G.W. Carver High School
Compliance Documents
Federal Programs and Grants Materials
Please read and sign all forms.
Return to the registration table.
No Child Left Behind
Parent's Right to Know
(Spanish Translation available)
Our school is a federal funded school-wide Title I School. Title I requires that school create a positive and supportive learning environment that results in high levels of achievement for all students. Funds are available for academic programs and strategies, additional teachers and other personnel, staff development, materials, supplies, technology, and parent training.
All parents have the right to request the following:
· A teacher’s professional qualifications, licensure, grade(s) certification, waivers
· A teacher’s baccalaureate and/or graduate degree, fields of endorsement, previous teaching experience
· A paraprofessional’s qualifications
· An annual notice of Student Education Records Privacy and notice for disclosure of School Directory Information
· An assurance that their child’s name, address and telephone listing not be released to military recruiters
All parents will receive information on the following:
· Their child’s level of achievement on each of the state’s academic assessments
· Notification of right to transfer their child to another school in the district if the student becomes the victim of a violent crime or is assigned to an unsafe school
· District Family Involvement Policy and School Parent Involvement Policy
· Their right to public school choice, Supplemental Educational Services and more effective involvement if their child’s school is identified for school improvement
We look forward to working with you and your child to make this a rewarding year.
Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age.
Print Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
George Washington Carver High School Family Engagement Plan
Under the Federal Projects Director, G.W. Carver High School jointly develops with parents a written Family Engagement Plan. The Plan establishes the expectations for parental involvement at G.W. Carver High School according to the guidelines set forth in Title I regulations.
To insure that parents have opportunities to participate in an organized, on-going and timely way in the planning, review, and improvement of programs for family engagement and the Family Engagement Plan of the Title I Program at G.W. Carver High School, we shall do the following:
· Invite parents to the Title I Annual Parent Meeting held in August or September to inform them of the following:
1. G.W. Carver High School’s participation in the Title I program,
2. The Title I requirements for G.W. Carver High School,
3. The right of parents to be involved in the school and
4. Various school activities.
· Hold a flexible number of parent meetings and activities.
· Involve parents in an organized, ongoing and timely way in the plans for parent involvement.
· Provide parents timely information about parent involvement programs.
· Provide a description and an explanation to parents of:
1. The curriculum in use at the school
2. Forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress
3. Proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
· Provide parents with opportunities for regular meetings, if requested, to formulate suggestions, to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any suggestions as soon as practically possible.
· Jointly develop with parents a school-parent compact.
· Review the Home/School Compact periodically to ensure that plans continue to be in place to increase student achievement.
· Review the Family Engagement Plan to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.
· Provide assistance to parents in understanding such topics as:
-State academic content Standards,
-State student academic achievement standards,
-State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments, how to monitor a child’s progress and how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children and the requirements of parent involvement.
· Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement, such as literacy training and using technology to foster parent involvement.
· With the assistance of parents, educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff in the value and utility of parent contributions. The staff will be trained in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners. In addition, the staff will be trained to implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and schools.
· Coordinate and integrate, to the extent feasible and appropriate, parent involvement programs and activities with centers such as the G.W. Carver Family Resource Center housed at G.W. Carver High School.
· Send parents information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities to the extent practicable, in a language parents can understand.
· Provide parents with reasonable support for parent involvement activities as parent may request.
· Include parents in professional development available to staff and parents under No Child Left Behind.
· Support family engagement in all programs at the school. Allow all Title I personnel to be accessible to parents.
· Conduct parent surveys to determine effectiveness of the Family Engagement Plan.
· Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at G.W. Carver, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
· Parents participate in AT LEAST ONE school sponsored parent teacher conference.
· Provide Parent information in English and Spanish.
Michele Mason Elisa Johnson Melanie Lynch
Principal Family Resource Manager Instructional facilitator
Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age.
Print Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
m NO. 14507
Revised 6-04
Memphis City Schools
Primary Home Language Identification Form
This form must be complete by the parent or the legal guardian during registration on ALL STUDENTS.
Student:______Sex: Male or Female Date of Birth:______
Home Telephone: ______Grade: ______Student SS#______
The native/home language of each student must be recorded in his/her permanent record/ Please answer the following questions about your child’s language background.
1. What was the first language your child learned to speak? English or Other ______
2. What language does your child speak most often outside of school? English or Other ______
3. What language does your child use to speak to adults at your home? English or Other ______
Collected for funding purposes only.
Was this child born in the United States? Yes No If no, complete the following:
A. Country of birth:______
B. Date entered the United States______
C. Date entered U.S. Schools______
D. Does your child have Refugee Status? Yes No
Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature of Questioner
This section is to be completed only for students who answered any questions 1-3 with a language other than English.
A. In what language do you want notices sent to you from the school? ______
B. LAU Category of student (Check One)
______Category A –speck only the language other than English
______Category B- speaks mostly the language other than English
______Category C – speaks English and the other language equally well
______Category D – speaks mostly English
______Category E-speaks only English.
Send a copy of this form to the WESO Program Office, Room 138, Phone 325-5411 and place the original in the student’s permanent record.
Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age.
