Julius Caesar Explication of Text WorksheetName:______

Act: Capital Roman Numerals Scene: Small Roman Numerals, Line Numbers: Arabic Numerals
Example: II.ii.135-160= Act Two, Scene Two, lines 135-160
Speaker and Summary of Situation:
Poetic/ Rhetorical Devices used: Line(s): / Words I need to define: Line(s):
Curious or jumbled phrasing: Line(s): Effect or possible reason:
Additional notes:

Text analysis (explication)


Julius Caesar Explication of Text WorksheetName:______

Purpose: You will study the nuances of language and practice critical thinking and writing skills

Process: You will createa 3-5 paragraph essay on the nuances of a piece of text

–Why do it? Roughly 50% of assignments in a freshmen composition class involve some form of text analysis

–Text analysis is important for developing critical thinking skills

Drama- Text AnalysisChoose a piece of text-

–Monologue or Soliloquy

–Minimum 10 lines of unbroken text

–Examine the entire block of text


Mention title of play and playwright. Identify the Act, scene, and line numbers. Example: II.ii.92-104

Identify the speaker and the situation. Example: Caesar tells Decius why he won’t go to the Senate (because Calpurnia had a bad dream).

Identify and explain any two devices. Examples:

Metaphor, simile, personification, verbal irony, pun, aside, anachronism, alliteration, internal rhyme, etc. (see poetry AND drama notes)

Identify and explain curious diction (word use)

Identify and explain curious syntax (word order)

Comment on the overall effectiveness of the passage on the part of the character or Shakespeare

Act / Scene / Lines / Summary
I / 1 / 29-52 / Marrullus re: Roman disloyalty
I / 1 / 56-65 / Flavius calling Romans out
I / 2 / 37-47 / Brutus to Cassius re: troubles
I / 2 / 66-78 / Cassius assuring Brutus of his confidence
I / 2 / 135-160 / Cassius: What's so great about Caesar?
I / 2 / 162-175 / Brutus's noble intentions
I / 2 / 198-214 / Caesar fears Cassius
I / 2 / 232-241 / Casca re: Caesar refusing crown
I / 3 / 89-99 / Cassius: I would rather die
I / 3 / 103-115 / Cassius w/ Casca re: vile JC
II / 1 / 10-34 / Brutus' no personal cause to spurn at him
II / 1 / 60-69 / Brutus between act and motion
II / 1 / 237-256 / Portia- "you stole from my bed"
II / 1 / 291-302 / Portia: "I grant that I am a woman"
II / 2 / 13-26 / Calpurnia's dream
II / 2 / 92-104 / Decius persuades Caesar
III / 1 / 58-73 / Caesar is fixed and immovable
III / 1 / 148-164 / Antony sees JC's corpse so low
III / 1 / 164-176 / Brutus reassures Antony he's safe
III / 2 / 12-35 / Brutus's funeral speech part 1
III / 2 / 37-48 / Brutus’s funeral speech part 2
III / 2 / 75-109 / Antony's speech part 1
III / 2 / 120-139 / Antony's speech part 2
III / 2 / 171-199 / Antony's speech part 3
III / 2 / 212-232 / Antony's speech part 4
IV / 3 / 92-106 / Cassius pleading w/ Brutus
IV / 3 / 263-281 / Brutus sees Caesar’s ghost
V / 1 / 71-89 / Cassius before battle
V / 3 / 78-90 / Titinius to Cassius' corpse
V / 3 / 98-110 / Brutus last of Romans
V / 5 / 68-81 / Antony & Octavius praise Brutus


Julius Caesar Explication of Text WorksheetName:______


Poor / Satisfactory / Good / Excellent
Meaning / Confused understanding of text / Basic understanding of text / Thorough understanding of text / Insightful explication of text
Development / One device identified / Two devices identified / Three or more devices / All devices thoroughly explained
Language / Simple
Below grade level vocabulary / Satisfactory
Simple sentences / Elaborate
Good use of vocabulary / Sophisticated vocabulary and sentence structure
Organization / Jumbled discussion
No paragraph division / Basic organization, but no transitions from point to point / Logical organization, good intro, topic sentences, conclusion / Effective transitions, topic sentences, and opening and closing
Mechanics / Frequent errors that make comprehension difficult / Some errors hinder comprehension - / Occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension / Infrequent minor errors

If you need help with the meaning of the text, try:
