Checklist for interviewing and recruiting teaching assistants

This checklist recommends you start thinking about hiring new teaching assistants six weeks before you need them to start.

Week 6

Look at your structure and confirm that the vacancy still needs filling

Check job description is still accurate

Discuss dates for advert/interviews, checking other events and potential clashes

Check recruitment policy and processes, hold discussions with HR and develop a plan

Week 5

Finalise advertisement and associated documentation and confirm dates for closing and interview – publish interview date in advert

Prepare a candidate pack with information about the school

Look at appropriate media to advertise

Ensure actual terms and conditions/payable salary etc. are explicit in the advert – make sure nothing is ambiguous

Ensure advertisement has a clear statement about commitment to safeguarding children

Confirm which people are involved in the processes of shortlisting, interviews etc. – update your plan

Week 4

Place the advertisement in local papers, shops, websites etc. with contact details for questions

Be proactive in advertising – local Universities, shops, ask governors – ensure advertisement is placed in reception

Use Twitter as much as possible and other social media outlets – think about wording to attract the right candidates – what can you offer, how can get people to click and look at the details?

Week 3

Finalise the interview day and tasks/materials etc. – make sure pupils are involved in the selection process

Perhaps include a requirement of:

  • preparing two short written tasks
  • completing a practical exercise with pupils
  • meet with a pupil panel
  • go on a tour of the school
  • then a final interview for those who are successful.

Tasks should measure the ability under the job specification

Week 2

Shortlist candidates and ensure they know what to bring on the day with regard to appropriate documentation and clarify what is expected, including timings and activities. Ensure you ask if the candidates have and specific access or dietary requirements.

Week 1

Interviews – ensure they are a clear and open two-way process

Put candidates at ease and ensure they have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and check you are right for them, as much as the process is for seeing if they match you!

Ask agreed questions, noting and scoring the answers and ask at least one safeguarding question

Ask candidates about any gaps in employment and record these

Ask candidate if they have the Right to Work in UK and have supporting documentation

Hiring week

Offer preferred candidate the role subject to final vetting checks (DBS, medical, references., qualifications etc.)

Feedback to unsuccessful candidates

Prepare induction for new employee