Agenda for Directors Meeting14 September 2017
Location: GTRI and Teleconference
Dial-in: 605-475-4700; Pass code 425953#
1200 - 1300
AFCEA Position / Name / StatusPresident / Kathy Swacina
Executive VP #1 / Dave Landry
Secretary / Julie Goetz
Asst Secretary / Dave Landry
Treasurer VP / Johnnie Young
Treasurer AVP / Carolyn Russell
Programs VP / Tom Horton
Programs AVP / MAJ AndreaWalthour
Programs AVP / Jimmy Woodruff
Membership VP / Tom Galligan
Membership AVP / Open
Young AFCEAn VP / Ivy Strohm
Young AFCEAn AVP / Open
Enlisted Affairs VP / Open
Enlisted Affairs AVP / Open
Publicity VP / Dan Swacina
Publicity AVP / Open
Education VP / Michelle Brown
Education AVP / Tom Horton
Scholarships VP / Julie Goetz
Scholarships AVP / Mitch Abel
Awards VP / IndraDattagupta
Awards AVP / Open
Projects VP / John Souders
Projects AVP / Terry Whitlock
Small Business VP / ZD Wooten
Small Business AVP / Kathy Swacina
Webmaster VP / Brian Edholm
Webmaster AVP / Chris Landry
Webmaster AVP / Dave Landry
Board Member / Pat Harrington
Board Member
Board Member
AFCEA Board Meeting 17 September 2017
- Call to order–12:00pm
- Roll call and present on the phone(Please see above)
- Review and approval of last meeting minutes–
- VP Reports –
Treasurer’s Report – Johnnie Young/Carolyn Russell:
- See report at end of agenda -
- Follow up on Johnnie’s meeting with Wells Fargo on 8/4
Programs – Tom Horton/MAJ Andrea Walthour/Jimmy Woodruff:
Upcoming Speaker Plan:
- September –Date for the event is Sept 21st – this event will replace the Sept luncheon date. Ivy has been coordinating with Johnnie for a Tour at Federal Reserve and speech by the FRB CIO, Brian Bowling. The agenda is set for the FRB CIO would speak at 4pm – 4:30pm; The FRB tour would be from 4:30pm – 5:15pm; We would then begin a Happy Hour at 5:30pm – 7pm which would be sponsored by TEKsystems.with matching funds from AFCEA chapter up to an additional $250. The Happy Hour will be held in the upstairs private room at Hudson Grille. We would need to have a RSVP list 48 hours prior to the event. Everyone would need to bring a Photo ID for access to the FRB.
- October – Cyber Month – Kathy is looking at a potential speaker from DISA for October. Maybe a panel discussion again. Discussed another possible Industry Day for early 2018. Kathy proposed a Gov’t speaker, someone from Academia, and someone from Industry. Tom proposed Anita Pavadore from GTRI as one of the speakers and we will target DISA and Ft. Gordon; Kathy is going to look into her new company, Chameleon Integrated Systems to see if they have a potential industry speaker. Luncheon will be held on October 26th.
- November – Potential for another CCU class at this time based on progress of renovations at the club; The date will be moved up one week to November 16th due to Thanksgiving
Membership - Tom Galligan:
As of the end of August 2017 membership is at 272, -4 from last month and +2 from this time last year.
143 - individual members
131 - associate members, 50 representing companies.
Tom is working to identify any potential memberships still available from corporations that might be able to be used for Young AFCEANs; also looking into membership rates and possibly using funds to pay for a few Young AFCEANs
Young AFCEAns – Ivy Strohm
- Discussed North GA chapter –Trying to schedule a meeting with this team with Kathy and Ivy.
- Ivy created a MeetUp page for the chapter and paid for a one-month trial herself. She is verifying if it went live; no one has joined at this point
- Young AFCEAN Happy Hour/Fed Reserve – please see Programs above
Enlisted Affairs–Open
a. We still have an opening in this area. Major Walthour will be following up with a potential Enlisted Affairs officer and will report back next month.
Publicity – Dan Swacina:
- No report
Projects – John Souders/Terry Whitlock:
a.Operation Holiday Block Leave; Follow up from USO Organization Meeting in August.
Educational Programs – Michelle Brown/Tom Horton:
Scholarships – Julie Goetz/Mitch Abel
- Applications went out on Sept 11th; Application Deadline is October 31st and awards will be announced no later than November 30th.
Awards –IndraDattagupta:
Small Business – Z. D. Wooten/Kathy Swacina:
Web Master – Brian Edholm/ David Landry/Chris Landry:
- Ivy will create a flyer and get these to Dave for addition to the website.
OLD Business:
1.. Discussion of 2017-18 Goals and preliminary budget – Kathy will email the Budget out to the boardat a later time.
NEW Business:
Additional Notes. ______
Meeting adjourned: Kathy Swacina, President
Notes taken by: Julie Goetz, Secretary
Treasurer’s Report 31 August 2017
August Activities: The Chapter did not host a monthly luncheon in August.
The following checks were written:
Operating Fund
Education Fund
Expected revenue and expenses in the near future (30 days):
Pending donation from Amazon - $21.35
Reimbursement to Kathy - $400+ for Chapter coins and Teachers luncheon costs
Items affecting account balances:
- Checks Processed: $0
- Operation Fund
- None
- Education Fund
- None
End of August Combined Monthly Statement Balances:
Account / 31-Jul-17 / 31-Aug-17 / DifferenceOperating
Checking / $37,791 / $37,791 / $0
Savings / $13,277 / $13,277 / $0
Total Operating / $51,068 / $51,068 / $0
Checking / $2,543 / $2,543 / $0
Savings / $564 / $564 / $0
Total Education / $3,107 / $3,107 / $0
Combined Total / $54,175 / $54,175 / $0
Johnnie Young, Treasurer
Original Signed