VCE Dance

School-assessment Audit and Review Program – Coversheet

Stage 2 Evidence Collection


School name:
VCAA School number:
School telephone number:
Study name: / Dance
Unit: / 3
Study teacher name:
Study teacher email:
IF the VCAA wants to communicate with you about your submission when is the best time to contact you?


Dance has three scored School-assessed Coursework outcomes in Unit 3.

Outcome 1: Analyse cultural influences on, and the movement vocabulary and use of, related phrases, movement sections, formal structures and dance design to communicate the expressive intention in prescribed solo dance works.

The assessment task type/s I used to assess my students was:







Outcome 2: Choreograph, rehearse and perform a solo dance work using a personal movement vocabulary and technical, physical and performance skills to communicate their expressive intention, and analyse the processes used to choreograph, rehearse and perform the dance work.

The assessment task type/s I used to assess my students was:







Outcome 3: Learn, rehearse and perform a group dance work created by another choreographer, and analyse the processes involved in learning, rehearsing and performing the work.

The assessment task type/s I used to assess my students was:








For each task specified, please submit details of the scoring practice used, for example:

  • VCAA assessment descriptors (page references only)
  • Adapted VCAA assessment descriptors (provide details)
  • Own criteria sheet or scoring method (provide details)
  • Other (provide details)

If you have multiple classes, what method of internal moderation did your school use to ensure consistency across the cohort?








What processes do you have in place to ensure all students sign the Authentication Record for School-assessed Coursework?










Complete the following table. If there are multiple tasks for each outcome, complete a separate column for each task.

Task conditions / Outcome 1 / Outcome 2 / Outcome 3
TASK 1 / TASK 2 / TASK 1 / TASK 2 / TASK 1 / TASK 2
What time was allocated to the task?
Were students allowed notes for the task?
Were students allowed dictionaries during the task?
Did multiple classes undertake the task at the same time? If not how did the school ensure that no student was advantaged or disadvantaged.