This part covers technical conditions and requirements supplement to all the technical specifications and requirements specified in the particular technical specifications. The contractor shall strictly observe these general technical requirements in conjunction with the particular technical Specifications (Vol-2B). The contractor shall execute all work in a skilled and workman like manner in compliance with modern methods of engineering. All designs, calculations, materials, plant & equipment manufacturing and testing shall conform to the latest applicable international standards. The contractor shall conform to all applicable regulations regarding the execution of construction and installation work and shall follow all instructions imparted by the competent authority and the Engineer-in-charge from time to time.

The work shall be executed in the most expeditions manner so as to ensure successful and timely commercial operation of the plant & equipment. It is essential that the contractor has adequate experience of similar plant & equipment under his direct responsibility and supervision. He must have in his possession, adequate quantity of precision tools & erection/ installation equipment and highly qualified & experienced supervisory staff and craftsmen.

The contractor’s proposal shall be based on the use of the equipment and materials complying fully with the requirements specified herein.

The particular technical specifications shall take precedence over the general technical requirements in case of any contradiction. In all future references & clarifications clause number to the volume in which they occur shall be mentioned/ specified.


The scope of work in this Contract has been established in the Particular Technical Specifications. In addition to this, the contractor shall prepare the detailed design, construction & installation drawings as well as calculations, material Specifications, operating and maintenance instructions etc., for the plant & equipment as stipulated in the Particular Technical Specifications (Vol-2B). ‘ Plant & Equipment ‘, wherever referred to in this volume covers Generating Equipment with associated auxiliaries and accessories, Switchyard equipment / Structures, Bus Bars and the screening and earthing material etc. complete in all respects.

The Contractor shall design, test at manufacture's works before despatch, overseas transportation (where applicable), inland transportation to site, storage & preservation at site, complete installation check ups, test & commission, and hand over to owner duly guaranteed for two years after commissioning all plants & equipment complete in every respect with all necessary accessories for reliable continuous operation as detailed in Particular Technical Specifications.

The equipment offered shall be complete with all mountings, fittings, fixtures and standard accessories normally provided with such plant & equipment and / or needed for erection, completion and safe operation of the equipment as required by applicable codes though they may not have been specifically detailed in the respective Specifications (unless included in the list of exclusions). All similar standard components/ parts of similar standard equipment provided shall be interchangeable with one another.

These Specifications include the performance of all works and the provision of all labour, materials, permanent and temporary equipment, tools, accessories for transport to the site, including loading, unloading, if necessary reloading in the port of arrival, intermediate storage, protection of the plant & equipment and components from the effect of weather, cleaning, drying, storage at site and preservation related works, complete installation, painting, testing and commissioning of all plant & equipment, its components and accessories.

The contractor shall arrange or employ competent and experienced staff available for the training and assistance of the operating staff during commissioning & trial operation and if required by the Owner, for a period after completion of the trial operation which shall be agreed separately.


The equipment supplied under this contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in the particular technical Specifications, although IEC or European standards for design, testing, workmanship, material, plant & equipment have been mostly selected in these Specifications as a basis of reference, other standards and recommendations of standard international organisation will also be acceptable provided they ensure equal or higher quality than those specified and provided further that the contractor submits for approval details of standards which he proposes to use. The codes & standards referred in the particular Specifications shall govern in all the cases wherever such reference are made. In case of conflict between such codes & standards and the Specifications, same shall be referred to Engineer-in-charge, whose decision, if given in writing shall be implemented. The contractor shall supply at his own expenses two copies in English language and one in the original language, of such standard, which he proposes to apply to the Contract.

Wherever reference are made in the contract to codes and standards in accordance with which the contract shall be executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards current at the date twenty-eight (28) days prior to date of bid submission shall apply unless otherwise specified. During contract execution, any changes in such codes and standards shall be applied after approval by the Owner and shall be treated in accordance with GCC Vol. I section IV Clause 42.3 (Changes Originating from Contractor).

A complete set of the adopted standards shall be supplied by the bidders along with the bids. On placement of order the contractor shall supply again a complete set of final standards pertaining to the plant & equipment.

Standard publications issued by the following organizations of standardization are considered being approved standard for the plant & equipment.


- AGMA American Gear Manufacturer Association

- AISI American Iron and Steel Institute

- ANSI American National Standards Institute

- ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

- ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

- AWS American Welding Society

- CCITT International Telephone & Telegraph Consulting Committee

- CECT European Committee for Manufacturing of Boilers & Kindred

Steel Structure

- DIN Deutsches Institute for Normung

- IEC International Electro-technical Commission

- IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

- IIW International Institute of Welding

- IS Indian Standards

- ISO International Standards Organisation.

