Eustis Elementary School
Staff Handbook
You are professionally responsible for the information contained in this Staff Handbook. Information relating to all personnel is headed in BOLD TYPE. Information relating to instructional personnel is headed in REGULAR TYPE.
ACCIDENTS: All accidents will be reported to the office as soon as possible, and an accident report filled out immediately. When an accident report is completed, parent contact must be made.
If you are injured on the job it is necessary for you to report it to the principal and complete the appropriate paperwork from the bookkeeper in order to be considered for Workman’s Compensation.
ATTENDANCE AND ENTRIES: It is IMPERATIVE that attendance be reported correctly. Attendance must be submitted online on a daily basis. A student is tardy after 8:25 a.m.
ALL CHILDREN, UNDER AGE: Employees of the School Board will not be permitted to care for any non-enrolled child at the school during the hours of a regular school day. When on assigned duty, the sole responsibility for each staff member will be his or her assigned students in the classroom. The children of staff members in this school are to stay in their parent’s room and are not to wander around the campus. Children are not to accompany their parent to school on teacher workdays. On Wednesday when a faculty meeting or training is held children must go to ELC.
CELL PHONE USE: No staff members should have cell phones on while supervising students. No Cell Phone should be on during staff meetings or training. This is also a part of your negotiated contract.
CLASSROOM CLEAN-UP: Each teacher will be responsible for their classroom, leaving it neat and orderly at the end of each school day. Every effort should be made to maintain a neat and orderly classroom since it reflects efficient classroom management, projects an invitational atmosphere, and provides a model for students. Student chairs should be put up on desk or table to facilitate cleaning. Place a sign on your door for needed supplies.
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT:We will continue to use the school-wide rules from PBS. There will be NO yelling or harsh desists used to discipline students.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Confidentiality is vital to our school and its students. It is becoming increasingly more important as more of our students are taking medication and more of our students and their parents are involved with the law. If you are requested to give information regarding a child, check with the administration first for your protection and to assure proper procedure is being followed. Information regarding medications is personal and protected.
The Juvenile Justice System notifies the school when one of its students is involved in a felony or misdemeanor. A committee of three school members (Administrator, Curriculum Specialist, and Guidance Counselor) will determine who on campus needs to know this information. Once informed, the information is not to be discussed with anyone except those on the committee. You will not know who else on campus is aware of this situation as it was reported by the Juvenile Justice contact. You are professionally obligated to honor the process.
CONTRACT: Knowledge of the contract is essential because it is conscientiously and knowledgeably negotiated for everyone’s welfare. If a conflict occurs, notify your administration so that an understanding can be reached. If not successful, contact your contract negotiator for assistance.
Copy Center: All copies made in the copy center must be approved by an administrator. Make sure that your worksheets have some higher level thinking type activity or questions. Please do not make multiple copies on your printer to avoid this process. Several grade levels went through a considerable amount of ink due to the fact they were making multiple copies. If your grade level as a whole feels there is an issue with this policy your grade chair should come and discuss it with Mrs. Sawchuk.
COPYRIGHT LAWS: There is need for strict adherence to copyright laws. Each instructor is personally responsible to assure that no breach of ethics is committed in requesting an illegal copy. Such an occurrence could result in money lost through legal action. If you have any questions or are in doubt about copyright laws check with our Media Specialist.
CUM. FOLDERS: Cumulative folders are kept in the front office. Although they may be checked out when needed, they are confidential legal documents and must only be handled by school personnel. When new students arrive, a new cum. folder should be made. Please do not remove items from these folders.
MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORTS: These reports will be sent at the mid-point of the 9-weeks grading period.A notice must be issued before a child can receive a grade of D, F, or U or if the drop is one or more letter grades below a previous grade report. Parents should be notified any time a child’s performance has shown a significant drop or the child is not reaching potential.
DETENTION: Students may be required to stay after school for detention. Detentions will be held on Thursdays for a period of time not to exceed 60 minutes. The appropriate detention form must be completed and submitted to an administrator by noon on Thursday. Teachers must notify parents at least 24 hours in advance. If the form is not returned signed, it is most important that a verbal notification be given and documented on the detention form.
DRESS: Dress should reflect professionalism. Please remember that a neat, attractive appearance presents a positive image to a child. Any clothing, which is too tight or too short, is inappropriate to wear to school.
Please remember to adhere to our school policy, especially in the following areas:
- No flip-flops
- Skirts or dresses should be of professional length.
