45th Annual General Meeting of Calgary Co-operative Memorial Society Ltd.
Telephone 403-248-2044Toll Free 1-800-566-9959
Saturday, January 29, 2011 - 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Kerby Centre 1133 7 Ave SW– Calgary, Alberta
- Call to order:
-The 45th Annual General Meeting was called to order byChairperson Diane Walker, at 1:05 p.m. Diane welcomed members and visitors and thanked them for their support with sucha good attendance for such a cold, snow storm day. Each attendee was given minutes from the 2010 AGM, financial statement for the year ending October 31, 2010 and a CCMS pen.
- Quorum:
-126 members were declared as quorum by Chairperson by Diane Walker.
- Agenda:
-Motion to accept agenda by Gail Loadman,2ndJerry Jonasson. Carried.
- Minutes from 2010 AGM:
-Motionby Laurie Mills to adopt the minutes from the 2010 AGM, 2nd Alan Jessop. Carried. There were no questions arising from the AGM minutes.
- Treasurer’s report: Alan Jessop
- Alanreminded the members that the discretionary fundnow maintains a balance of $20,000.00 and the balance of account being divided by the formula of 40% going to special projects and 60% for donations.
-Report is attached.
- Questions arising from the report:
-No questions arising from the report. Motionby Alan Jessop to accept the Treasurer’s report for the year ending October 31, 2010, 2nd Verna Pollack. Carried.
- Appointment of auditor (reviewer):
- Motion by Laurie Mills to appoint Graham Hussey as reviewer for the 2011financial records, 2nd Alan Jessop. Carried. It was at this time that Alan made the announcement that the Unitarian Church has awarded the William Irvine Award to CCMS (the award is for social justice work by a person or group in the City of Calgary for extraordinary service). Details of presentation will be forthcoming.
- Chair report: Diane Walker
-Diane thanked several people, starting with our Advisors, Verna Pollock, & Laurie Mills.
-She reported that the Board held 6 meetings, finishing the year with a Board dinner on January 15.
-The Advertising/Presentations committee had many presentations and is to be commended for their on-going work giving information and signing up new members wherever they are invited.
-Adina, who is our MembershipManager, now has 2 part-time assistants to help at the office when times are particularly busy. Diane reminded the members to give Adina any changes of address or phone numbers.
-We are participating members of the ACCA (Alberta Community Co-operative Association), the Senior Services event at Max Bell Arena, celebration of the old “Y”’s 100th anniversary and the Kerby Centre’s Senior information event, among others.
-Last year we instituted a new procedure for making donations of excess funds to worthy charitable organizations and this project is continued this year. Scholarship and Bursariesare awarded annually to the Gerontology nursing students at Mount RoyalUniversity.
-Diane thanked the members for their attendance today.
-Report is attached.
- Introduction of Service Providers: Elvyra Krausas
-There were no representatives present from our Southern Service Providers.
- Introduction of Ernie Hagel (criteria by CCMS for providers is they must be locally owned). Comments by Ernie: (a) Question from a member – what happens if a Service Provider goes bankrupt and member has prepaid funeral – Ernie replied that all prepaid funds are protected (Government regulations protect Trust & Insurance funds that have been prepaid). (b) Question regarding “do-it-yourself funeral planning”, (arrangements to transport body, paperwork, crematorium etc), Ernie replied that it is possible but he would have no costs available – it would be up to member to make all arrangements themselves. (c). Question regarding CCMS brochures etc available at Service Provider – Ernie replied that this would not be something that could or would be done.
10. Introduction of Advisors, Board of Directors and Membership Manager: Diane Walker
- Advisors:Verna Pollack, Laurie Mills.
- Board members: Alan Jessop, Elvyra Krausas, Gail Loadman, Jerry Jonasson, Nellie Pintus, Terry Geib, Pat Parker and Roy Goodall.
- Membership Manager: Adina Lyon
- Absent Board members: Monique Rigole, Patricia Sather & Sylvia Kasper.
11. Welcome to members from other Co-ops:
- First Calgary Credit Union – Hazel Corcoran
- Calgary Co-op Board Chairman – Stuart Cantrill
- Board of director’snominations report – Pat Parker
-4 Board members seeking re-election for 3 year term are:
-Elvyra Klausas
-Jerry Jonasson
-Nellie Pintus
-Roy Goodall
-Nominations from the floor: none
-Each nominee gave a short personal bio on their qualifications.
-Current slate elected by acclamation.
- Welcome to newly elected Members of the Board – Diane Walker
- Grants to charitable organizations: Pat Parker
-In May of 2009, theBoard established an annual giving program, as the bottom line permits, the Board makes allocates a significant portion of its funds to charitable organization in Alberta. This year the theme was Children. The Charities chosen this year were:
-Alberta Children’s Hospital: - a grant to be used for a project of their choice.
-Aspen Family & Community network Society: - Winter Breather Program.
-Patrick Burns memorial Fund: - oral care for children in need.
-YMCA Strong Kids Program: – for their Active Y kids program.
-Introduction of recipients from each organization and time was given to them give us a brief history of their organization.
- Guest Speaker– DianeWalker introduced Terry Geib who gave an overview of the feasibility study being done for the Funeral Co-operatives .
-Question & answer period with some very interesting dialogue.
- AGM 2012 - January 28, 2012
- Motion to adjourn by Ian Sandilands at 2:40 p.m., 2nd Laurie Mills.
Pat Parker
Board secretary.