English II Honors--Summer Reading

Guiding Questions: What makes a story worth telling, worth reading, worth sharing?

Task: READ READ READ, as many books as you can. Remember your scholastic days? When you would receive the scholastic newsletter and circle all of the books you wanted mom/dad to buy for you so that you could get lost on your next adventure? Your taskis to rediscover that fascination with stories. What interests you now? Find a new author, series, or genre that you enjoy reading and read as many books from that author, series, genre that you can.

Where to start:

1. Select books that are new to you off of any of the lists provided below. You may choose from any of the years listed (it doesn’t just have to be 2017). Be sure the books are either an award winner or were finalists/nominees –we’ll ask that you verify this by printing evidence of the award the books won or that they were finalists/nominees.

2. Keep a list of the books you read and make a note about whether you’d recommend it (or not) and why.

3. For oneof the books you read this summer note the following either by highlighting and annotating the text, using post it notes, or keeping a page of notes:

  • Your favorite passage in the novel
  • Locate one challenging/interesting word and note the page number.
  • The setting—if it changes, note that too
  • Something symbolic
  • One quote/line that you think is important or significant (note the page number)
  • Identify an important value (a principle or quality considered worthwhile) or ethic (a principle of right or good conduct) portrayed in the novel and note pages that show this value or ethic.

There will be an assessment in August on your summer reading.

You will need access to the books you read over the summer in August. So, if you check books out from library make sure you make arrangements to recheck them out again in August.

We want you to enjoy your summer and reading which is why we’re giving you the freedom to select books that you will enjoy reading. Feel free to email with any questions:

Happy Reading,

Ms. Easterling, Mrs. Rhodus, Mrs. Steigman