- JEC Standards of the Japanese Electrotechnical Committee

- JIS Japan Industrial Standards

- KS Korean Industrial Standards

- NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

- VDE Verein Deuscher Elektroingenieure

- VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure

- SIS Swedish Standards Institute

- USAS United States of America Standards Institute

"Notwithstanding reference made to various standards all plant & equipment and works as per provisions and Specifications of relevant and latest Indian Standards shall be acceptable"


- ISO System for Limits and FitsISO/R386-1963

- Part I, General Tolerances and DeviationsISO/R1829-1975

- Permissible Machining Variation inISO/2786-1973

Dimensions without Tolerance Indication

-Screw ThreadsISO/68-1973




- Methods and Definitions for MechanicalASTM/A370

Testing of Steel Products

- Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsISO/R82-1959

Notched Bar Impact Testing ofASTM-E23

- Metallic MaterialsISO/R83-1976

- Bend Test for SteelISO/R85-1959

- Liquid Penetrate InspectionASTM-E165

- Recommended Practice forASTM-E94

Radiographic Testing

- Ultrasonic Examination of HeavyASTM-A388

Steel Forgings

- Guided Bend Test for Ductility of WeldsASTM-E190

- Welders' Qualification TestAWS(American Welding Society)

Group B, DIN EN 287

- Preparation of Steel Surfaces for

painting by Sand blastingSIS 05-5900

- Designation of Degree of

rusting of Painted SurfacesDIN 53210

- Certificates of Material TestingDIN 50049

"Notwithstanding references made to various standards all plant & equipment and works as per provisions and Specifications of relevant and latest Indian Standards shall be acceptable"


ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials), AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute), DIN (German Industrial Standards) and BSI (British Standards) are approved standards for the supply of materials.

Material tests according to DIN 50 049-3.1 C shall be provided for all important parts of the equipment such as: steel plates for parts under hydraulic pressure, all major castings (runner, shut-off valve, etc.), Large forgings (turbine and generator shaft etc.), high stressed large bolts etc.

For less important parts, certificates according to DIN 50 049-2.3 are acceptable.

Material shall be new and of first-class quality, suitable for the purpose, free from defects and imperfections, and the classifications and grades in conformance with the latest issue of the respective ASTM,AISI,DIN or BS standards. Material to other standards may be used if approval of the Engineer-in-Charge has been obtained. Material Specifications, including grade or class data, shall be shown on the appropriate detail drawings submitted for review.

If using stock material not specifically prepared for the plant & equipment under this contract, the contractor shall submit evidence that the material complies with approved standards and that the material is adequate for the intended use.

The contractor shall indicate in the Technical Data Schedules, the materials and applicable standards for all major parts of the plant & equipment.

The material shall be carefully selected for the intended purpose and due consideration of the site conditions and the tropical environment. Higher grade material shall be used where ordinary material is insufficient.

"Notwithstanding reference made to various standards all plant & equipment and works as per provisions and Specifications of relevant and latest Indian Standards shall be acceptable".


The following basic standards for electrical works or any approved standard shall be applied:

- IS (Indian Standards)

-Standards issued by IEC (International Electromechanical Commission)

-Standards issued by CCITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee)

For specific standards see the Particular Technical Specifications.


All Engineering data and information required by Owner shall be provided by Contractor. The review of these data by Engineer-in-charge will cover only the general conformity of the data to the Specifications and documents, interfaces with the plant & equipment provided under these Specifications, external connections and of the dimensions which might affect plant layout. The review by Engineer-in-charge may not indicate a thorough review of all dimensions, quantities and details of the equipment, materials, any devices or items indicated or the accuracy of the information submitted. This review and/or approval by Engineer-in-charge shall not be construed by Contractor as limiting any of his responsibilities and liabilities for mistakes and deviations from the Specifications, specified under these Specifications & documents.

All engineering data submitted by contractor after final process including review and/or approval by Engineer-in-charge shall form part of these Specifications & the whole contract shall be performed in strict conformity, unless otherwise expressly requested by Engineer-in-charge in writing.


The International SI-system of units shall be used for documents, calculations, correspondence, drawings, etc., the various units & measures shall be represented by the symbols & abbreviations specified in annex-I, relevant to the bid and the subsequent contract.


An approved, uniform works identification system shall be applied for numbering drawings, Specifications, bill of material, all mechanical, electrical, Instrumentation & Control (I&C), plant & equipment to be agreed upon during detailed design. However proposal to adopt suitable method of numbering shall be submitted with the bid.


According to the relevant articles in the General Conditions of Contract, the progress of the work shall conform to the basic Programme of Work on which the contract is based.

The "Programme" shall be submitted in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract, Clause 21.2 and shall include the following information:

-Design work

-Model test

-Shop work

-Testing and inspection of work

-Transport to the site

-Storage and preservation at site

-Preparations at the site

-Interdependence with work of other Contractors

-Erection and commissioning.

