Nonprofit FAQ Template

Below are some frequently asked questions thatnonprofitsmay ask about your Giving Day.The bullets are suggestions of points to include in your answers.These questions and answers should be posted on your Giving Day site early in the planning process.

  1. What is the Giving Day and when will it take place?
  • Single day of charitable giving to support diverse nonprofits.
  • Specify date and time of Giving Day.
  • ShareGiving Day website.
  1. Who is eligible to participate in the Giving Day?
  • Explain whether groups need to be registered 501(c)(3)s.
  • Explain whether the group needs to have a profile on your site to participate.
  1. What are the benefits of participating in the Giving Day?
  • Organizations have an opportunity to increase their donor bases.
  • Nonprofits can use online and social media tools to enhance their public outreach.
  • Nonprofits have the possibility of receiving matching funds.
  1. How do nonprofits get involved in the Giving Day?
  • Briefly explain how nonprofits sign up for the Giving Day.
  1. What is the deadline to sign up for the Giving Day?
  • List the date by which nonprofits need to be registered.
  1. Does it cost money for a nonprofit to participate in the Giving Day? How much of each donation will nonprofits receive?
  2. Clarify what credit card and other processing fees are involved in the Giving Day.
  3. Explain how these fees are paid (Are they deducted from donations? Does the community foundation pay the fees?).
  4. Briefly note that the fees pay for Razoo’s platform, which makes this day possible.
  1. Do all donations have to go through the Giving Day’s website, or can donors also contribute by check or cash?
  • Explain acceptable methods of payment on Giving Day.
  • Clarify that donations must go through the Giving Day website to be counted in the day’s totals and qualify for matching funds.
  • Briefly explain that while recurring donations are encouraged, only donations received on the Giving Day count towards the total.
  1. Is there a limit to the amount that a nonprofit can receive on the Giving Day?
  • Limits here refer to overall limits, not those related to specific prizes.
  • Very few, if any, Giving Days limit the amount that a nonprofit can receive on the Giving Day.
  1. How and when will nonprofits receive their Giving Day donations?
  2. Briefly explain the donation process.
  3. Commit to date by which donated funds will be transferred.
  1. Do nonprofits need to issue thank you letters and tax receipts to theirGiving Day donors?
  • Delineate the follow-up role of the nonprofits versus that of Razoo and the community foundation.
  • Encourage prompt and thoughtful thank you’s to each donor.
  1. How does an organization know who has donated and how much they gave?
  • Clearly explain how the tracking process works.
  • Provide instructions on how the nonprofits will get access to tracking information.
  1. How do nonprofits get their donors excited and engaged leading up to the Giving Day?
  • Point organizations to your nonprofittoolkit and to any upcoming training.
  • Encourage groups to get in touch with your staff for advice or help.
  1. Who do I contact with questions about the Giving Day?
  • Designate one person as the go-to for nonprofit questions and coordination surrounding the Giving Day.