Application Form
Application Form
Please submit completed application forms with supporting documentation via email to and
Applicant information
Name of municipality / City of Brandon, Manitoba, CanadaOfficial population / 2011 Census was 46,061
Date ofsubmission / May 14th, 2014
Preferred date of declaration / May 20th, 2014
Fair Trade Town Lead / Name
The Marquis Project
Mireille Saurette, Vice-President of the Marquis Project / Phone
204-724-7836 / email
Requirement #1: Fair Trade Town Steering Committee
GoalA local Fair Trade Town Steering Committee must be formed to ensure continued commitment to the local Fair Trade Town designation. The committee must commit to the following:
- establish and maintain a balanced membership of volunteers and representatives from affiliated organizations and municipality council or staff
- meet a minimum of twice per year to discuss annual goals and to assess progress
- submit an annual report to the CFTN by July 1 that includes a completed renewal form, targets for the upcoming year, and progress assessment for the previous year
Name of steering committee:
Brandon Fair Trade Town Steering CommitteeDetails of steering committee
Please include a list of members with contact details, roles, and any organizations they may represent
Name / Affiliation / Committee role / ContactMireille Saurette / The Marquis Project / Chair /
Lynn Nightingale / Ten Thousand Villages / Secretary /
Lindsay Hargreaves / City of Brandon / City Liaison /
204 - 720 – 6910
Naomi Leadbeater / Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation / Communications, Media representative /
Samantha Dellezay / The Marquis Project and treasurer / Educational Program Facilitator
and / 204 – 721 – 2605
Rick Piche / “Mindful Brandon” / Community member, volunteer /
Arnold Hildebrandt / Ten Thousand Villages / Community member, volunteer /
Dinah Ceplis / Community member / Volunteer /
Manuel Godoy / The Marquis Project/ Brandon University Student / Volunteer /
Barb Olmstead / Community member / Volunteer / 204-725-0915
Richard Bruce / Westman Immigrant Services / Volunteer /
Steering committee goals
Please include a list of goals for maintaining and increasing commitments to the awareness and availability of Fairtrade certified products in your community.
Goal / Details / TimelineFair Trade Fridays / Consider Fair Trade, encourage dialogue about it, when possible, buy Fair Trade products on Fridays. / October 31,2013 - ongoing
Fair Trade Coffee events / 2 small events (less than 50 people) a month or 1 large (more than 50 people) once a month / January – December 2014
Keep the momentum - Fair and Local campaign / Liaison with global market, farmers markets, community gardens and other local event during the summer months. A plan is in place for Summer 2014, our committee will host a Marquis coffee house on the last Saturday on each summer month. Forbidden Flavours have donated the Marquis blend of coffee. / Summer 2014
Fair Trade Community Celebration at Global Market / Celebrate Brandon becoming a Fair Trade Town by tying in local farmers (Fair and local campaign) and multicultural community (cultural diversity). Also invite local merchants that offer Fair Trade products. / September 2014
Fair Trade Challenge / Consider Fair Trade, encourage dialogue about it, when possible, buy Fair Trade products every day during the challenge. / October 31 – November 29th, 2014
Please submit a copy of the Fair Trade Town Municipal Contract and 1-year Plan with your application.
Requirement #2: Product Availability
GoalA municipality must demonstrate the availability of Fairtrade certified products in proportion to the size of its population. (See page 7 of the Fair Trade Town Action Guide for details on the number of locations required.) Each location must carry a minimum of 2 Fairtrade certified products (from separate product categories) to count towards designation.
Number of retail and grocery locations:
Number required / Number achieved46,061 / 5000 = 9.2 + 3 = 12.2 = 13 required / 17
Number of restaurants, cafés, and other food service locations:
Number required / Number achieved13/2 = 6.5 = 6.5 required / 6.5 (The Dock and Blue Hills Bakery have 1 product each)
To demonstrate achievement of the Product Availability requirement, the steering committee will need to submit a form that includes the following information:
- store names and locations where Fairtrade certified products are sold
- List of Fairtrade certified products sold for each location, including brand names
- contact information of selling location (phone number/email)
A product availability template is available at
Requirement #3: Public Awareness and Education
Goal- There must be record of media engagement throughout the campaign, including media lists, press releases, and record of any pickup.