Parents’ Right to Know
Military Recruiters
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires schools to release your child’s name, address and telephone number to military recruiters unless you request in writing to not provide this information for your child. If you would like for your child’s name to be omitted from this list, please complete the information below and return it to your child’s principal. Students eighteen or older may complete the form on their own.
______As a parent, I am exercising the right to request that you do not turn over the name, address, telephone listing and school records to the Armed Services, Military Recruiters, or Military Schools of the following student.
____As a student, I request my own name, address, telephone number and school records not be released to the Armed Forces, Military Recruiters, or Military Schools.
Date: ______
Print Student Name: ______
Date of Birth: (month/day/year)______
Name of School: ______
Check appropriate grade level: 9th ______10th ______11th ______12th ______
Student Signature: ______
(Parents name and signature if student is under 18. Students name and signature if over 18)
Print Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
The Student Code of Conduct includes sample violations, sample disciplinary measures and interventions for students. This code serves as a guide for students, parents/guardians, teachers and administrative personnel. The code also includes examples of the rights and responsibilities of students, teachers and parents. There is a parent contract that a parent/guardian must sign to indicate that he/she received and read the code and will abide by its contents. Although the disciplinary measures to be used are district wide, schools may use their own intervention strategies in addition to listed in the code.
Level 1Offenses
· Excessive excused tardiness to school/early releases (excluding medically documented and school sponsored events)
· Excessive unexcused tardiness to school or early releases (more than 3 times)
· Unexcused/excused tardiness to class (more than 3 times) or class cutting (see Attendance Regulations, page 21)
· Possession of cellular phones
· Possession of objects such as laser pointers (non-use)
· Failure to wear district-adopted school uniform or violation of the school’s dress code
· Misconduct: Level 1 (other Level 1 incidents not specifically listed, such as running in the hall or throwing a pencil)
Level 2 Offenses
· Continuing to engage in Level 1 offenses
· Leaving campus without permission
· Defiance of school personnel’s authority, disrespect, insubordination, or refusing punishment
· Gambling
· Misuse of locker/storage privilege
· Obscene material, behavior, language, gestures, pictures, writings, or propositions
· Immoral, indecent and/or offensive material, behavior, language, gestures, pictures, writings, or propositions
· Profanity, provocative and/or abusive language directed at a student
· Theft ($500 or less)
· Possession/use of matches, lighters, or fireworks
· Unauthorized parking/reckless driving on or near campus
· False accusations against a student
· Giving false ID
· Cheating/plagiarism or forgery
· Posting/distributing unauthorized materials
· False fire alarm
· Possession/use of tobacco product (student must be issued a citation)
· Possession/use of over-the-counter medications (e.g., aspirin, cough medicine) without school approval (See Policy # 6.405 Medicines)
· Misconduct: Level 2 (other Level 2 incidents not specifically listed, such as shoving a student in line—no injury, or throwing a football in the hall—no injury)
Level 3 Offenses
· Continuing to engage in Level 2 offenses
· Trespassing or loitering
· Fighting (minor injury and nongang related)
· Participation in activities related to non-school sponsored/non-sanctioned organizations
· Unauthorized or inappropriate use of the internet, computers, or computer software
· Disruptive behavior (other Level 3 incidents not specifically listed, such as throwing a chair or a food fight)
Level 4 Offenses
· Continuing to engage in Level 3 offenses
· Arson
· Hazing/initiation: non-school sponsored/non-sanctioned organizations, societies, clubs, or teams
· Breaking and entering/burglary, theft over $500, or motor vehicle theft
· Vandalism/graffiti
· Possession of drug paraphernalia
· Under the influence of an unauthorized substance at school (no actual possession or use at school) – Mandatory referral to Alcohol and Drug Counseling (A & D)
· Possession of electronic pagers or beepers (excluding cell phones)
· Possession/use of alcohol
· Assault/battery against a student (resulting in minor injury)
Threats against a student (non serious)
· Refusal to produce an object identified by metal detectors
· Profanity, provocative and/or abusive language directed at school personnel
· Bullying, intimidation and harassment, including bullying or harassment based on sex, race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation (also includes indecent exposure)
· Distribution of over-the-counter medications (e.g., aspirin, cough medicine)
– See Policy 6.405 Medicines
· Felony per juvenile court, where the student’s continued presence in school poses a danger to person or property or disrupts the educational process
· Disruptive behavior with prior unsuccessful interventions
· Elementary students engaging in activities implying gang affiliation/membership including gang fights, gestures, actions, signals, literature, colors, drawings, signs, jewelry, apparel, manner of grooming, writings, gang graffiti, verbal or nonverbal communication, possessing/distributing gang information, participating in gang recruitment, solicitation, or hazing/initiation activities, coordinating/ordering gang activities at school, gang-related threats, intimidation, extortion and other gang activity, or acts that imply gang affiliation or membership - Mandatory referral to
Level 5 Board Mandated (11-180 Day Expulsion)
· Fighting (serious injury, weapon used, or gang related)
· Aggravated assault (resulting in serious injury)
· Assault/battery against designated visitors
· Possession of dangerous weapons, including a bowie knife, hawk bill knife, ice pick, dagger, a switchblade, or a weapon of like kind False imprisonment or kidnapping
· Sexual battery