FORMAT : Goldilocks and the three bears

Summary: Three bears live in a house, in the forest. They are having breakfast but the porridge is too hot so they decide to go out for a walk. Goldilocks, a naughty girl, is walking in the forest, she sees three bears’ house and wants to go in. In the house there isn’t anybody so Goldilocks pokes her nose curious everywhere. She tastes the soup in the three bears’ bowls, sit down in their chairs and lies down on their beds then she falls asleep. The three bears come back home and realize that someone has been in their house. They go into the bedroom and see Goldilocks asleep. Goldilocks wakes up and run away scared.


Actions / Language
The children are in horseshoe. The teacher is standing in front of them.
She goes back out the circle and raising her index finger begins to tell the story; she shows three and makes ears above her head with her fist / Once upon a time there were three bears: Mummy, Daddy, and Baby bear;
While the teacher says “…lived in a house in the forest…” she makes corresponding gestures. / They lived in a house, in the forest
She continues indicating with her hand three height levels: / Mummy was a medium bear, Daddy was a
big bear, baby was a little bear.
The teacher returns in the circle and beckons the children to imitate her; while raising one hand in greeting she says with a big voice: / Hello! I’m Daddy bear
All the pupils reply / Hello! I’m Daddy bear
The teacher moves both arms in big position, stamps and swifts her body to the left, and to the right. / I’m big ……and heavy
The teacher plays Daddy bear. Shewalks in a circle singing and inviting the children to follow her / Tralla lalla la….tralla lalla la Tralla lalla la..
The teacher and the pupil stop. They step
on the left and in the role of Mummy go down,
greeting with a different voice: / Hello ! I’m Mummy bear!
They do the same in the role of baby; they step on the left, lower than Mummy and greet in a little voice: / Hello! I’m Baby bear!


The three bears are at home. They are having breakfast. All the people sit on the floor in a circle, around an imaginary table. They play different parts: Daddy, Mummy and Baby bear.
The teacher, in the role and position of narrator
draws a “bowl” with her hands / One day Mummy made a very good soup “porridge” . –
She put it in three bowls
In the role of Mummy pupils and teacher pretends to stir the soup in the pot and pretends to smell it. / Sniff! Sniff!
- “ Mmm, good! Delicious!
This soup is very good! …And now…. -
Mummy pours the soup into three bowls situated in front of her / One …., two….., three…..
Then she delivers the soup to Baby - on her left, and to Daddy, on her right. At the end she gets the last bowl for herself. / A big bowl for Daddy, a small bowl for baby and medium bowl for me
Baby shows happiness and licks his lips
Hardly does he taste his soup, he feels pain and with a disappointed face says: / “Mmm good! I like porridge!
Yum yum.. yum ….”
Ouch! Ouch! It’ s hot!
I can’t eat it!
The pupils and the teacher move themselves self one place on the right and, in the role of Mummy, they taste the soup: / Yum, yum,yum
“ Really! This porridge is too hot!
We can’t eat it!”
After another move on the right the children in the role of Daddy taste the porridge and with regret say: / Yum, yum,yum
We can’t eat it!
He proudly announces: / “Let’s go for a walk, we can eat our soup later!
The teacher in the role and position of narrator, at the words “walk” and “forest” makes corresponding gestures / Daddy, mummy and baby bear went out for a walk in the forest
The children stand up, like the three bears leave their house and go out for a walk. They feel happy, walk and sing in circle position / We are three bears, walking in the forest, hip, hip hurray! We are walking all the day.


The teacher steps outside the circle; in the role of she narrator says: / Not far from the forest lived a little girl; Her names was Goldilocks
One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest:
The pupils walk in the forest in circle position, singing a song. / Tralla lalla la….. tralla lalla la…
I’m a little girl walking in the forest,
I am nice girl and I have yellow hair “
The teacher, in the role of Goldilolocks, stops the children and raises her hand like greeting
She strokes her hair
Finally, she moves her body on the left, on the right with her hands behind her back. / Hello! I’m Goldilocks !
I’ve got curly, yellow hair
I am a very- nice - girl
The pupils walk in the circle and repeat the song / Tralla lalla la….. tralla lalla la…
I’m a little girl walking in the forest,
I am nice girl and I have yellow hair “
The teacher stops the children, points to a place towards an imaginary house and, drawing a roof with her hands, she says: / Oh! Look! There is a house over there,
let me see!
All take a step ,in circle position, towards the house then they stop and knock at the door. / Tralla lalla la…….tralla lalla la…
Knock, knock…
Nobody answers, they knock again, louder and surprised they say:
Then they open an imaginary door, have a look into the kitchen and go into the house. / Knock, knock…..nobody!…..
Iiiiiii..iiiii… nobody!…I’ll get in!
The teacher, in the role of narrator, makes three and shows a bowl with her hands / Goldilocks went into the kitchen and saw three bowls on the table
The teacher in the role of Goldilocks counts the bowls, in front of her. She points at each one with her index finger.
Then she draws the size / Oh! Look! Three bowls on the table!
One… two…. Three…
a big bowl , a medium bowl and a small bowl.
Goldilocks smells the contents of one bowl and says: / Sniff…sniff…sniff porridge! Mmm
I Like it !
She tastes the soup and sends away the first bowl, disgusted / Yum…yum…it’s hot! I don’t like it!
At the second bowl she does the same / Yum ….yum… it’s cold! I don’t like it!
At the third bowl she tastes the porridge and with satisfaction, touching her tummy, says: / Yum, yum. yum…
good, delicious I like it! Yum, yum, yum.
The teacher in the role of narrator stands one step outside the circle: /

