October Birthdays
Bobbi Hennessey October 1st
Penny Wolter October 1st
Ty & Tylada October 5th
Colby Lawrence October 6th
John Petz October 7th
Amanda Aguilar October 9th
Gary Martens October 8th
Julie Woodbury October 9th
Jeri Kuster October 12th
Brenda Jarmin October 13th
Mike Hynek October 14th
Ben Hynek October 17th
Elizabeth Wolter October 14th
Doris Bures October 16th
Mitchell Bures October 18th
Casyn Bieri October 18th
Galen Kudrna October 19th
Matthew Bacor October 20th
Allan Beehler October 20th
Claudia Gray October 26th
Zachary Curran October 23rd
Austin Schmidt October 24th
Diane Gustafson October 28th
Wyatt Goettle October 29th
October Anniversary
Blair & Carol Hynek October 2nd
Michael & Lauren DeBroeck October 6th
Kevin & Cassie Fjeldahl October 8th
Pat & Gene Brown October 13th
David & Kelly Gustavson October 24th
T-Shirts for sale
Anyone interest in purchasing T-Shirts ($5.00) from the 5K Fun Run please contact Sally at the church office. All proceeds go to the Youth fund.
2 mediums
4 large
9 smalls
2 mediums
5 larges
Looking for Food Donations for Stanley Children!The Stanley Park District, Mountrail County Health Foundation and the Stanley Public Schools have teamed up with local churches to be sure children in our area are getting the nutritious food they need on a regular basis. Stanley Area Cares for Kids (S.A.C.K.) will offer a supply of nutritious meals and snacks for children over their weekends and extended breaks, free of charge. Elementary students will be bringing home a pre-bagged sack. The sacks are distributed by their teacher on the last
school day before the weekend or break.
Our parish has committed to providing resources to this outreach effort now that the Samaritan’s Kitchen program has been discontinued. We are asking parishioners to provide donated food items (see suggested list
below) and pack bags a few times throughout the school year. A tote is in the fellowship hall to fill with donated items. In addition, Cash Wise has agreed to label the food items so shoppers can pick up items as you shop.
We hope you will help!
Suggested food items for September-November:
• Box of instant oatmeal
• Box of cereal
• Bread
• Peanut butter
• Jelly
• Macaroni & cheese cups
• Soup or Stew cups
• Granola bars
• Bags of Pretzels or Goldfish
• Canned fruit and vegetables
• Applesauce
• Fruit snacks
If you have questions or are interested in helping pack bags, please contact Angela Schepp at 701-705-8967 or by email: .
In this centennial year of Our Lady’s visits to Fatima, Portugal, we have been focusing in the religious education program at Stanley on the events of Fatima and, more generally, devotion to Mary. As part of that, we distributed brown scapulars to all of the children in Stanley who have already been “enrolled” in the scapular, something traditionally done when a child receives Holy Communion for the first time. I thought it might be helpful to include in this week’s bulletin a little bit about this Catholic tradition of wearing a scapular. The following is information from EWTN. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.
-Fr. Jason Signalness
The Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
A scapular is a garment worn by religious over the shoulders (scapula), and hanging down in front and back, usually to about the bottom of the habit. It developed as a practical garment, protecting the habit during work, and was in time invested with spiritual significance, consecration or dedication to God.
By analogy to the scapulars of religious, there are small scapulars that are derived from them which represent a particular devotion or spirituality, usually associated with a particular community. Such a scapular is two pieces of cloth (generally about an inch square), connected by cords and worn over the head. It often has a picture or a particular color, depending on the spirituality it stands for.
The best known and most highly esteemed scapular, and the one most favored by the Church, and by the Blessed Virgin in many of her apparitions, is the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. It is adapted from the scapular of the Carmelite Order and represents a special Consecration to Our Lady under the title of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Those who wear it practice it a special devotion to Mary. In the past this was the Little Office of Our Lady, but today this can be commuted by any priest to the rosary. In addition, the person has a special entrustment of themselves to Mary for their salvation. This, in fact, has been promised to those who faithfully wear the scapular: “Those who die wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.” This must not be understood superstitiously or magically, but in light of Catholic teaching that perseverance in faith, hope and love are required for salvation. The scapular is a powerful reminder of this Christian obligation and of Mary’s promise to help those consecrated to her obtain the grace of final perseverance.
Conferral with the scapular indicates a special devotion and consecration to Mary. No one should undertake it who is not spiritual prepared to live in accordance with it.
The short form of investing or conferral consists of a priest or deacon taking a blessed scapular and while placing it over their head reciting with the person any Marian prayer (e.g. Hail Mary, Memorare, Salve Regina). The person is now invested. They don't have any lists to join, though they are henceforth members of the Scapular Confraternity and share in its spiritual benefits (the prayers of the members). No special daily practices are obliged, though someone consecrated to Mary, of which the scapular is THE sign, should live chastity according to their state and recite the rosary daily.
There is also a long form in the Book of Blessings, chapter 46, which is very fitting for group investments. Every parish should have this ritual book.