1)At the temple: Going round the temple with devotion in mind is known as “Pradakshinm.” We should always make three pradakshninams and never do single pradakshinam in any temple. First we should have darshan of all Upadevas in the temple in outer prakaram, before we enter inside the temple to propitiate the Deity in the GarbaGriham. We should not engage in gossip in the temple premises and never praise of another temple when we are in a particular temple. We should not keep the Tulasiprasadam of Lord Vishnu on our head, but can keep it on our ears. It is not advisable to go round the temple when there is Abhishekam being performed to the deity or when the sanctum sanctorum of the temple is closed or when there is a procession of the deity going on. During the temple festival days(that is from the day of flag hoisting at the temple, till the day of lowering the flag) we should not have any marriage or any holy functions in the vicinity of the temple. We need not wash our hands when we take ThulasiThhertham of Lord Vishnu.

2)While worshipping:We should never worship, do any pooja or archana with a wet dress. We should not remove the dirt from the wick of the burning lamp by our fingers, as this will bring poverty in our life. We should have Betel Leaves and nuts for pooja or worship only in even numbers and not odd numbers. Also the packets of supari should not be kept with betel leaves fro nivedyam. We should never convert the Banana fruit as a ‘camphor stand or stand for incense sticks or use it for Harathy. This is an unholy act. We should not perform Archanai to Lord Vishnu or Rama with Akshathai.. For Abhishekam water should be kept in Brass/copper/silver vessels only and not stainless steel.

3)During the Pooja: Do not perform any pooja without a bell sound. Iron or SS lamps should not be used for invoking Gods. Never keep the conch(Sanku) at pooja without keeping a Tulasi leaf on it. Never chant any Mantra Japam by covering the head. Do not perform GayatriJapam without covering both hands by a cloth. Do not keep any pooja articles such as Bell, Betal Leaves, fruits, flowers, plantain leaves or Dharbaietclon plain floor. They should be kept only on the plates. Do not use copper or earthern vessel for keeping sandal paste. Do not use a “Screwpine(a thorny yellow flower) for Siva Pooja, as this is forbidden by Lord Siva as it has uttered a lie. Also do not use Thumba Flower for performing archanai to Goddess Mahalakshmi. Do not add Tulasi Stem in the sacred fire. Do not add cool water into hot water, but hot water to cold water for bathing. Do not talk or sing during bath. This is an insult to God Varuna, in turn he will reduce your charm.

4)Bathing: Do not apply sandal paste on your forehead without taking bath. Do not take oil bath on fasting days. Do not take bath after send off any friends or relatives and also after doing pooja or homam. Do not take bath during the night without any reason. Do not take oil bath during the period of dawn except on Deepavali Day.

5)Dressing: Men should not worship God wearing shirt. One should not see sun’s reflection in water. We should not wear any dress which is damaged by fire. Pooja, japam or sthothraparayanam should not be performed in a wet dress. Drying of clothes should be done in east west direction.

6)Food Habits: Never serve food with bare hand. During night time, goose berry, ginger or curd rice should not be consumed. Never consume milk during day time. Milk kept in the copper vessel should not be consumed. Coconut water kept in bronze vessel should not be consumed. Drink water with left hand only while touching the leaf or plate with right hand, while taking food. All males who have performed upanayanam should make “Pariseshanam” before starting their food. Also chant Govinda or Hare Rama Hare Rama RamaRama Hare Hare etc. When we eat food in a group do not touch others. Dot not have one wooden plank or one mat or carpet for a group of people. In such case one can use one’s own towel as asanam. Do not consume food during the dusk or midnight. Never take food without tying the hair or with a wet dress. Never take food without tying the hair or with a wet dress. Never take food in the darkness. Keep atleast one lamp. Never take rice with sesame or any sweets made out sesame during night. It should be eaten only during day time. Silk or woolen dress should not be worn at the time of eating. If you use so, then it will not be fit for using these dresses during pooja or worship periods. Never have coffee or milk or water by wearing Pavithram. Do not consume sanyasi’s food. Married people should not use lotus leaf for food.

