a.m. for the meeting.

c.)  Other


Motion by Hufnagel, supported by Harger to adjourn the meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10. p.m. Motion carries

Respectfully submitted,

Alysha Chant, Bingham Township Clerk

Subject to approval at the October 10, 2016 regular board meeting.