St Lawrence Church of England Primary School
Newsletter35–Friday28th June2013
Visit our website at up to the minute information.
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Diary Dates
Mon 1st July BBEC & Archbishop Temple – Year 6 visit day
Tues 2nd July Year 5 to BBEC - languages Day
Tues 2nd July PTFA Meeting 8pm last one of the year – please try to come – many hands make light work!
Wed 3rd July Play costumes on hanger in a bin bag and named
Thurs 4th July Open Morning in Nursery 9.30am-11.00am
Thurs 4th July Annual Football Tournament @ Barton Village Hall 4pm
Wed 10th JulySpecial Day Menu – Teddy Bears Picnic
Sun 14th July Confirmation service – St Lawrence Church
Mon 15th July Moving up afternoon – children will spend the afternoon in their new classes
Tue 16th JulySchool Play Performances 2pm and 6pm – school hall
Wed 17th July Reports Home
Wed 17th July Special Day Menu – Garden Party Lunch
Mon 22nd July Elm Class to Beacon Fell with PC Chris Banks & PCSO Dave Reid- More details to follow
Wed 24th July School closes for summer at the earlier time of 2pm following a church service at St Lawrence. Children to be collected from church please.
MACMILLAN DRESS UP AND DANCE –We raised £84.00 which will be sent directly to Macmillan
What a wonderful day it turned out to be. Pippa and her retinue looked fantastic and did the school and village proud. Thank you to Hannah Lund and retinue for all their hard work over the last year, attending various village fares and events. They have been great ambassadors for Barton. A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped with any part of the day whether it be setting up tables, wrapping prizes, buttering scones or turning up and supporting the day, it was a huge success and we raised £1391, to be split equally between the church and the school.
Winners of the Fancy Dress – Holly Jemson, Grace Jemson and Emily Guy
Winners of the Craft Competition – Holly Swarbrick, Ella Hewitt, Ellie Dessent and Amber Dessent
The field is growing greener by the day and we are hoping to be able to use it before we break up for the summer holidays. We are therefore planning to hold sports day towards the end of term. Our preferred date is Wednesday 17th July but if the weather is unfit we will aim for the first dry day after that, giving us a full week until we break up – surely there should be one dry day in a week in the middle of July?! More details to follow nearer the time.
MONDAY Rounders practice again Monday for the children involved in Tuesday’s tournament.
For the end of term play we still require a couple of Props! Does anyone have a giant tomato Ketchup bottle or a giant Hot Dog / Burger? If you can help please contact Mrs Smith in the office next week.