
If you would like to come along and are in need of transport please do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members and we would be delighted to help.


  • Branch Chairperson Gillian Butler Tel: 086 153 6901
  • Treasurer Susan Ronan Tel: 493 7123
  • Secretary Susan Ronan Tel: 493 7123
  • Prayer & Spirituality Carol Gray Tel: 087 4177344
  • Marketing Gillian Butler Tel: 494 6774
  • Overseas Hazel CrawfordTel: 4946918
  • Action & Outreach Hazel CrawfordTel: 4946918

 We look forward to meeting you there!

 N.B. We will have a basket at the meetings for
contributions to defray costs.


A Mothers’ Union Prayer.

Loving Lord, we thank you for your love so freely given to us all. We pray for families around the world. Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life. Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your hands do across the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Bring a friend and meet a friend.

Events Sheet: 2017.

Venue: Whitechurch Old Schools.

Time: 8.00 p.m.

Tues. January 10th – Opening Holy Communion Service.

Tues. February 14th – “GETTING TO THE HEART OF IT”, on Valentines night - CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) instruction with Fire Officer Colm Foley, plus fire safety.

Tues. March 14th – “FLAME OF HOPE” - Ruth Hughes talks about her recent visit to India.

Sun. April 2nd – M.U. Communion Service in Christ Church Cathedral for Whitechurch. 11.15 a.m. (We do tea duty after service).

Sun. April 9th – Palm Sunday - Famine Lunch after church.

Tues. May 9th – A meal nearby or pick a Saturday possibly the 6th to go on a trip to Kilkenny - to be discussed.

Tues. Sept. 9th– “THE BIG SING” - National Concert Hall @

3 p.m.

Tues. October 10th– “FOSTERING” - Arthur Milligan will tell us about his vast experience of a lifetime of fostering.

Tues. November 14th - “KNIT AND NATTER”…we will all be knitting simple hats and baby blankets for the Rotunda Hospital.

Tues. December 12th -N.B. 7.30 p.m. AGM and Hampers for the needy in our community. Mulled wine and mince pies.

The Purpose of the Mother’s Union is to be especially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life.

The Mothers’ Union is a world-wide society whose Aim is the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life.

In order to carry out this AIM, Its Objectives are:

  1. To uphold Christ’s teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote its wider understanding;
  1. To encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the Church;
  1. To maintain a world-wide fellowship of Christians, united in prayer, worship and service;
  1. To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children;
  1. To help those whose family life has met with adversity.

Membership is open to all that have been baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity and who declare their support for the Aim and Objects of the Society. This includes men and women, single, married, separated, with or without children.

Our membership fee is €35 (Please bring this along on the first night if possible). Mothers’ Union is a non-profit making organisation and this membership is a donation towards the mothers’ union organisation and administration costs.
