University of SalfordDisplay Screen Equipment Code of Practice V2.2

Display Screen EquipmentCode of Practice

Effective from 10 May 2010

Version Number: 2.2

Author: Safety/Fire Safety Officer
Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Document Control Information
Status and reason for development
Status: / Revised to update previous version
Reason for development: / This document was developed to outline how compliance with legislation can be achieved.
Revision History
DateDate / Author / Summary of changes / Version No.
March 2017 / Claire Whittaker / Updated finance website links / V2.2
January 2015 / Claire Whittaker / Document updated to reflect process for submitting assessments / V2.1
May 2010 / Ann Chapman / Changes to procedure for claiming reimbursement / V2.0
May 2010 / Ann Chapman / OHSS changed to HSW / V1.2
May 2006 / Ann Chapman / Document developed / V1.1
Code of Practice Management and Responsibilities
Owner: / Associate Director of Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Author: / The owner has delegated responsibility for day to day management of the Code to the Safety/Fire Safety Officer
Others with responsibilities
(please specify): / All subjects of the Code will be responsible for engaging with and adhering to this policy.
Assessment / Cross relevant assessments / Cross if not applicable
Equality Analysis
Information Governance
Academic Governance / 

 / 

Consultation / Cross relevant consultations
Staff Trades Unions via HR
Students via USSU
Any relevant external bodies
(please specify)………………………………….. / Consultation of the original policy took place through the Health and Safety Committee.
Authorised by: / The Executive
Date authorised: / 4 May 2006
Effective from: / 4 May 2006
Review due: / Every 2 years from date authorised
Document location: /
Document dissemination and communications plan
The Safety/Fire Safety Officer will circulate to the Health and Safety Coordinators for the Colleges and Professional Services to enable promotion throughout their area of responsibility.

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University of SalfordDisplay Screen Equipment Code of Practice V2.2


All workstations which comprise of display screen equipment are required by the DSE Regulations (1992) Amended (2002) to be assessed to determine whether they meet the standards laid down by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).

The standards not only refer to the physical equipment and furniture which comprise the workstation but also to the physical environment and its user.


The term DSE refers to a display screen usually forming part of a computer and showing text, numbers or graphics. DSE may also be referred to as Visual Display Unit (VDU), Monitor or Laptop.

The Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 (Amended 2002) Identify workers to whom the regulations apply and describe these as “Employees who habitually use DSE for the purpose of an employer’s undertaking as a significant part of their normal work”. University of Salford apply these regulations to any individual using display screen equipment.

3.0Code of Practice Statements

3.1It is the line managers responsibility to inform employees that;

1)They are required to complete a workstation assessment (see Display Screen Equipment Assessment).

2)That they are entitled to an eye test (see eye tests and spectacles).

3.2All employees are expected to complete a self-assessment of their work station annually. It is essential that work station issues are resolved and not simply identified.

Step 1: The employee must complete a work station self-assessment.

Step 2: The completed assessment forms should be submitted to Health, Safety and Wellbeing. Additionally, where issues are raised that relate to furniture, computer equipment or the working environment, an electronic copy will also be submitted to the line manager, IT Services and/or Estates and Property Services, as appropriate.

Steps 3: If there are issues that cannot be resolved locally, then Health, Safety & Wellbeing should be contacted for provide advice.

The link to the display screen assessmentis included at Section 5 of this document.

3.3 Eye Tests and Spectacles

Employees who are classed as DSE users are entitled to an eye tests and should be informed of this.

The frequency of the eye test is the normal NHS interval of two years although this may differ in some individuals; Employers should be guided by the clinical judgement of the Optometrist or Doctor on the frequency of repeat testing.

The recommended procedure for eye tests is as follows:

User informs the line manager of their intention to have an eye test.

Use attends optician of their choice and informs them that they use DSE at work.

The user has an eye test, if the eye test indicates that the user requires corrective appliances and the normal prescription is unsuitable for DSE work, then the user may claim towards the cost of the prescription. The user must complete the “Eye Examination for DSE Users” form, which can be accessed at Section 5 – related documentation.

This form requires an optometrist to confirm that any corrective appliances required are specifically for DSE use or a current prescription requires a change as a result of DSE use.

Once treatment is complete the user pays for the test and prescription and obtains an itemised receipt. The receipt for the test and spectacles must confirm that the prescription is specific to the use of Display Screen Equipment.

Costs will be reimbursed up to the sum of £20 per eye test and £50 towards prescription costs and are claimed using the DSE Claim Form, which can be found at Section 5.

Please note claims must be supported by the original itemised receipt and the “Eye Examination for DSE Users” form.

Staff who qualify for a payment will receive it with their monthly salary. Petty cash reimbursement is not permitted either centrally in the Finance Department or locally at College/School/Support Unit level.

4.0Code of Practice Monitoring and Performance

The application of this code of practice will be monitored as part of the external health and safety management systems audit.

5.0Related Documentation

DSE Self-Assessment

Eye Examination for DSE Users form

DSE Claim Form

6.0Training and Support

Further information about how to complete the assessment can be found on the Blackboard site. The link to this site can be found on the DSE form.


Not applicable

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