Minutes of the Newtown Common Management Committee

9th July 2015 - 7.00pm in Newtown Village Hall

Present: Liz Ellis (LE), Colin Farrant (CF), Simon Melville (SMe), Susan Wellman (SW), Sue Morris (SMo), Craig Regan (CR).

1 Apologies: Denise Anns, Simon Betts.

2 Committee and chairman: The committee agreed to serve for the next year. Liz reported that Bob Miles had resigned from the committee as he had been unhappy about the way the consultation had been handled by the Parish Council. LE agreed to serve as chairman for the coming year.

SMo suggested that we should look for new committee members. As people interested in the common attend the winter work parties, this would be the time to try to recruit. (See attached Terms of Reference).

3 The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.

4 The notes of the Annual Inspection were approved and signed.

5 Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda:

Final Working Party of Winter 2014-15: Holly was cleared on northern edge of Sheepwash open area. This work has been finished subsequently by The Green Gym and the arisings burnt.

Dogs on Leeds notices: It was agreed that at the end of July, SMe would remove these from the eastern common and LE would remove those in the west.

A local student of conservation and management may do her dissertation on heather beetle.

6 Consultation outcome: Owing to the small majority of 52%, the parish council had decided to impose a moratorium on the felling for 5 years. SW expressed dissatisfactionwith this decision as the Common Management Committee had not been consulted before the decision was made. CR explained that in view of the discontent whatever the decision, the parish council felt it was best to delay the felling at this time.

7 HLS Fund Update.

We currently have £5,504.44 in the HLS fund.

8 Bracken Spraying: LE has asked Heathland Management Services to spray 3 hectares of bracken. SMe said this would be 3 hectares worth of spray spread over many small patches. SM will meet contractors and direct them to the relevant areas. SM will ask them when they are coming.

9 Scrub clearance winter 2015-16:SMe had produced a map showing the areas for scrub clearance (attached). It is hoped to do at least areas 1 and 2 this winter. This work will depend on the availability of the team from Sparsholt College.

LE and SMe had met Jonathan Rau from the Forestry Commission. He said that we should apply for a felling licence to cover this work. He recommended that 25% of woodland cover is left on all areas. This will not be a problem. LE and SMe agreed to complete and submit the application.

If and when the work goes ahead, SMo suggested advanced publicity especially for area 1. SM offered to distribute leaflets in the Adbury Holt area. Notices would be posted locally. It would also be put in the News from the Villages.

10 Winter events: It was felt that we should continue with the usual format ie: Sunday morning 10 am to 12.30, cakes and drinks provided. The venue and date of the first meeting needed to be decided so that it could be publicised in advance. It will take place on Sunday 15th November by Babs’ seat in the middle of the main common. Details will be decided at the October meeting.

11 Green Gym and other volunteer work:Green Gym are now coming once a month. They have several sites elsewhere which they visit. They have indicated that they would like a contribution towards their expenses such as tools, administration, and insurance. It was agreed to ask the parish council for a donation of £50 from the HLS fund. They have recently cleared holly along footpath 15 from the drive to Newtown Grange to the drive to Cox’s. This month they will pull birch from the felling area near Adbury Holt.

SW expressed concern about the regrowth of rhododendron in front of Gorsefield. SMe felt spraying would be more effective than pulling and agreed to do this.

12 Report on nightjar walk:This was organised by SMe and attended by 40 people. The birds performed well. SMe said there is certainly 1 pair present and maybe more.

13 Any other business:

1 Leaning tree in pine area compt14. SM will arrange felling.

2 Reptile expert has reported good numbers of lizards and adders on the common.

3 SMe reported that he had counted 62 heath spotted orchids in the damp gully in the centre of the main common this year. Last year there were only 22.

14 Dates of meetings for 2015 -16:Thursday 8th October 2015, Thursday 11th February 2016, Thursday 7th July 2016.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.00 pm.

Signed: ……………………………..

Date: ……………………………….