Whickham Cricket Club ‘100 Club’
We are looking to introduce a new method of bringing in some funds into the club, and so we are setting up a ‘100 Club’. Details are as below. The whole thing will run on a Standing Order basis only with email communication to all members after every draw to inform them of the numbers of members and the winner(s). Draw will be made every last Saturday in the month in the Glebe.
1st Prize - £100
2nd Prize - £503rd Prize -£25
2nd & 3rd prizes will be drawn dependant upon how many ‘Club’ members we get.
- Join the ‘Club’ – minimum number 30 members
- Eligibility to Over 18’s only
- £5 a month.Numbers allocated 1 to 100
- Separate bank account for all transactions
- Invite your family & friends
- Better odds than the National Lottery!!
- Pick up a membership form from John D, Gibbo or Razor
- Support your club
As the saying goes - “The more the merrier…..”
Thank you for your support !
Whickham Cricket Club ‘100Club’
Membership form and details
1. Standing order details
Sort code30 19 54
Account No. 00032418
‘Whickham Cricket Club’
Your reference : use your name
Please setup a Standing Order (SO) for £5 monthly to be paid on any date from 1st to 21st of the month.
2. The process
Each month we will have details of the SOs ( from the bank account ) which have been paid and every one will be entered into the draw. The prizes will depend upon the number of members. Once the draw has been made then all members will be informed by email with details of the numbers of members, the prizes and the winners. The draw will take place in the Glebe on the last Saturday of each month at approximately 9pm in the evening. Prizes will be paid in cash.
Please complete the following and return it to John Davidson/Andy Gibson.
Whickham CC ‘100 Club’
Name……………………………………………Preferred No(s)…..…..
E-mail address: ………………………………………………………………
Home telephone:………………………………………………
Mobile telephone:…………………………………………………
Signature: ……………………………………………… Date…………………