- Public events must be organized to raise awareness about fair trade and the local campaign for designation.
- There must be an online resource for the community that provides information on fair trade and any developments that occur within the community.
Media engagement
Please submit electronic versions of press releases sent and a current list of media contacts for your community.
Press release / DateFair Trade Town Campaign launch / October 11th, 2013
Media coverage
Title / Publication / LinkMarquis Project seeks ‘Fair Trade Town’ Declaration / Brandon Sun / Saturday, September 28, 2013
Update on Fair Trade in Manitoba / /
There's a Business Case for Fair Trade / /
Brandon: Fair Trade City! / Shaw TV /
Interview with Jan Ek RE: Fair Trade Brandon /
CJ 106 FM
Interview with CKLQ – Earth Day /CKLQ 880
*FairTradeFridays mean shopping with an active conscience
/Westman Journal
/*SMALL WORLD - Fair trade towns, campuses catching on…
/ /The Marquis Project extended its Fair Trade Friday campaign
/What's On - Feb. 6, 2014 [Brandon Sun, The (Manitoba, Canada)]
/*Fair Trade! /
The Quill
/*Conference Highlights Brandon, Gimli
/We are making a difference
/Updated 3 times a week since October 2013
/ Fair Trade Facts once a day (May 1 – May 15)
Updated 3 times a week October 2013
Ten Thousand Villages social media
/ Cross promotion about events and Fair Trade awarenessFair Trade Fruits Benefit Farmers
/Brandon Sun
/There’s a Business Case for Fair Trade
/Brandon Sun
/*Please submit electronic scans of any hard-copy news coverage.
Community events
Date / Event name / DetailsMay 15th, 2013 / Ten Thousand Villages World
Fair Trade Day event / Local drummer taught, sampling of Fair Trade products (coffee, fruit and chocolate)
May 15th, 2013 / Camino chocolate demonstration – Two Farm Kids / FT Chocolate demonstration
July 26th, 2013 – July 28th 2013 / MCIC and The Marquis Project
Brandon Folk, Music and Art Festival / Fair Trade table including information and promotional material, magazines and petition.
July 26th, 2013 – July 28th 2013 / Ten Thousand Villages
Brandon Folk, Music and Art Festival / Fair Trade products and promotional material
Summer 2013 / Global Market / Fair Trade table including information and promotional material, magazines and petition (3 times)
October 22, 2013 / Brandon Fair Trade Town campaign launch / Mayor Shari DecterHirst, Sean McHugh attended – presentation about Brandon’s plans, Fair Trade coffee/tea and baking offered. Ten Thousand Villages had a wonderful display of Fair Trade products.
October 31 – November 29th
extended and ongoing / Fair Trade Fridays / Pledge your support at work, at home or even out with friends; choose Fair Trade products on Fridays
December 1st, 2013 / MBSR Day of Mindfulness / Served Fair Trade coffee, tea and baking (event was also as local, organic and environmentally friendly as possible)
January 17th, 2014 / Marquis Project Fundraiser / Fair Trade table (promotional material, petition and gift bag draw.
January 18th, 2014 / Coffee Event – School of Music, BU / Offered Fair Trade coffee and FT sugar, table also included Fair Trade promotional material, petition, gift bag draw.
January 29nd, 2014 / Coffee Event - BU Gender and Women's Studies - Wine and Cheese / Offered Fair Trade coffee and FT sugar, table also included Fair Trade promotional material, magazines, petition, gift bag draw.
February 28th, 2014 / Coffee Culture Fair Trade Friday draw / Table included Fair Trade promotional material, magazines, petition, gift bag draw.
March 8th, 2014 / Fair Trade Birthday Fundraiser / Food prepared with FT sugar, spices; FT wine, coffee and tea available; included Fair Trade promotional material, magazines, and poster.
March 26th, 2014 / Coffee Event King George Cultural Days / Offered Fair Trade coffee, hot chocolate and FT sugar, table also included Fair Trade promotional material, magazines, petition, and a gift bag draw.
April 25th, 2014 / City of Brandon Green Team Fair Trade Friday testing / 12 city departments offered FT coffee, tea, chocolate and sugar to try out throughout the day. Included Fair Trade promotional material, magazines.
