Room 111 News

January 30, 2015

Important Dates:

·  Next week’s Shine student is Nicholas J

·  Tuesday 2/3: The 100th Day of School! J--bring your collection!

·  Thursday 2/5: Spelling Test List 9

·  Thursday 2/5 and Friday 2/6: Parent-Teacher Conferences—call the office to sign up!

·  Friday 2/6: No school for students

·  Monday 2/9: Valentine Box Decorating Day—bring your wrapped shoe box!

·  Friday 2/13: Valentine’s Day Party—bring your Valentines!

·  Friday 2/13: Scholastic Book orders due by midnight

·  Monday 2/16: No School

·  Wednesday 2/25: Jump Rope for Heart (collection envelopes due also)

·  Saturday 3/14: A Night In Green Fundraiser—send in your registration card ASAP!

Important Information:

·  There WILL BE a spelling test next week! Spelling list 9 is with the newsletter today.

·  IMPORTANT: PLEASE ADD JAY ZANG TO THE VALENTINE LIST!!! When I did the “cut and paste” to put the list on last week’s letter I did not scroll down far enough to catch his name!!!! I have put a list on the back again this week!!!!!

·  We had a fabulous celebration for Lauren and Hayden’s fathers. The children recited a Three Little Pigs poem and sang “America the Beautiful.” Msgr. Funk joined us for a short prayer service and blessings.

·  Thank you so much to everyone who came to the Open House and Art Show on Wednesday night. It was great to see so many of you!

·  Due to the snow day we had this past Monday; the 100th day of school is now Tuesday 2/3. You may send in collections Monday or Tuesday.

·  Please remember to send in your child’s re-enrollment form and $100 ASAP

·  Check out the Jump Rope for Heart information that is included in today’s envelope

·  Night in Green Fundraiser

o  Don’t forget to send in a donation (item or money) for our class basket for the Night in Green Auction: Take me out to the Ballpark!

o  Make sure to send in your registration card soon! This is a really fun night! J

·  This week:

o  We learned about the Good News and how to share it with others

o  We reviewed 10’s and 1’s concepts and took the Chapter 6 math test

o  We read more awesome Kevin Henkes books and practiced using evidence from books to back up our answers (Scholastic has TONS of Kevin Henkes books!)

o  We learned about symbols of America and what they represent

Ryan Bassetti
Logan Belanger
Tommy Brammer
Kristin Brinkman
Luke Brown
Cora Caltrider
Carter Clegg
Nyla Crumwell
Lauren Day
Jackson Eagle
Matthew Galich
Eva Greer
Ben Hinckley
Hayden Jones
Anthony Krysmalski
Aidan Leist
Mary Kate LeMay
Jamie Mahoney
Max McFadden
Nicholas Morales
Katie Needham
Sophia Pacifico
Martina Rees
Ashley Roberts
Adam Rodenkirchen
Dante' Samba-Richardson
Isabel Sheridan
Nick Smith
Ian Sokari
Luke Steele
Ben Stephenson
Jacob Vonderwell
Jillian Westmeyer
Dominic Woods
Jay Zang