- Tops and blouses are not to be less then sleeveless and should not expose too much of your chest.
- No stretch pants or jogging suits.
- No shorts even dressy shorts shall be worn. PE teacher and assistant are the only exception.
- Dress jeans may be worn on Fridays.
Our current school board and the superintendent are serious about the enforcement of the current student dress code. We the adults are the best role models to ensure the students adhere to dress code. Remember, we want to look professional. Appearance makes up 90% of a person’s first impression of you. Please keep in mind that you represent EES at school and at county workshops.
DUTY: An administrator will assign all duties. It is your responsibility to see that your duties are covered in your absence. Being late without having another cover your duty is a safety issue.
EQUIPMENT CHECKOUT: The bookkeeper has forms for equipment checkout. These forms must be completed before any equipment leaves campus. These forms are kept on file for audit purposes.
ENERGY CONSERVATION: Turn out lights when you leave the class. Also, be sure lights are turned off when you leave in the afternoon. Doors and windows must be closed when the air conditioner is running.
FIELD TRIPS: Field trips are subject to advance approval by the administration. A field trip checklist must be completed prior to the planned trip. Monies collected for field trips will go through the school account. Documentation must be noted in your lesson plans that show a relationship between the field trip and academic achievement.
Staff members may go on one field trip with their own children in a “line of duty” status. All staff members are required to complete a leave form well in advance of a field trip.
EMERGENCY DRILLS Fire drills are required ten times a year. You will be notified of the first fire drill only. Explain the exit route to your class and make sure you have a map of exit routes posted in your room. A tornado drill will be conducted in February. Make sure your students know what to do in any emergency.
504: Some students who have physical or mental conditions that limit their ability to access and participate in the education program are entitled to rights (protection) under Section 504 even though they may not be eligible to receive Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the state law. Work with the guidance counselor through the referral/intervention process with children who may qualify for this consideration on a short term or long-term basis.
FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES: All monies collected over $1.00 must be receipted. Staff members are reminded not to keep largeamounts of money in their classroom. Turn money into the bookkeeper by 12:00. A permission form must be completed and approved by the county office prior to any fund raising event.
GENERAL INFORMATION: To avoid schedule delays, pick up your students on time from the lunchroom and special classes. This provides a smooth operating procedure and the comfort of adequate timing for everyone.
GRADE LEVEL MEETINGS: Planning time is utilized for team communication. One day per week should be set aside for meeting with your entire grade level group. You will be asked to document the agenda of these weekly meetings.
GRADING POLICIES: Grading policies are outlined in Chapter 7, Section 07, of the School Board Policies. Use the following scale for grading: A= 100-90, B= 89-80, C= 79-70, D=60-69, F=59-0. Seven (7) grades are required per grading period for each subject. All grades must be reported in e-sembler in a timely manner.
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Homework will be carefully selected to provide practice in subject matter learned in class. No homework (this includes studying for a test) will be assigned on Friday, except when make-up work is necessary. No grade will be assigned for homework and if students do not return homework the teacher should not take disciplinary action against the student. If teachers in grades K-3 choose to assign homework, the time a student needs to complete that homework should not exceed 30 minutes. Teachers in grades 4-5 should assign no more than 1 hour of homework a night.
Leave: Sick leave, personal leave, etc. is available to employees. Article XVII of the School Board/LCEA agreement states (regarding personal leave:) *Instructional personnel shall be granted five (6) days of personal leave with pay per school year for the purpose of conducting personal business in accordance with the following conditions. Such leave shall be chargeable to sick leave and shall not be cumulative from year to year. Except for emergency or unforeseen situations, personal leave requests must be submitted at least five (5) days prior to the date that the employee desires to be absent from his/her duties. Requests submitted after the notice period may be denied if adequate arrangements for coverage of the teacher’s responsibilities cannot be accomplished. A principal may not approve personal leave for more than ten (10%) percent of the instructional staff at a school on a given day without prior approval of the County Office.
Personal leave may not be granted: to extend vacation time or recess periods: days before or after school holidays; or during pre or post planning except in unusual circumstances and not unless approved by the Superintendent or designee after a satisfactory explanation for the request. Not more than four (5) consecutive personal leave days may be requested or granted on any one occasion.
LEAVE DURING SCHOOL HOURS: Always check with the administration and notify the bookkeeper before leaving school during school time. Sign out and in is required. Time over one hour will require personal or sick leave. When at all possible, please make appointments after school hours.
