How much hardness willwaterBosssoften?

Up to 1197ppm hard water for waterBossand up to 1539ppm of BigBoss. That’s harder water than most families will ever experience.

Is waterBossas efficient as larger conventional water softeners?

Significantly more efficient!

Salt and water is used to regenerate (clean) the media. waterBossregenerates only when necessary. No wasted water, no wasted salt. Conventional softeners use 220 – 450 litres of water to regenerate. waterBossuses only 60 litres. waterBossalso saves salt. It uses up to 50% less than conventional softeners, and recharges in only 26 minutes (conventional softeners can take up to 2 hours.) In addition to being a highly efficient water softener, waterBossalso has a built-in sediment filter.

Why is waterBossso small?

waterBossis compact, not small. We engineered the waterBossto be compact while increasing capabilities and efficiencies. waterBossis not a collection of assembled components. waterBossis a patented protected thoroughly engineered system. (Remember how big and inefficient computers used to be before they were re-engineered?)

Will the waterBoss regenerate more often than conventional softeners?

waterBoss will regenerate about as often as a typical softener. Salt use will be up to 50% less and water use will be up to 80% less. Although compact, waterBosscontains a full 19.8 litres of high efficiency media (resin.) Due to its unique engineering and design, waterBoss takes advantage of every bit of this resin to soften water. The demand regeneration takes only 26 minutes compared to some 2 hours for a conventional regeneration.

Will waterBoss work with all the potential water problems in my area?

waterBoss was designed to in most instances, replace a sediment filter, a ferrous iron filter and a water softener in one compact and efficient package. These capabilities solve the majority of water problems. If there are additional water problems in your area, call Challenger Filtration for specific recommendations.

Will I add salt more often to waterBoss than with a conventional softener?

No. waterBoss uses up to 50% less salt than conventional water softeners, therefore needs less salt storage space for an equal number of regenerations.

Is waterBosseasy to use?

waterBoss is one of the most “user-friendly” softening systems available anywhere in the world. It was designed to eliminate the common problems that occur in traditional water softeners. It is easy to install, easy to fill, simple to operate and requires virtually no maintenance except periodic addition of salt. The controller eliminates confusing timers and controls, and makes programming a truly simple one-time operation.

Can I fix waterBoss myself?

It is doubtful that you will ever need to repair the waterBoss, however simple do-it-yourself modular replacement parts, a troubleshooting video tape and the Challenger Filtration Technical Service Division are available if the need arises. Modular replacement is shown on the video included with your waterBoss.

Is the waterBoss environmentally friendly?

Yes, in salt efficiency, water used during regeneration and electric consumption. waterBoss uses a 12 volt low voltage transformer as its power source and a solid state microprocessor as its control.


Customers save time, effort and up to 30% on water heating appliances.


Customers use up to 65% less soap and detergent.


Customers increase the useful life of water using appliances and plumbing up to 30%.


Using soft water and pure soap products, customers increase the life of their clothing, towels and linens up to 33%.



Iron: it is seen in water as rust stains in sinks, showers and fixtures. At only 0.3 ppm (parts per million), staining becomes obvious.

Sediment: it is seen in water when the particles are above the 40 micron size. Generally, tap water require some type of sediment filtration, however even highly refined water is likely to have some sediment.



Where there is water, there is a need for waterBoss. Using the fact that water to some degree is hard, most of us would benefit from water softening. Although water problems may vary from home to home depending on the water source and other factors, for most residential applications it is desirable to soften and filter the water. For example, clothes washed in soft water last up to 33% longer. A customers clothing replacement estimate multiplied by 0.3 equals how much can be saved with waterBoss.