After ate all the soup, Goldilocks saw three chairs

The teacher goes back to the circle, like Goldilocks looks around and surprised points to a space near her.
She continues counting the chairs and drawing the size.
Then she says decided: / Oh Look! Three chair!
One… two… three….
a Big chair , a medium chair and a small chair, I want to seat!
The teacher and the children pretend to seat in every chair.
Like Goldilocks at the first chair they say:
At the second chair Goldiloks rises annoyed.
Only on the small chair does she feel satisfied. / It’s hard, I don’t like this;
It’s soft, I don’t like this;
It’s good, I like this…….
Suddenly the chair breaks and Goldilocks falls on the floor with a thud / ……Oh no!…. Crack!… Crack!….Boom!
She feel pain and slowly gets up as if she is hurt. / Ouch! Ouch!
The teacher in the role and the position of narrator says:
She moves her hands in sleeping position. /

Goldilocks was a very curious girl, she went in to the bedroom and saw three beds…………………

Goldilocks points at a space near her and says:
She counts the beds and draws with her hands the size / Oh look! Three beds!
One… two…. Three….
a big bed a medium bed, and a small bed
The pupils, like Goldilocks, yawn and stretch / Hhhhhhh! I’m tired….I want to sleep
They lie down on an imaginary bed on the floor
Goldilocks sighs with impatiens and says: / Puff!!!!
It’s hard, I don’t like it
Goldilocks is very disappointed when she lies down on the second bed, she tosses and turns trying to sleep in different positions, then a little louder and angrily she says: / It’s soft, I don’t like it
Goldilocks lies down on the third bed and she is radiantly happy.
She falls asleep and starts snoring immediately. / Good I like this bed!
Hhhhhh! Snore…snore…..
The teacher as narrator says: / Goldilocks fell asleep but the three bears were coming home.
The children walk in circle with a characteristic bear gait, stomping a little bit more and they sing. / “ We are three bears walking in the forest, we are coming home , we are coming home.
The teacher in the role of narrator / Daddy, mummy, and baby bear walked into the Kitchen
The three bears enter the house and get the shock of their life.
Daddy bear looks at his bowl and angrily says: / What’s happened!
Who’s been eating in my bowl!
The children, in the role of mummy do the same; they take a step back and say with a mummy’s voice. / Who’s been eating in my bowl!
The children take a step forward and in the role of baby sniff . / Boo!..Boo!
Sniff, sniff ……
Who’s been eating all my porridge!
The teacher as narrator:
The teacher and the children are in horseshoe position, in the role of Daddy they say: /

Mummy, Daddy and baby bear saw three chairs

Who’s been seating on my chair!
They move one step back, stop and in the role of Mummy say: / Who’s been seating on my chair!
The pupils step forward one after the other, and in the role of Baby Bear, crying, say, : / Boo!…Boo!…
Who’s been seating on my chair, it’s broken!
Daddy Bear with a gesture shows he wants of to be followed / Let’s go in the bedroom!
After few steps, in circle position, the children stop and pretend to open an imaginary door. / Hiiiii …. Hiii…….
Daddy says sternly: / Who’s been sleeping in my bed?
After one step on the left, Mummy repeats: / Who’s been sleeping in my bed?
The children do the same in the role of Baby and annoyed say:
They indicate one place / Who’s sleeping in my bed?
Look! She is still here!
The teacher in the role and position of narrator / Suddenly Goldilocks woke up on the bed, opened her eyes and saw the “three Bears”.
In circle position the pupil and the teacher, like Goldilocks, shout frightened
Then they started to run, run, run, in circle position, toward an imaginary house. / Oh! Aaagh!….. Three bears! Help! Help! ……
The teacher stops the children and as narrator: / Goldilocks was very afraid so she started to run, run, run toward home.