STEP Conference Awards

The STEP Conference provides a forum for STEP volunteers from around the state to gather, discuss activities, share ideas, and learn new information. The conference also creates broader public awareness of STEP and the opportunities that exist for volunteer participation with fish management and recovery efforts, and can highlight the activities of the host volunteers and community.

A banquet provides a perfect opportunity to recognize those volunteers who have taken that extra effort to promote or be involved with STEP. In order for a nomination to be considered, the nomination form must be filled out completely. Incomplete nomination forms will not be accepted.

General Information

You may submit nominations for as many individuals or groups as desired. Each nomination must be on a separate form. The Committee may request additional information from applicants. Nominations will be made by category and should include a brief description of the nominee’s contribution and affiliation.


All volunteer activities must be performed within the State of Oregon. Any individual, business, community or service group, school or educational program engaged in STEP activities may be nominated.

Nomination Form

Nominee - Please indicate if the nominee is an individual, business or group; indicate the name of the appropriate contact person within the business or group.

Award Category – Please indicate which category the nomination is being requested for:

Educators-Teachers, Public Education, Institutions

Educators, professional (teachers, administrators) and volunteers

Landowner Support - Individual or Group

Support STEP programs or projects by providing facilities, access, utilities, water supplies or other direct support; improve, construct or maintain habitat enhancement or protection features; donate land, equipment and/or labor for STEP projects.

Resource Stewards- Non-owners Involved in Areas of Concern

Cities, counties, businesses that contribute to or support STEP projects or activities on property they own or control. (Differential from landowners in that these may be public agencies or corporations that control land, as opposed to individuals.)

STEP Hatchery Facility Management -Volunteers in Support of Fish Production Activities

Volunteers or individuals paid by a STEP group to manage / caretake at STEP facility

Youth - Through Age 21

Age 20 and under; student(s) who has sponsored, managed or made a significant contribution to a STEP project or program.

Partners - Government Agencies, Watershed Councils, Non-governmental Organizations, Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Government agencies or employees; non-government organizations or members who have made significant contributions to STEP programs or projects. These would include agency employees who regularly participate in programs or groups that support Salmon and Trout enhancement.

Supporting Documentation – Because nominations will be judged on specific criteria, the statement of activities should address the following items: 1) scope of the activity, 2) achievements, 3) unusual challenges to overcome, etc.

Review Process

Judging will be based on the statement submitted. However, support material may be included along with the nomination. This material may include letters, news clippings, pamphlets, etc.

STAC members will review all nominations received by the deadline. Nominations will be included in the meeting materials and final selection will be made by STAC at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Submit your nomination to:STEP Coordinator

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

3406 Cherry Avenue NE

Salem, Oregon97303

STAC Award Nomination Form

September 2012


Nomination is for: Organization



Name of Nominee:

Award Category:

Educators / STEP Facility Management
Landowner Support / Youth
Resource Stewards / Partners

Please provide information on the accomplishments for which the person or group is being nominated. Attach additional page if necessary (maximum of 1 page).

1.If nominating an individual, is this person a member of a STEP Group? If so, please provide name of group.

2.What has the nominee accomplished for STEP?

3.Over what period of time has accomplishment occurred (if available, contribution of hours)?

4.In what way has service been outstanding and deserving of special recognition?

Nominator (person submitting nomination)
Phone: / Email:

STAC Award Nomination Form

September 2012