North Kyme Parish Council


Date: Wednesday 13th December 2017 / Venue: North Kyme Village Hall / Time: 7.30 p.m.

Present: Cllr G Panton Cllr P Sanderson Cllr A Sanderson

Cllr G Everard Cllr A YeomansCllr J DringCllr Pout

In attendance: K Handley (Clerk)

District Councillor Ogden

Parishioners: 0

81/12/17 Apologies District Councillor Matthan

82/12/17 Chairman’s Opening address:

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. The Remembrance service at St Luke’s went well as did the Christmas Light switch on.

The Chairman welcomed Cllr A Sanderson who had been co-opted at the last meeting. The clerk passed on the required Declaration of Acceptance form.

83/12/17 Minutes

The notes were accepted as a true and accurate record and proposed by Cllr A Yoemans and seconded by Cllr G Everard.

84/12/17 Declarations of Interest


85/12/17 Feedback on action points

  • Stone Cross- Cllr Yeomans informed the meeting that he has received a quote for the rebuilding of the stone cross. The clerk had also been in contact with the Insurance company regarding increasing the insurance.Action: agenda item for January
  • Recycling bins-Cllr Yeomans informed the meeting that he had rung and the bins had been emptied. The advice to place in the layby had been given by NKDC. Action:It was decided to leave the bins where there were and check to see if the bins had been used in January.
  • Triangle- Cllr Panton reported that he had meet a representative from Hill Holt Wood and they had expressed an interest in taking on the area. However, they did suggest that a way forward would be to apply for a Lottery Grant. Action: Chairman to liaise with Hill Holt Wood. Action: agenda item for January.
  • LALC- clerk to send to Cllr Everard when new training schedule arrives from LALC

86/12/17 Planning application

None received

87/12/17 Financial report

The clerk reported that the balance of the Lloyds account was £4749.69.

Cheques presented

Christmas Expenditure 000431 £24.56 Cllr Everard/Cllr Dring

000432 £24.99 Cllr Pout/Cllr A Sanderson

000433 £15.17 Cllr Yeomans/ Cllr Pout

000434 £25.00 Cllr P Sanderson/Cllr G Everard

88/12/17 CAB request for donation

The clerk informed the meeting of the request received from CAB. The Chairman proposed a donation of £50.00, seconded by Cllr Yeomans. All Councillors were in favour.

89/12/17 Clerk’s correspondence

  • Highways grass cutting 2018-2019 clerk informed the meeting of the information she had received.
  • Scrutiny review-part night street lighting policy. Clerk informed meeting of where Councillors could access the questionnaire sent by LCC.

90/12/17 Item’s from the Public Forum

  • Cllr Everard asked that the election of a Vice Chair be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.
  • Cllr A Sanderson asked about measures to reduce traffic speeding on the A153.
  • Cllr Panton asked the clerk to contact highways regarding the footpath with regard to weed growth.

91/12/17 Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be Wednesday 10th January 2018at 7.30 p.m.

92/12/17 Close of meeting

Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.

1Karen Handley Clerk