-Acceptance testing

-Trial operation for thirty (30) days

-Handing over

-Removal of erection equipment and clearing of the site

The contractor shall pay particular attention to the dates established for the submission of installation and foundation drawings with loading data, anchoring details, recesses, block-outs etc., and all information necessary for the preparation of the civil design drawings.

Since the scheduled dates are dependent on the progress of other contracts, the contractor shall suitably co-ordinate his operations at the site with those of other contractors.



The technical documents specifying the general scope and giving definition of the documents which, together with those listed in the Particular Technical Specifications, shall be delivered by the contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge within the periods, and in a number and quality as specified in the General Conditions of contract.

The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to request the contractor for additional documents as may be required for proper understanding and definition of constructional, operational, co-ordination or other matters.

The contractor shall co-operate with other contractors in the exchange of drawings, dimensions, data and all other information required to ensure proper co-ordination of the work. All documents to be supplied shall be submitted in accordance with the agreed programme so that any comment and change requested by the Engineer-in-charge can be taken into account before starting of the manufacture in the workshop and/or erection or installation at the site.

If the contractor fails to submit such documents, then the later execution of changes as requested by the Engineer-in-charge and resulting additional cost and/or delays shall be the contractor's responsibility. The contractor shall not be released of his responsibility and guarantee after drawings and computations have been approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

The preparation of drawings, computations or other technical documents shall not be sublet by the contractor without the written authorisation of the Engineer-in-charge. In such a case the contractor shall be fully responsible for such drawings, computations and other technical documents as if they were done by himself.

On drawings, catalogue sheets or pamphlets of standard plant & equipment submitted to the Engineer-in-charge the applicable types, paragraphs, data etc., shall either be marked distinctively or the non-applicable parts shall be crossed out. Documents not marked in such a manner will not be accepted and approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

If required for proper understanding of the documents, additional descriptions / explanations shall be given on these documents or on separate sheets. All symbols, marks, abbreviations, etc., appearing on any document shall clearly be explained by a legend on the same document or on an attached sheet.

Each device appearing on any document (drawing, diagram, list, etc.) shall clearly be designated. The abbreviation mark used for an individual device shall be identical throughout the complete documentation so as to avoid confusion. All documents shall have a uniform title-block and agreed by the Engineer-in-charge. Beginning with the very first submittal to the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor's drawings shall bear a serial number corresponding to a drawing classification plan to be agreed upon by the contractor and the Engineer-in-charge.

Revised technical documents replacing previously submitted documents shall be marked accordingly. Also the revised part in the document itself shall be marked clearly with cloud mark. Annex No.II of this volume specifies the documents to be supplied and the required status, namely "FOR APPROVAL" (A) or "FOR INFORMATION" (I), respectively.

Any comment given by the Engineer-in-charge on a "I" type drawing shall have the same effect as if it were given on a "A" type drawing.



Bidders have to collect the drawings from power house site. Most of the drawings may not be available with site authorities; as such bidders have to develop the drawings as per actual site measurements.


The contractor shall furnish the list of all drawings, diagrams and technical data by title and drawing number, which the contractor expects to provide alongwith schedule dates for submission. The list shall be up- dated at three months interval, if necessary.

Before proceeding with the manufacture, the contractor shall send, in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge for his information, general assembly & such other drawings of the plant & equipment necessary for the Owner to design the power station and such additional assembly and detailed drawings as are necessary to demonstrate fully that all parts of the plant & equipment to be supplied, shall conform to the provisions and intent of the contract. The contractor shall also send to the Engineer-in-charge for his approval, the various drawings indicated in Annex-II of this volume for the layout of the station & auxiliaries. Three prints of each such drawings shall be submitted to the Owner for approval. One copy shall be returned by the owner to the contractor appropriately stamped according to one of the following :-

A-Drawing approved as submitted, proceed with fabrication.

B-Drawing approved subject to comments noted proceed with fabrication considering our comments correct as necessary and resubmit for approval.

C-Attached memo.

D-Correct your original drawings incorporating our comments and submit for approval.

Upon receipt of the approved prints, the contractor shall furnish to the Owner eight prints of each drawing with two reproducible originals. One set of drawings on floppy wherever drawings are on computer, shall also be furnished.

Any manufacturing work in connection with the plant & equipment, prior to the approval of drawings, shall be at contractor's risk. The contractor shall make any changes in the design which are necessary to make the plant & equipment conform to the provisions and intent of the contract without additional cost to the Owner. Approval of the contractor's drawings shall not be held to relieve the contractor of any part of contractor's obligations to meet all the Specification of contract or of the responsibility for the correctness of the contractor's drawings.