April 27th, 2014 / City of Brandon Earth Day celebrations / Offered Fair Trade coffee, tea hot chocolate and FT sugar. Table also included Fair Trade promotional material, magazines, petition, gift bag draw, FT products available in Brandon and a tri-fold display on Fair Trade.
October 2013 – May 2014 / The Marquis Project – Education Program / The Marquis Project’s main goal is to educate southwest Manitoba on the importance of Global Citizenship. One of those specific aspects is Fair Trade. Please see attachment for the specific number of schools and number of individuals that were reached between October 2013 and May 2014.
May 7, 2014 / Mindfulness event in CFB, Shilo / Promotional Fair Trade material and sampling of Fair Trade coffee, tea, sugar and chocolate
October 2013 – ongoing / Ten Thousand Villages Fair Trade Presentations in Brandon / Visited nine different groups,
including school groups, local
Brandon community groups and church groups – 274 people spoken to about Ten Thousand Villages and Fair Trade
May 10th, 2014 / Ten Thousand Villages
World Fair Trade Day celebration / A celebration of the work of Fair Trade in the lives of artisans and small-scale farmers around the world!
Sample fabulous Fair Trade beverages and treats in the
Fair Trade Café from 1-4 pm.
Celebratory event for World Fair Trade Day – FT Café in the afternoon – sampling a variety of Fair Trade food products and beverages, giveaways of promotional material and FT coffee “fracpacs” to take home (we are
May 2014 / World Fair Trade Day / To celebrate World Fair Trade, a Fair Trade themed presentation was put together and made available to all southwest Manitoba. This was received extremely well, and used by over a dozen classrooms in the area.
May 1 – 15, 2014 / Fair Trade Fortnight
Ballots at: Coffee Culture, Wildflower Café, Lake of the Lake and Forbidden Flavours / Those that choose FT during this period can enter their names for a draw. Each restaurant also has Fair Trade promotional material, magazines, petition, FT Town pamphlets.
May 13, 2014 / Community Garden Network Meeting / Fair Trade coffee, tea and chocolate at meeting
June 1, 2014 / MBSR Day of Mindfulness / Serve Fair Trade coffee, tea and baking (event is also as local, organic and environmentally friendly as possible)
June 1, 2014 / City of Brandon Clean Sweep / Engaging Fair Trade businesses and restaurants to work together to help clean up an area in downtown Brandon.
Please submit electronic versions of any relevant images and othermarketing or information materials associated with events.
Online community resources
Name / Description / LinkWe Are Making A Difference / MCIC promotional video filmed in the City of Brandon, a great supporter of Fair Trade and is on the cusp of becoming the second Fair Trade. /
Fair Trade Towns Action Guide / Fair Trade Canada’s Action Guide to becoming a Fair Trade Town /
Brandon Fair Trade Article / Article about Brandon’s journey to becoming a Fair Trade Town /
Promotional Bookmarks for Fair Trade Fridays / Promotional material /
Fair Trade Fridays Poster / Promotional material /
Ten Thousand Villages / Products, fair trade information and artisan stories /
Brandon Environment Committee / Updates about upcoming events and information /
Requirement #4: Community Support
GoalA number of local community groups, workplaces, or schools must support fair trade and the local Fair Trade Town campaign in their operations, through education programs, or through other awareness-raising activities.
The minimum number of community partners required for designation are as follows:
- If population is less than 10,000: 7
- If population is between 10,000 and 99,999: 10
- If population is 100,000 or more: 15 + 1 per additional 25,000 citizens
Identify community groups, workplaces, schools, or universities that support fair trade in your community.
Be sure to include any local companies that produce or distribute Fairtrade certified products (such as a roaster that may not have its own storefront location):
Group/business name / Contact (Name, email, phone #) / Nature of supportThe Marquis Project / Al Friesen, , 204-728-2305 / Advocacy and Education
Assiniboine Community College / Mireille Saurette,
204-724-7836 / Cafeteria serves only Fair Trade Coffee
Interactive Media Arts students interviewed RE: Fair Trade on 2 occasions
Klinic / Janet Smith, , , 571-4182 / Only Fair Trade coffee at meetings and in staff lounge
Global Market / Erin Gobeil
204-573-8046 / Fair Trade coffee from Forbidden Flavours served; Fair Trade Global market; Thursday and Saturday coffee house
Brandon Folk, Art and Music Festival / ShandraMacNeill
/ Ten Thousand Villages and The Marquis Projet will have tables promoting Fair Trade
Brandon University / SERC
School of Music
Gender and Women’s Studies / Fair Trade Coffee events
Food Aware Brandon, Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, Community Food Assessment / Erin May
204-720-1513 / Helped out at Earth Day celebration preparing coffee, hot water and moral support.
