Identifying Valid Internet Sources

Project Overview

Students across all disciplines are choosing to use the Internet as a primary researching tool. Many of the sources from the Internet which are utilized by students in research papers or as possible citations for speech presentations are found lacking credibility and validity. The poor choices made in selecting sources of quality for research may simply result from lack of identification skills on the part of the student.

How will students know which Internet sources are credible or valid? Students can develop awareness for the importance of identifying the validity of a website based upon the five criteria standards including: accountability, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and usability.

Student Learning Objectives

For this RWLO, the student will be able to:

·  Identify internet source accountability, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and usability.

·  Explain the difference between a valid and an invalid Internet source.

·  Demonstrate accurate selection of quality in valid internet sources.

·  Accurately demonstrate the format for writing Internet sources using MLA style and the correct placement/alignment of Internet sources on a Works Cited page.


Time – Approximately 3 hours:

Two (2) hours in class – 2 class sessions – Instruction/Discussion

One (1) hour outside of class – Student Assignment

Materials: A computer monitor with Internet-access; handouts of the Internet Criteria Standards Check Sheet for evaluating internet websites, a List of Suggested Topics for research, instructional guidelines for accurately Writing Internet Sources MLA, Peer Review Form, and the assessment rubric.

Prerequisites: None

Implementation: This RWLO begins in the classroom with a discussion about identifying high quality, valid Internet sources. At the end of this discussion students will search selected websites to evaluate the quality, credibility, and validity of each source based upon five criteria standards. A discussion following the Internet search will allow students the opportunity to explain the differences discovered between valid and invalid Internet sources. Students will be given handouts that describe the five criteria standards for identifying quality in credible/valid Internet sources as well as an Internet Criteria Standards Check Sheet. Students will develop correctly written Internet sources utilizing the MLA style format for three speech topics (2 sources per topic minimum). Students will conduct Peer Reviews on validity and credibility of Internet sources.

Steps: Instructor Discussion

1.Discuss the five criteria for identifying quality in valid/credible

Internet sources. (Using: Instructor Discussion: Identifying

Internet Sources)

2.  Observe areas for locating criteria to validate the Internet sources for

quality and accuracy. (Using: Instruction/Discussion: Identifying

Internet Sources – “What’s Right About This Website?”)

3.  Apply interactive hands-on searches of websites to discover points of

source credibility and validation. (Using: Internet Criteria

Standards Check Sheet)

4.  Discuss differences between the valid and invalid sources found when searching the Internet and utilizing the Internet Criteria Standards Check Sheet. (Using: Internet Criteria Standards Check Sheet)

5.  Develop a list of high quality invalid/credible websites as sources for three different speech topics.

6.  Develop accurately written Works Cited page of bibliography sources using MLA style for correctly writing Internet sources. (Using: Writing Internet Sources MLA)

Content Material

Student Directions: Student Assignment

·  Following the five criteria standards for evaluation of website credibility and validity, identify and select internet sources based upon accountability, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and usability.

STEP ONE: Students review a copy of the five criteria standards for evaluating Internet sources.

Criteria Standards Check Sheet

STEP TWO: Students utilize an Internet Criteria Standards Check Sheet to identify the quality, credibility, and validity of various Internet sites. (See link in Step One.)

STEP THREE: Students examine and determine the differences between valid and invalid Internet sources. Application demonstrated in student submission and in Peer Review Report. (Classroom discussion and see Peer Review Report – Step Six.)

STEP FOUR: Students create and develop a list of quality, credible, and valid Internet sources for three specific speech topics. (Two sources minimum for each of the three speech topics.)

1.  Student will research the Internet for two sources as support for three different speech topics.

2.  Using the Criteria Standards Check Sheet, the student will determine if the sources gathered are valid or invalid.

STEP FIVE: Students develop an accurately written and designed Works Cited page using MLA style for correctly writing Internet sources.

Writing Internet Sources MLA

STEP SIX: Students review and comment on the Works Cited page submitted by two different peers in class.

Peer Review Report

Referenced URLs:

·  Internet Search Engines:


Students will be required to:

1.  Search the Internet and access various websites online

2.  Identify Criteria Standards #1-5 for Internet websites

3.  Develop Works Cited page of correctly written Internet sources

4.  Review and respond to two peer submissions

Grading Criteria/ Score / Score
The student successfully identifies Criteria Standard #1: Accountability – identifies organization or individual responsible for website / 5
The student successfully identifies Criteria Standard #2: Accuracy – identifies sources for facts documented on website / 5
The student successfully identifies Criteria Standard #3: Objectivity – identifies organization or individual responsible for philosophies/biases posted on website / 5
The student successfully identifies Criteria Standard #4: Currency – identifies creation of website date and/or most recent update to website / 5
The student successfully identifies Criteria Standard #5: Usability – identifies correct web link to website for access / 5
The student will determine the differences between valid and invalid Internet sources – applied in student submission and peer review. / 5
The student will successfully develop accurate writing of Internet sources for a Works Cited page using MLA style format / 10
The student comments on two (2) peer submissions (5 points per posting) / 10
Total: / 50

Links to Course Competencies

This RWLO could be applied in the following courses: Introduction to Speech Communication (Speech 1311), Interpersonal Communication (Speech 1318) and others. Specifically, this RWLO meets the following course competencies:

·  Student will develop the ability to research and write a documented paper and/or to give an oral presentation.

·  Students will research topics via the Internet and write reports using a word-processing program.

·  Students will use computers in research of topics and will become aware of the advances in computer mediated communication and the role technology has taken in expanding the communication media.

·  Students will use the library, its catalogues and computers to study various speech communication environments.

Supplementary Resources

·  Eyewitness to History – Primary Sources:

·  Learn Out Loud – Primary Sources:

·  National Archives – Primary Sources:

·  Internet Search Engines:


Recommendations for Integration:

·  This RWLO can be integrated into existing course curriculums that require the students to research topics for papers and speeches using the Internet.

·  This lesson works best when access to computer labs is available.

·  This lesson can be completed in class or as an out-of-class assignment.


·  Print out a copy of two or three website homepage examples to handout as a search and find activity for practice with the Internet Criteria Standards Check Sheet and Writing Internet Sources MLA.

·  Print out copies of the following linked files:

1.  Instructor Discussion

2.  Student Assignment

3.  Criteria Standards Check Sheet

4.  Writing Internet Sources MLA

5.  Peer Review Report