7)At the bedtime: Never tap the elders for waking them up. Do not share your bed with sick persons or patients. Do not sleep on the floor leaning your head on your right hand and leaning towards right side, but should lie n the left side with the left hand leaning on the floor. If you have any good dream, do not continue your sleep after the dream.Then only the dream will come true. If you have any bad dream, then pray to God and go back to sleep compulsorily.

8)For Gents. Males should never put out any burning lamp before the deity. Boiled water should not be used for Sandhyavandanam, Pariseshanam or Aachamanam. An Oil bath should not be taken after the hair cut or after visiting the cremation ground. Husband should not have sea-bath or climb any Hill on a pilgrimage while his wife is in the family way. Males should not apply sandal paste on their neck(ladies can do the same). Whle performing pooja, japam, homam, tharpanam, shradham or namaskarams, the marred man should wear Uthareeyam. Bachelors should not wear KashayaVastram. Achamanam should not be done facing West or South and it should be done only without wearing pavithram.Aaupasanam or Homam should not be performed without wife at home. All japams/Homam etc should be done only after Sandhyavandanam.

9)For Ladies. Ladies should not send off the Sumangali Women without offering Kumkumam or Turmerci. Ladies should not break while Pumpkin(Elavan) known as Kushmandam. Mother should not wear her daughter’s saree. Ladies should not tie the fasting thread(NambuCharadu) during the month of Panguni. SumangaliPrarthana cannot be held twice in an year. There is no impurity to be observed for unmarried girls for birth and death at their home.

10)During Specified Time: Never lend money on Tuesdays and Fridays and also during night time. Never start any good functions or travel during the period of ‘YamaGandam”. Obsequies for the departed soul should not be done during the Kuligan period. Sea-bthing cannot be done on ordinary days except on Ammavasya and Full Moon day. Sea water should not be touched by bare hands. Never sweep the house during dusk and after the sunset. It will bring poverty. Cash or Commodity should not be lent to anybody after the sunset, after lighting the lamp at pooja room or during night.Avoid travel or start taking new medicines on the day of your birth star. Marriage should not be performed on the Brith month of Bridegroom. Stitching of clothes on Tuesday and Fridays should be avoided. Morning Sun and smoke from burning ghat should not touch our body as it will reduce our health.

11)Self Control. Never cross burning fire.Never fold your hands at yoru back. Water flowing from head, water coming out of squeezing the cloth and dust coming out of broom while sweeping should not fall on your body.This will bring poverty Doing AtmaPradakshinam before temple, river, pond, papal tree is forbidden. Never see your shadow in oil and water. Never go in between Teacher-student, Nandi-Siva, Father-sn, Cow-calf, Husband –wife. Do not stand in the morning sunlight with bare body. This will reduce longevity of your life. Do not speak truth if it is unpleasant to others. Do not use unholy words at the time of your difficulties. Do not reveal your details of property, your age, happenings at your home, your Upadesa Mantra, Medicines for your ailment, the honours you got and the insults you have received to others without reasons. Do not wear torn clothes, damaged shoes which will not give good luck and God’s Blessings.Do not give away any Dhanam without chanting mantra, without adding Tulasi leaves with the article, and without pouring water by your wife on the article. Do not blow fire, light, coffee or eatable by mouth.This is known as Uchishtam. Do not criticize the concept of God, Heaven or Hell just because you have not seen. You have not seen your soul or intellect with your eyes. Hence you cannot say that you are without soul or intellect.

12) Prostration: Never say ‘Abhivadaye’ when you make namaskarams to Ladies only .But you can say to your mother. Never do namaskarams to those who are in wet dress and those who are lying on bed. When you do namaskarams to a saint you do not have to say abhivadhanam. (to be continued later)