BRS 2018–Exhibitor Marketing Kit

BRS Exhibitor

Marketing Guidebook

It's All About Traffic

With a little marketing effort ahead of time, you can turn your good BRS results into great BRS results! You know the first rule to a successful show is traffic. That means taking advantage of every opportunity to remind yourclients and prospects not to miss you at BRS.And like everything, the more you do, the more successful your experience will be. To help, here are some best practices and a handy timeline from trade show gurus and BRS winners.


When you talk with a contact or prospect, remind themthat you’ll be at BRS! Share your booth number and a detail or two about what they can find at your booth. If you’re showing off some new products, planning a game or giveaway, or offering a coupon they can use later, let them know, and tell them you’ll be looking for them.

Email/Newsletter/Invoice Stuffer/Post Card

Send out an announcement. Use your regular communications methods or try something new to reach your customers to remind them to come. Entice them with a few peeks at what they’ll get to see in your booth when they come. You can also remind them to visit (LINK) to register and it’s free to licensed contractors, architects and interior designers.

Social Media

Post to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media about being at BRS. It’s great content to keep your pages active, and will serve as a reminder to your followers to visit you there.

It’s easy to simply retweet/share our posts about BRS. Just follow us at @BATCTC on Twitter and “like” BATC-Housing First Minnesota Facebook pageto see them all.You should also schedule out two or three original posts a week. Make sure to include our hashtag #BRS18 for greater reach. And you can also include a link to the BRS website: (LINK)

Here are a few sample posts to get you started

  • Visit us at #BRS18 on April 12 at the Minneapolis Convention Center!
  • We can’t wait to see you at #BRS18 on April 12
  • Where will you be April 12? Visit us in booth XXX during #BRS18 to see the latest [fill in your products]! (LINK)
  • The industry will be gathering at#BRS18 inMinneapolis and we will too. Don’t miss out! (LINK)
  • We’re headed to #BRS18 on April 12! Visit us and check out [insert product here]. Register today (LINK)
  • We’re headed to#BRS18at the Minneapolis Convention Center on April 12. Come see [insert company or product names] and [insert product benefits] in booth [insert booth number] (LINK)
  • We want to see YOU at #BRS18 on April 12! See us at Booth #XXX.

TIP:Use photos and videos whenever possible.

More Ideas to Jazz up Your Pre-Show Promotion

Make Stickers with #BRS18, the date, your booth number and your URL and send with your invoices or mailings.

Blog about your booth. Include any fun ways you’re using this year’s theme Greatest Hits(Music) and tease any new products/services you’ll be showing and any special incentives or offers.

Book appointments to create a sense of urgency. Email your prospects/leads (contacts from last trade show, website leads, leads from print, submitted proposals) that you’re booking appointments on the show floor to make sure they get your undivided attention.

Callfive of your current customers and 10 of your prospective clients (before your competitors do) and invite them to BRS and mention your show promotion. Consider getting your sales team to make calls and offer an internal contest to drive the most traffic.

Use photos from last year’s BRS in your communications/posts. If you didn’t take any or this is your first show, you can find and share some fromthis link to our photo gallery so your customers know what to expect.

Send a press release to your trade media about the products or services you’ll feature at BRS and offer to be interviewed during the show. (Have any press contact show manager Nicole or a press pass.)

Email vouchers to VIPs to redeem at your booth for a special gift. (Make sure your gift is branded with your company name and contact info!)

During and after BRS

Don’t forget to make use of any down time you have during the show to arm yourself with marketing tools for the coming months, then follow up!


Make sure you and your staff have your phones handy. Assign your people to post photos and video on your social channels throughout the day. Remember to include the hashtag #BRS18.


  • Post a photo album of all the great photos and videos you took during the show on your website and/or social media
  • Look for social media posts from BATC-Housing First Minnesota and share them out with your followers
  • Send a thank you for coming to all the leads you captured (email or regular mail)
  • Assign personal follow-up contacts to your sales staff