Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 7th December 2016 at 19:30hrs at the Bishop Wilton Hall.

The meeting was chaired by Councillor Young assisted by the Parish Clerk.

Present: Cllr Young, Grimley, Black andWilson. Cllr Rudd and three members of the public were also in attendance.


Cllr Rudd informed the parish council that the Library Service consultation has now ended. ERYC are going to create multi-service mobile library centres.

Cllr Rudd encouraged the parish council to comment on the consultation for NHS multi-service centres which will be open 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. The centres should relieve the pressure on A & E departments in the county. The closing date for this consultation is January 2017. The proposals include cutting community hospitals in Goole and Hornsea. The multi-service centres will be placed in Bridlington, Beverley and Goole.

The bus review has now finished and will go to Cabinet on Tuesday 13th December. There will be some changes to weekend services. Assistance will still be available from ERYC for those who require a Medi-bus.

Cllr Rudd reiterated that ERYC are offering concessionary parking in their car parks over the festive period. The dates of free parking are 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 24th and 25th December.

Cllr Black asked Cllr Rudd in relation to the hospital closure, why East Riding residents are not recommendedto go to York Hospital instead of the other hospitals suggested. Cllr Rudd stated that it was an individual preference but that YDH are not planning any changes to their current services.

Cllr Wilson approached Cllr Rudd about an Adult Learning and Education article published in the recent ERYC magazine. ERYC referred to these services being available across the district. Cllr Wilson expressed his strong disagreement with this. The services have been cutand now there are limited places where these courses are held. Cllr Wilson believes that Pocklington Academy could hold these courses. Cllr Rudd responded by saying that each course needs at least 10 people on it for it to be able to run and there is not the demand in Pocklington to sustain these courses. Cllr Wilson stated that he does not believe this is the case as the population of Pocklington is growing rapidly. Cllr Young asked Cllr Rudd if these courses might be re-instated in future if the demand was there. Cllr Rudd replied that there is the potential to start running them again. Cllr Wilson also stated that ERYC have suggested that these courses can be done on-line which he feels is not suitable for many who enrol on these courses. A lot of people are older and do not have the computer skills to do this. Also for many, these courses are a way of being social. Cllr Wilson went on to say that he has questioned ERYC on their decision to cut these courses and they have refused to respond. They have instead referred him to the Ombudsman. Cllr Rudd stated that these cuts are happening due to the economic viability of the courses, he went to say that the Sixth Form in Market Weighton has recently been closed for the same reason.

Meeting started at 19:45 hrs

  1. Welcome and Apologies – Cllr Bell.
  2. Declarations of Interest–None.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting -Signed and agreed as a true and correct record.
  4. Matters Arising

The clerk has liaised with Sue Baldock from ERYC in regards to the TESCO Community grant schemes to obtain a litter bin for the layby. She has been informed that these schemes are no longer open and Sue is not aware of any other grant that would assist. The clerk found an article in ERYC about the council installing litter bins across East Riding to tackle the same problem. The clerk asked the parish council if they would like her to contact the councillor who led this, to see if Bishop Wilton might be eligible for one. ACTION: Clerk to contact Councillor Symon Fraser.

The clerk received a response from the clerk at Fangfoss in terms of the no-cold-calling zones. The email was read out and Cllr Black offered to lead on this. ACTION: Clerk to forward the email to Cllr Black.

The clerk responded to the planning application 16/03024/PLF with the parish councils’ decision and comments. Cllr Young asked Cllr Rudd if this application had gone to committee yet. Cllr Rudd was not sure if it had. Cllr Young stated that he had been liaising with the previous owners of the land and they informed Cllr Young that when they owned it there was no necessity to change the use of land. Cllr Young advised that historically this land is agricultural land.

The clerk provided Cllr Young with the necessary details to contact NatWest prior to the meeting. This is on the agenda as item number 8.

The clerk informed the parish council that she is struggling to get any kind of response to the handrail repairs matter. She has now contacted ERYC directly. Cllr Young asked Cllr Rudd how we progress this as the handrail is currently unsafe. Cllr Rudd stated that he would look into this.

The clerk informed the parish council that the reason why the website is not searchable is that the domain has not been purchased yet. The website can still be used if the exact web address is typed in. The clerk informed the parish council that to set this up will now cost £26.83 for 5 years. All were in agreement that this could be set up. ACTION: Clerk to purchase domain name.

  1. Planning Applications (This was moved up the agenda to allow the members of the public to discuss this)

16/03549/PLF: Erection of 5 dwellings following demolition of existing buildings. Location: Former Military Camp, Gowthorpe Lane, Gowthorpe.

Mr and Mrs Bell and Mr Brown were in attendance to discuss the proposed application. All parties live adjacent to the site.

Mr Brown stated that he has concerns regarding flooding in the area. The development is to have soakaways which he feels will not work as the soil is clay-based. The flooding has already effected his land. He mentioned that for the proposed five properties there is only one allotted parking bay so there is a concern about where the other cars will park. There is only a single-track access to the site which Mr Bell in fact owns. Cllr Wilson stated that historically this track was built as a cycle path and therefore theaccess to the site is inadequate.

Mr Bell stated that he has had water inside of his house as well as on his land. Cllr Young asked that Mrs Bell forward the photos of the flooding as evidence to the planning department.

