AZ AER Meeting Wednesday, 8/9/17

4:00 PM

Hi All,

Please see below for the GoToMeeting instructions for our full board meeting tomorrow at 4:00 P.M.

1. Access on the web at or call 646-749-3122.

2. Access Code: 129-633-941#

3. Audio Pin: 7#


·  Tamara Bishop-Amavilah

·  Julie Rock

·  Danielle Cummings

·  Pam Gottard

·  Cecilia Onaiyekan

·  Ken Ball

·  Ruth Parsons

Not attending:

·  Sunggye Hong

Minutes: Anything to add to the Minutes from the last meeting?

1.  Housekeeping

2.  Board Duties

3.  Fall Conference

·  Call for papers closes on August 31st. As of yesterday (8/8/17) we have 7 submissions, plus one more for the keynote’s concurrent session. We need 15 altogether.

o  Email reminders will be sent out

·  We will have Dr. Joshua Miele as the keynote on Thursday with one concurrent session on Thursday as well. Plus we will have Dr. Bakall as the keynote on Friday. Joshua Miele will arrive in Phoenix on that Wednesday at 2:21 PM, and his flight leaves on Friday night at 5 pm. Any volunteers to pick him up/take him from the airport to the conference?

o  Arriving Wednesday – maybe Becky Hole

o  Leaving Friday (conference done at 1pm) – who can drop him off?

o  Board meets on Wednesday maybe 6pm?

·  What should the theme be?

·  Dates: Nov. 2-3

·  Hotel reservations can already be made. The deadline for the conference rate is October 2nd. The conference rate is $109/night for a traditional room. Reservations can be made by calling 928-203-5923.

·  Should we keep the registration price the same as last year? $150/$250

·  Pam is looking into applying for the $250 from Thrivent again?

·  Other fundraising (cups, T-shirts) – Cody

·  Raffle (AER membership) – Pam

·  Board basket suggestions –

·  Vendors – Ruth, only 1 submission so far; Julie is helping; Cody also

·  Programs – Pam and Diane Schifflet

·  Conference bags – Becky

4.  Spring Workshop

·  Should we have it at FBC in Phoenix again? Yes

·  Suggestions for dates?

5.  Newsletter – Supposed to go out in early September, Tamara is talking to Jean

a.  Tamara will email Danielle with Jean’s email and ask them to be emailed so we can add them to the website and dropbox

6.  Secretary - Danielle

·  Updates

·  Scholarships

o  Still have a consumer available $950

o  Prof mini grants completed Jan 18 new can be accepted

o  Students grants $1005

o  Accepting the 2 students who applied over the summer

o  Danielle will send emails to students and Julie to confirm

7.  Treasurer

Additional Agenda Items:

1.  Committees

·  Nominations committee – We will need to elect a president, vice president and three board members.

·  Membership

·  Bluhm and Martinez Award Committees

·  Memorial Committee

2.  What do you think of an AZ AER Facebook page? It will be brought up at the fall conference

3.  I-M-ABLE workshop registration will be available soon. Limited enrollment. The cost will be $100 for two days, plus Diane Wormsley highly recommends that attendees purchase her I-M-ABLE book from AFB.

Meeting adjourned: 5:08pm