09.30 am
(registration and refreshments available from 8.45 am) / Welcome & Conference Opening
Nick Alston, Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex
10.00 am / Keynote Speaker – Baroness Newlove, Victims Commissioner, followed by an opportunity for delegate questions.
10.30 am / Policing Hidden Harms -Detective Superintendent Lucy Morris, Essex Police Public Protection Command, followed by an opportunity for delegate questions.
11.00 am / Introduction to workshops
11.20 am (refreshments served in workshop rooms) / Workshops (round 1)
Delegates can choose from one of the below workshops:
- Modern Slavery – what is it and what can I do to tackle it?
- What is the impact of hate crime on victims, and what can my organisation do?
- Institutional elder abuse – who’s policing care?
- How can restorative justice help to tackle Hidden Harms?
- Confronting the elephant in the room – pragmatic approaches to reducing harm in Domestic Abuse.
- What are the needs of young victims of sexual violence, and how can we better support them?
12.30 pm / Lunch + Exhibition Viewing
1.30 pm / Supporting victims of child sexual exploitation - Sheila Coates, Director, South Essex Rape & Incest Crisis Centre
1.50 pm / Working together in partnership to tackle hidden harms –Kevin Curley, Voluntary Sector Advisor
2.10 pm / Q&A Session
2.30 pm
(refreshments served in workshop rooms) / Workshops (round 2)
Delegates can choose one of the following options:
- What is modern slavery, and what can I do?
- What is the impact of hate crime on victims, what can your organisation do?
- Institutional elder abuse – who’s policing care?
- How can restorative justice help to tackle Hidden Harms?
- Confronting the elephant in the room – pragmatic approaches to reducing harm in Domestic Abuse
- What are the needs of young victims of sexual violence, and how can we better support them?
3.30 pm / Performance by U-Do-It Dance Group
3.45 pm / Presentation of PCC Awards – Nick Alston, Essex PCC & Nicola Beach, Chair, Safer Essex
4.15 pm / Close Summary – Final Thoughts from the Chair of Safer Essex, Nicola Beach, and the Police and Crime Commissioner, Nick Alston
4.30 pm / Conference Close