LESSON PLANS AND CORE SKILLS: Teachers will follow the county instructional focus calendar at all grade levels in all subjects. Guidelines from the K-12 Reading Plan will be reflected in your lesson plans. Lesson plans will be placed in the share file created for each teacher. They will be checked periodically by administration.
LOUNGE: The lounge is to be used by adults only. No students or student assistants are to get drinks or snacks from the machines unless accompanied by an adult. The refrigerator will be cleaned at the end of each week and all unclaimed items will be thrown away between 3:00 and 3:30.
LUNCH: Lunch may be purchased as an adult meal or ala carte. For your convenience, refrigeration is available for lunches brought from home. A microwave is available in the lounge and in each pod.
MEDIA: Proper check out of the media center items is required before removing them from the Media Center. Please keep the Media staff informed of new materials that should be added in the Media Center, especially those items listed in the Teacher’s Edition of the textbook series. When AV equipment or material is broken, report this to the Media Specialist.
All other equipment that is broken is to be reported to the bookkeeper.
MESSAGES:All messages will be placed in your mailbox as they are received. Messages of an emergency nature will be delivered. Mailboxes should be checked twice daily.
M.I.P.: Rather than attend a college, you can attend county classes for M.I.P. points to extend your teaching certificate. Classes are given in a wide variety of subjects.
MONIES COLLECTED: Teachers are responsible for monies collected. It is recommended that no money be left in the classroom after school hours. All monies collected should be deposited with the bookkeeper before 12:00 p.m. If you are not able to turn it in prior to this time please turn it in no later than the next morning. Do not hold on to money.
NOTICES GOING HOME: Grade level or any whole class notices or letters should have prior approval by the principal, before being printed and sent home. All grade levels should send home a weekly note to parents that include spelling words, vocabulary words, what you are studying in math, any upcoming activities that parents need to know about as well as tests scheduled for the week. Since we have purchased either agendas, Nicky’s folders, or in some cases both this should be an easy way for students to take the information home.
OBSERVATIONS/ASSESSMENTS: Observations and assessments will be done in accordance with the TEAM plan for this school year. Classroom walkthroughs will be conducted on a regular basis and teachers will receive feedback.
OUTDOOR FREE PLAY: There is no such thing as “free play” at Eustis Elementary School. All outdoor activities must be planned and organized.If children are scheduled for PE then they should not have extra outside time on those days. The physical education classes have priority over space and facilities when their class is in session.
Parking:Please park in the field designated for staff parking. The spaces in the front are reserved for visitors and office staff only. If you park on the cafeteria side make sure you are not in a handicap spot unless you have a sticker on your car. We MUST have those spaces available for parents and visitors who may need to use them.
PHONE CALLS: Please minimize personal calls. Access to phones that have long distance clearance is limited. Personal cell phones should not be on during the time you are supervising children. Expenses prohibit us from using the FAX machine for personal reasons.
PHONE CALLS BY STUDENTS: If you allow students to use the phone in the pod to call parents, please let the front office know. Also ask the child to leave a message if possible. We often get calls from parents who have no idea why they have a missed called from our school and the secretaries have to call everyone to see who has called the parent.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION/ART/MEDIA: Each teacher is responsible for escorting his/her class to and from all specials and enrichment classes. Please be mindful that these teachers plan lessons just like the classroom teacher does. Students should not be kept from these classes on a regular basis. If the student is going to miss any part of these classes they should be kept for the whole time as it creates a disruption when they are late.
PLEDGE AND MEDITATION: All students are to pledge allegiance to the flag unless prohibited by religious beliefs. After the pledge, there will be a short period of silent meditation.
POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: School Board Rule GBG states “School Board employees shall not solicit support of any political candidate, partisan or non partisan, during regular work hours on School Board property.”
PURCHASE ORDERS: All purchases must be pre-approved by the principal in order to use school funds. All ordered material should be carefully screened, as the teacher is responsible for content and its relativity to the Lake County curriculum.
REPORT CARDS AND REPORTS TO PARENTS:Teachers are responsible for entering attendance and grades into e-sembler. It is important to make sure attendance is reported correctly every day. Grades should be entered no later than 1 week from the time the assignment or test is given as parents do have access to them and some parents will check weekly. This was a negotiated item and is stated in your LCEA contract.