North Stainley C of E School


Newsletter 4SummerTerm 2013

Tuesday2nd July

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We are having a very busy and exciting term, lots of visits and trips as well as trying to fit in summer production rehearsals.

I have some important information to share with you, please make sure you read this carefully, feel free to contact me with any questions.


We need to notify you of significant changes in government legislation regarding approving holidays during term times. The following is an extract from the Department for Education website;

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 currently allow headteachers to grant leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday during term time in “special circumstances” of up to ten school days leave per year.

Headteachers can also grant extended leave for more than ten school days in exceptional circumstances.

Amendments to the 2006 regulations remove references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days.

The amendments make clear that headteachers maynot grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leaveis granted.

Further guidance also concerns fines for parents that do not ensure their child’s regular attendance at school. From 1st September the fine will be £60 if paid within 21 days and £120 if paid within 28 days. Unacceptable absence levels will also mean a referral to the Education Social Worker.

In summary we understand that we are expecting not to authorise any absences for holidays and if holidays are taken parents will befined by the local authority. As soon as we have final guidance for implementation by North Yorkshire we will inform all parents.


Last Thursday we held interviews for the post of EYFS/Y1 teacher at our school. We have appointed Miss Sarah Lord, who will be joining us from September 2013. She will be coming into school on Friday 5h July and Friday 12th July in the afternoons to meet her new class and their parents. We trust you will make her feel welcome.


Our training days for next academic year- 2013/4 have changed due to the whole school staff attending a two day maths course in September. Our school will now open for the children on Wednesday 4th September. Term dates are therefore as follows:

Wednesday 4th September - Friday 25th October

Tuesday 5th November – Friday 20th December

Monday 6th January – Friday 14th February

Monday 24th February – Friday 11th April

Wednesday 23rd April –Friday 23rd May

Tuesday 3rd June – Tuesday 22nd July


Class 1 Miss Lord / Mrs Grey(TA)

Class 2 Mrs Wilson (Mrs Watts Friday)

Class 3 Miss Williamson (Mrs Watts Monday)

Mrs MacArthur and Mrs Thompson (TA) will run RWInc groups, support classes and take withdrawal groups.

In the Autumn term we will have a dance/ drama teacher working with the classes on Tuesday mornings. She will do five weeks with each class. We will also have a sports coach working with the children on a Monday afternoon. We are able to afford these coaches as a result of the Government’s sports fund being given to schools for two years.


As many of you may know the government has changed the way school dinners are funded and charged. Every school is now responsible for their own school meal pricing. This causes considerable problems for small schools such as ourselves. We are safeguarded for a year and then need to make our own arrangements that do not end up costing us money. This year whilst we are still in the NYCC county caterer’s scheme we will have to put up the cost to £2.30 per day, from September.


Last week a team of Year 6 children – Lewis O’Donnell, Samuel Maddison, Charlotte Lowe and Chloe Robinson entered the Ripon Maths Challenge. They did very well coming fourth out of thirteen teams. We are very proud of them.


Our younger children attended a KS1 orienteering challenge. They had a great time and behaved very well.


A team of eight KS2 children attended the Kwik Cricket tournament at Markington. Charlotte Lowe, Chloe Robinson, Samuel Maddison, Thomas Casey, Lewis O’Donnell, Nicholas Taylor and Joshua McKittrick comprised the team. They played wonderfully and their behaviour and sportsmanship was super. They won the tournament so the trophy returns to North Stainley for another year. Well done children.


On Thursday 4th July Year 6 will be going to London. They will be travelling down to London by train and will be watching War Horse at the theatre among other things. We are very excited about our adventure.


As the weather hopefully continues to improve can you ensure all children have a capped water bottle they can take into class and outside for PE sessions. Children cannot leave lessons to drink as it is very disruptive and drinking out of shared cups is a health risk. The water bottle must be separate from their lunchtime drink. It should be clearly labelled, contain only water and be taken home every night to be washed. Bottles can be purchased from school £1.30.


Monday 1st July – School Nurse R&Y6 visit & Y5/6 Growing Up Talk

Tuesday 2nd July – Kwik Cricket – Markington

Wednesday 3rd July – Annual Leavers’ Service at Ripon Cathedral

Thursday 4th July – Y6 London Trip

Friday 5th July – Y6 Visit to JennyRuth workshops 9.30-1.30

Friday 5th July – 1.15 New Starters

Tuesday 9th July – KS2 SATs results

Thursday 11th July – Nidderdale Transition Day

Friday 12th July – New starters, invitation to lunch.

Friday 12th July –FONSS family BBQ 5-9pm

Tuesday 16th July – Nidderdale Transition Day

Wednesday 17th July- Summer Production 2pm

Thursday 18th July – Summer Production 5.30pm

Monday 22nd July – Whole School Visit to Whitby

Tuesday 23rd July – Leavers Service 2pm in church

School Closes 2.30pm for Summer Holidays.

Again please contact me if you have any concerns or comments,

Kind regards,

Elizabeth Watts.