Center for Adult Psychiatry / Rick Piche, , 204-720-2970 / Participated in Fair Trade Fridays (making FT coffee on Fridays for the month of November 2013)
Knight of Columbus / Scott Hayward, 204-727-2441 / Serves FT coffee at functions
Ten Thousand Villages / Lynn Nightingale, , 204-726-8755 / Educational – FT presentations
“Mindful Brandon” / Rick Piche, , 204-720-2970 / Educational:
Served Fair Trade coffee, tea and baking (event was also as local, organic and environmentally friendly as possible)
City of Brandon City Hall / Phyllis Miller, Executive Assistant to the Mayor
204 - 729 – 2202
/ Uses FT coffee, process of adding FT sugar to procurement
Mayor accompanied to advocate at a number of restaurants in town (November FT challenge)
*see Municipal Contract
Brandon Environment committee / Lindsay Hargreaves
204 - 720 – 6910 / Uses FT coffee
General interest in FT initiatives (granted time in meeting to bring the committee up to speed)
Offered small grant towards coffee events
Forbidden Flavours / Ryan Jacobsen / To donate Marquis blend coffee for Global market event during the summer 2014
Please submit links or electronic copies of any collaborative materials that demonstrate a group or business’s support.
Requirement#5: Political Support
GoalThe local municipal authority must pass a resolution in support of fair trade and the local campaign for Fair Trade Town designation. The resolution must include commitments to
- amend its purchasing policy to require Fairtrade certification for all coffee, tea, and sugar served by municipal food services managed by municipal administration
- identifying future goals for sourcing Fairtrade certified products (details included in the Fair Trade Town Action Guide)
- designating a council or staff member to participate in a Fair Trade Town Steering Committee to ensure the municipality’s ongoing commitment to its Fair Trade Town status (See Fair Trade Town Steering Committee requirement for details.)
- publish campaign/designation information on the municipality’s website
Purchasing policy
Please include a copy of the resolution, or state the exact wording of the municipality’s commitment
Mireille Saurette appeared before City Council on behalf of the Marquis Project to garner support for Brandon working towards becoming a “Fair Trade Town”. Ms. Saurette outlined the criteria for such designation, noting that the Fair Trade movement centred on workers in developing parts of the world being paid a fair wage for their product. She advised that a steering committee has been established to move forward the idea of Brandon becoming a Fair Trade Town and requested a City of Brandon representative be appointed to the committee.
1235 That the presentation by Mireille Saurette on behalf of the Marquis Project with respect to support for Brandon becoming a Fair Trade Town be received. CARRIED.
1236 That the presentation by the Marquis Project on Brandon working towards becoming Manitoba's next Fair Trade Town and the criteria for such be referred to Administration for the development of an implementation strategy for consideration by City Council. CARRIED.
Name and contact for municipal council or staff member to participate in the Fair Trade Town Steering Committee
Name / ContactLindsay Hargreaves /
204 - 720 – 6910
Additional questions
Please share any valuable lessons you learned in your campaign. Information provided here will help to improve the Fair Trade Town program and support for other campaigns.
- What strategies were most effective?
- What aspects were most challenging?
- What resources were most helpful?
What strategies were most effective?
- Having political support from the onset
- Fair Trade Friday campaign (prompted dialogue and interest in the community, campaign extended and continues to be an effective strategy)
- Coffee events (donations from FT business to have give-aways, reaching more community members)
- Draws (for gift bags with4 Fair Trade products) at local restaurants
- Ten Thousand Villages Cafe
- Lack of financial resources
- Volunteer support
- Restaurant/café buy-in
- education
- Dedicated, passionate Fair Trade Steering Committee
- Donations from Fair Trade businesses
- Fair Trade Canada promotional material
- Fair Trade Magazines
- Small grant from Environment Committee
Additional comments: