PRESENT: Cheryl Cotner, member, Mickey Thompson, member and Warren V. Nash, president
OTHERS PRESENT: Chris Gardner, Michael Hall, David Hall, Linda Moeller, Police Chief Bailey, Paul Speights, Larry Summers, Stan Robison, Tonya Fischer, David Brewer, Alicia Meredith, Fire Marshal Koehler, Jessica Campbell, Sandy Boofter, John Rosenbarger and Vicki Glotzbach
Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Item #1 - Rev. Stollings re: Permission to place trash can on the corner of 15thand Spring St. by the bus stop.
Reverend Stollings explained that there is a bus stop at the corner of 15th Street and Spring Street and he has been picking up trash there and would like to have a trash can placed at that location. He stated that the pedestrian crossing buttons are not working and asked that they look into those crosswalks
Mr. Nash thanked Reverend Stollings for bringing this to the board and stated that they will look into it and get back with him.
Item #2 - Sue Williams re: Request for “Speed Limit” and “Children at Play” signs on Cheryl Dr.
Ms. Williams stated that she has observed a lot of speeding on Cheryl Drive and while it is a dead end drive there are no signs indicating that and there are no speed limit signs. She explained that there are children under the age of 10 years old and she has seen three near misses in the last week and a half and would hate to see something bad happen before anything is done. She stated that she walks her dog on Green Valley Road and there is so much garbage on the sides of the road that it is appalling and she doesn’t know if it is the people working in Industrial Park.
Mr. Nash said that they will take her sign request under advisement and have the Police Department look into it as well as her request for a no outlet sign.
Ms. Williams stated that it has only been a short time that she has lived at this location but she has never seen the police patrolling the area.
Mr. Nash stated that they will change that.
Item #3 - Kimberly Davis re: Requesting street light on Stone St.
Not Present.
Item #4 - Marcey Bennett re: IndieFest
Not Present.
Item #5 - Vectren re: Street Cut Permit for 217 W 10th St, New Albany-Street Cut.
Rob Philpot explained that this is a service retirement and the cut will be about a 3’X4’
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Item #6 - Jack Norton with Norton & Associates Plumbing re: Street cut and closure at Spring St. Hill.
Mr. Norton explained that the Endris residence at the curve starting down the hill needs a sewer installed and passed out a drawing of what they are proposing. He stated that they are going ot have to put in a pressure system to get to a manhole because they don’t have a sewer close to the house. He explained that they will have to cut Spring Street Hill about 18”X23’ and it will be blocked for approximately two days. He stated that it will only affect one residence but they will still have access to their homes and they would like to do the work the 24th and 25th of this month. He explained that there is an easement there because there are a lot of utilities at the top of the hill as well as a manhole and the sewer department advised them to go to that manhole.
Mr. Thompson asked if the cut needs to go all the way across the street.
Mr. Norton stated yes andexplained that the manhole is located at the top by the trees.
Mr. Nash asked if their neighbors are on the sewer system.
Mr. Norton stated that they are and explained that the house was probably on septic at one time and failed and some sewage is running into the storm system.
Mr. Thompson asked if there was any way to make it one cut.
Mr. Norton explained that they couldn’t do it without going through someone else’s property.
Mr. Nash asked if they would have advanced signage.
Mr. Norton stated that they would. He explained that he would look at an alternative for Mr. Thompson.
Mr. Thompson said that he would like to see them do one crossing instead of going upthe road.
Mr. Norton stated that if they go up the road further it will require a larger pump than what they have now.
Mr. Thompson asked if theycould go to the same manhole but rather than have two crossings just have one.
Mr. Norton explained they map and stated that there is only one crossing on the road.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve with the advanced warning signs, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Item #7 - John Rosenbarger re: Grant Line Rd. South (Beechwood-McDonald) Project INDOT Supplement No.1 and JTL Supplement No. 2
Mr. Rosenbarger explained that these two contracts are reciprocal and explained that they are adding $8,800.00 to the JTL contract to do more lane investigation particularly at the Walmart entrance and Applebee’s. He stated that they have some time from construction but they have federal funding so they have the design amendment with JTL to do the design services and the other is with the City and INDOT for the 80% share of the funding.
Mr. Nash asked if the plans could include that this road hold up unlike the north end that didn’t.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that ti is the goal and there are issues with the road but if they want to do a full depth pavement replacement it could be done if they don’t mind the extra cost in the project
Mr. Thompson stated that right after that project was finished they had one of the worst winters they have had in years so that definitely added to the base failures.
Mr. Nash asked if he is saying that it wouldn’t be cost effective to do this.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that it could vary. He suggested that it would add substantially to the cost of the project verses changing some of those issues after the fact.
Mr. Nash statedthat it just doesn’t seem right that after a major project like thatends after a year.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that failure might be a little strong but it does have issues.
Mr. Summers stated that there are varying degrees of projects that they can do to make something last but they also have to take into account the expense of what that will cost so they have to do a balancing act.
Jim Silliman stated that as far as their part of the project goes they have had a geotechnical take cores every several hundred feet as well as walked the road to observe cracking that needs to be patched. He explained that they are going to try to retain the road there, keep cost down, and address any issues to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve the JTL Supplement No. 2 subject to legal review, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Mr. Rosenbarger explained that the second agreement is between the City and INDOT to fund the McDonald Lane Project and stated that the last page is the meat of the agreement in attachment D. He explained that it shows the amount of federal share at $4,148,000.00 and stated that they like to get these agreements in advance even though the scheduled date it not until July2015.
Mr. Nash askedwhat time frame we are looking at on this project.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that they are purchasing 90 parcels of right-of-way now and the letting date is July 2015.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve the Grant Line Rd. South (Beechwood-McDonald) Project INDOT Supplement No.1, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Item #8 - Micah Snyder for TNT Fireworks re: Vendor’s permit to sell fireworks.
Pastor Troy Daniel explained that he is the site manager for TNT in this area. He stated that they do this each year in conjunction with Meijer’s because it draws more customers. He explained that they have some improvements for this year to their site and electrical and stated that this is their annual fundraiser for the Rock Family Worship Center that will benefit the New Washington Church.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Item #9 - Maggie Wenning My Mag Pies Nest re: Benefit the Arrow Fund Animal Rescue Group June 29, 2014 from 11:30 to 6 p.m.
Ms. Wenning requested a left lane closure on Market Street from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 29th for the Animal Rescue Benefit.
Mr. Nash asked what they will be doing to raise funds.
Ms. Wenning stated that they will have 20 vendors, food trucks, arts and crafts and 20% of their proceeds go to the Arrow Fund.
Mr. Thompsonasked what type oftents they will be using.
Ms. Wenning stated that they are pop up tents and tables on the sidewalks.
Fire Marshall Koehler asked if they were going to have electric in the tents.
Ms. Wenning stated that they are not and explained that all of their food vendors are certified by the Health Department.
Mr. Thompson stated that they could barricade it off at one end.
Police Chief Bailey asked that a car be parked at the beginning of the lane closure for safety precautions.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve the sidewalk and lane closure on Market Street on Sunday, June 29th, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Kelly Griffith explained that he works for Yellow Cab and they are required to have a permit with the city and there are so many cab companies in the area that are driving without permits and it is killing thelegal drivers.He stated that there used to be an agreement between Clarksville and New Albany but that has expired and he would like to see that put back into place.
Mr. Nash stated that they can’t control what Clark County does.
Mrs. Glotzbach stated that she thinks that he is referring to the Interlocal Agreement that the city used to have with Clarksville and Jeffersonville and she has given a copy of that to the City Attorney.
Mr. Nash asked if he is encountering any problems in New Albany.
Mr. Griffith stated that he is not.
Diane Callis explained that she used to work for a Cab Service of Southern Indiana and the owner was trying to force her to do things that are illegal and that is when she left to go work for Yellow. She stated that that these illegal companies do not abide by the rules and it is very dangerous and no one is pushing the issue to regulate these cabs or the drivers. She explained that they definitely need to address this issue within the neighboring areas and going back to one entity regulating would be the best idea.
Mr. Nash thanked them for bringing this issue to the board’s attention and explained that the City Attorney will review this and get back to them.
Ron Severns gave the board an update on the East Main Street project and stated that the curbs were installed on thesouthside of Main from E 5th to E 9thyesterday and tomorrow the north side will be done. He explained that they have moved the roadblock up to 19th and will be continued on later this week. He stated that they are going to start sidewalks soon now that they curbs have been installed and they should be finishing up the storm-sewer in approximately 2 weeks.
Mr. Thompson stated that he wanted to thank the contractor for plating the hole in 11th Street.
Ian Hall stated that they would like to have four tables outside of Comfy Cow and presented a drawing for the board’s approval.
Mr. Thompson explained that he spoke with Mr. Summers and Mr. Wood about this and he doesn’t know if they have had a chance to look at it.
Mr. Summers stated that he went out to look at the location and they would prefer to have all the table on one side or the other so that they don’t have people trying to go down the gutter portion of the sidewalk.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve with the changes made my Mr. Summers, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Mr. Summers stated that there has been a lot of truck traffic on Daisy Lane because of work on the aquatic center and they have requested signs that indicated this traffic entering the roadway to make motorist more aware. He explained that they will handle this themselves but wanted to make the board aware.
Mr. Gardner stated that “Who wants to be a Millionaire” will be filmed on Thursday and based on the size of the production crew he thinks it will be best to shut down the road on the hours that they will be there and he has let them know that they can’t block access to the boat ramp but the ramp will be closed to the public.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve closing Water Street on June 19th from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Mr. Brewer stated that he would like to close the sidewalks on the corner of 10thand Culbertsonfor an immediate demolition at 922 Culbertson but he is not sure of the exact days that he will need because they are working with the state on the IDEM permits for hazardous materials inspection. He explained that it will be dropped in one day and it will take another day to clean up.
Mr. Nash asked if every avenue has been explored to rehab that building.
Mr. Brewer stated that it has and stated that the bank understands that that this is a public safety issue. He stated that he will follow up on the exact dates once they are confirmed.
Ms. Cotner moved to approve the sidewalk closure, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Mr. Nash asked what is going on with the signs around town for the parks.
Ms. Meredith stated that they are advertising events that are going on around town and right now they have ones up for the Griffith Center Juneteenth Celebration.
Josh McCool, 624 Vincennes Street,stated that 607 Linden and 93 Galt Street are on the demolition list and he doesn’t understand why
Mr. Brewer stated that these are two vacant structures that have continued to be a public nuisance for a long time and have been neglected without the owner doing anything about them. He explained that a public notice went out about these properties and Mr. McCool and his partner Mr. Ballew had the opportunity to come to the meeting and chose not to. He stated that the Building Commission voted for those two buildings to be demolished.
Mr. Nash asked Mr. McCool if that makes it clearer for him.
Mr. McCool stated that it did not and he still doesn’t understand the issues at 93 Galt.
Mr. Thompson asked if there was any reason that they didn’t show up for the meeting with the Building Commission to discuss this.
Mr. McCool stated that he never received a letter for 93 Galt and the letter that he finally saw didn’t say anything about demolition.
Mr. Nash stated that they have a department that takes care of this and they have done their job in notifying him and investigating the issues so the demolition will continue.
Mr. McCool asked if they could postpone it if he showed some improvement by next week this time.
Mr. Nash stated that it is too late the decision has been made.
Mr. McCool stated that the house on Galt Street is a remodel and one of the nicest houses on the block.
Mr. Brewer asked if he had any permits for the work that was done on it, or the wiring, plumbing, and asked about the raw sewage that was in the basement. He suggested that Mr. McCool is the primary deed owner on 607 Linden so he will need to talk to him about that but the houses are coming down.
Mrs. Boofter presented the following claims for approval:
Animal Education Program $ 150.00
Juneteeth Workshop and Concert$1,000.00
Mr. Thompson moved to approve the claims in the amount of $1,150.00, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.
Ms.Cotner moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes for June10, 2014, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Warren Nash, President Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk
1 Board of Works
June 17, 2014
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office