Mrs Bell informed the parish council that the existing sheds have already been granted residential status. She spoke to ERYC who stated that whilst it had been granted, the sheds were not allowed to be altered in any way. Cllr Young said that these sheds are WW2 buildings that have been converted and currently there are no windows. There is a roller shutter on one of the sheds and an access door at one end.

Cllr Young mentioned the Dosser Group report that had been produced stating that the site would need soakaways to combat the flooding however, further in the report it also stated that soakaways would not be effective. Mr Bell stated that the report he had from the solicitors when he purchased his house is very different to the report carried out in 2012 so it is no longer relevant.

Cllr Black stated that the parish council had previously carried out site visits in terms of flooding in the area. He stated that the flooding problem is due to an underlying poor drainage issue from the nearby farm. Although ERYC are aware of this problem nothing to date has been done about this.

Cllr Young and Cllr Wilson both visited the site this week and they reported that the location of the site is in a shallow valley so any increase in water is going to go straight into Mr Bells property.

Cllr Young proposed to reject the planning application based upon the unsuitability of the development of the land, the drainage and flooding issues and unsuitable access to the site. Cllr Black seconded this. All were in agreement. ACTION: Clerk to respond to the application with the parish councils’ decision and comments. The clerk is also to request that if ERYC do not agree with their decision that it goes to committee. ACTION: Clerk to agenda ‘Flooding at Gowthorpe’ for the next meeting.

  1. Accounts

There was no bank statement received again this month.Payments were made for the following:

ERYC – £2391.06, Chq no. 100907. Signed by Cllr Young and Cllr Grimley.

Cllr Grimley asked the parish council for an update as to when the VAT return money received for the playground was going to get spent, he stated that is was the total of £3057. Cllr Young informed Cllr Grimley that the roundabout had already been picked up and this is currently being worked on.

  1. Outline Proposal: A Review of the Impact of Full Sutton Industrial Estate (including Ridings Business Park) on the Parish of Bishop Wilton.

Cllr Wilson handed the parish council a copy of his proposal. Cllr Wilson informed the parish council that he was inspired to write this proposal after reading the Good Councillors Guide.

Cllr Wilson stated that the industrial estate is very important economically and brings employment to the village. Some of the adverse impacts of the site however is the littering from the estate, the noise, andthe traffic speed through the surrounding villages. Cllr Black agrees with the littering issue as he said that on a windy day, the paper waste blows over and rests on the hedges in the villages.

Cllr Wilson feels that it will be worthwhile to keep a record of this report and update it when necessary as he believes this could have a possible impact on future planning applications.

Cllr Rudd suggested that he contact Alan Menzes at ERYC with a copy of his proposal and ask him to carry out a review of the estate. Cllr Young asked Cllr Rudd if the parish council cancontact the industrial estate in the meantime about the paper waste to see if anything can be done about this.

Cllr Young suggested that Cllr Wilson contact Full Sutton and Skirpenbeck parish council to see if they wanted to work on this alongsidehim.ACTION: Cllr Young to give Cllr Wilson the councillor details he has. ACTION: Cllr Young to contact Mr Simpson regarding the litter waste.

  1. NatWest

It was agreed that this should be put on the agenda for the next meeting when all the councillors are present to sign the forms. Cllr Grimley asked about internet banking with the new account and Cllr Young stated that we would have it but only to view statements, no on-line payments would be permitted.

  1. Community Issues

Cllr Black informed the parish council that the Tour de Yorkshire would be coming through Bishop Wilton in March 2017. Cllr Rudd stated that the Tour stars in Bridlington on the 28th March. ACTION: Cllr Young to make enquires to see if the village would like to celebrate the event.

Cllr Young asked Cllr Grimley if the trees down South lane had been cut back yet. Currently one of the street lights is not visible due to overgrown branches. Cllr Grimley confirmed that this has not be done. ACTION: Clerk to contact Alan Hemingway regarding this matter.

Cllr Young brought to the parish councils attention some damage made to the village green by cars. The parish council request that residents are considerate when driving through the village.

Cllr Young informed the parish council that there are still some allotment spaces available on Vale Crescent.

Cllr Young addressed Cllr Wilson inregards to an issue with fencing on the Poor Lands. A farmer has fenced very close to the footpath making it difficult to use. ACTION: Cllr Wilson to speak to the resident.

Cllr Wilson attended a meeting recently for the Poor Lands where he signed several cards.

The clerk mentioned the installation of planings down Vicarage Lane, Cllr Young asked Cllr Rudd if this was being dealt with. Cllr Rudd responded by saying that ERYC will be carrying this out in due course.

Cllr Young informed the parish council that Pauline Hall has recovered several boxes of historical paperwork relating to the proposed development of Vicarage Lane in 2002. Cllr Young advised the parish council that he will store these parish council records.

  1. Correspondence

The clerk received an email relating to faulty defibrillators. There is a specific model that is known to have a faulty component that does not deliver an electric shock as required. The clerk asked the parish council ifthey knew the make of the one in the village. ACTION: Clerk to contact Paula Goodrick to confirm the make.

The clerk received an email from a member of the public asking if a Garmin GPS had been handed in anywhere in the village. None of the councillors were aware of this. ACTION: Clerk to respond to the member of the public accordingly.

  1. Date of Next Meeting – 19th December

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:00hrs.

Signed as a true and correct record,
