Please send the completed questionnaire back to:

United Nations

Economic Commission for Africa

African Centre for Statistics

P.O. Box 3001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel: +251 115 445425

Fax: +251 115 510389


National Accounts Assessment Questionnaire


To review the current practices of annual and quarterly national accounts compilation in


Table of contents

I. Resources 3

II. General national accounts compilation questions 3

III. Annual national accounts statistics compiled 5

IV. Gross domestic product, national income and saving 5

V. Availability of source data 6

VI. Expenditure approach 9

VII. Annual, quarterly, monthly price indexes 10

VIII. Coverage 10

IX. Other questions 11

Please fill in as much information as possible. Additional comments/explanations are welcome; these can be provided in a separate attachment.

List of acronyms:

FISIM Financial intermediation services indirectly measured

NA National accounts

NPISH Non-profit institutions serving households

ROW Rest of the World

R&D Research and development

National Accounts Questionnaire

Country: / Name of Institution:
Contact person: / E-mail:
Mailing Address:

I.  Resources

1. Institution Responsible for NA: / National Statistical Office / Central Bank
Ministry of Economic Affairs/Planning
Other (specify: )
2. Is there a legal framework to collect and compile NA data: / Yes / No (go to question 3)
2a. Framework: / Statistical law / Trade/commercial act
Other (specify: )
3. Number of NA staff: / Professionals: / Supporting: / Total:
4. Number of staff in institution: / Professionals: / Supporting: / Total:
5. Number of new NA staff in last 5 years: / Professionals: / Supporting:
6. Number of NA staff that left in last 5 years: / Professionals: / Supporting:
7. Regular training programme for staff: / Yes (domestic) / Yes (foreign) / No
8. Number of professionals participating in a training programme in the last 5 years: / Domestic: / Foreign:
9. Number of personal computers available in NA department:
10. The following guidebooks/manuals are available in your office:
The sources used for NA compilation / The methods followed to compile NA
Other (specify: )
11. NA data is disseminated: / Website (URL: ) / Email
Print (Publication: )

II.  General national accounts compilation questions

12. GDP is compiled by:
Annually: / Production approach / Expenditure approach / Both
Quarterly: / Production approach / Expenditure approach / Both
13. Official GDP is compiled according to: / Production approach / Expenditure approach
14. SNA followed: / 1968 SNA / 1993 SNA (go to question 15)

National Accounts Questionnaire

II. General national accounts compilation questions (continued)
14a. The main reasons 1993 SNA has not been implemented (check all that apply):
Not enough staff to update the old time series
Not enough knowledge of the 1993 SNA
Not considered a priority (no demand by users)
No significant benefit, compared to the cost of implementing the 1993 SNA
Current source data inadequate
Other (specify: )
14b. Plan to start publications according to 1993 SNA in: / Less than 3 years
Between 3 and 5 years / More than 5 years / No plans
14c. 1993 SNA compiled on an experimental basis: / Yes / No (go to question 15)
14d. Range of years of experimental 1993 SNA data available:
14e. Plans to extend the range backwards: / Yes / No
14f. Experimental 1993 SNA data disseminated: / Yes / No (go to question 15)
14g. Reasons for not publishing experimental 1993 SNA data (check all that apply):
Limited time series / Not part of regular programme / Lack of understanding
Other (specify: )
15. Base year for current NA series: / 16. Frequency of rebasing:
17. Range of NA data available: / Annual: / Quarterly:
18. Methods used to benchmark quarterly data to revised annual data: / Denton method
Bassie method / Ginsburg/Nasse method / Generalized least square regression
19. Quarterly data is seasonally adjusted: / Yes (answer 19a and 19b) / No (answer 19c)
19a. Data published: / Seasonally adjusted only / Both adjusted and unadjusted
19b. The following are seasonally adjusted: / GDP only / GDP components (GDP equal to sum of adjusted components)
19c. Seasonal adjustment planned: / Yes (Year planned: ) / No
20. How many months are the accounts published after the reference date:
Annual: / 1st estimate: / Revised estimate: / Final estimate:
Quarterly: / 1st estimate: / Revised estimate: / Final estimate:
21. The release of NA data is announced through an advance release calendar: / Yes / No

National Accounts Questionnaire

II. General national accounts compilation questions (continued)
22. Industrial classification followed: / ISIC Rev.2 / ISIC Rev.3 / ISIC Rev.3.1
ISIC Rev.4 / Other (specify: )
23. Product classification followed: / CPC Ver. 1 / CPC Ver. 1.1 / CPC Ver. 2
Other (specify: )
24. Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP) used: / Yes / No
25. Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) used: / Yes / No

III. Annual national accounts statistics compiled

26. Click the boxes for annual national account statistics that are compiled at present.
Accounts / Whole economy / Financial corporations / Non-financial corporations / General government / House-holds / NPISHs / ROW
Generation of income
Allocation of primary income
Secondary distribution of income
Use of disposable income
Capital account
Financial account
External transactions of goods and services

IV. Gross domestic product, national income and saving

27. Please complete the following table.
Measure / Compilation / NA
Annually / Quarterly
Current prices / Constant prices / Current prices / Constant prices / Annually / Quarterly
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Value added by industry
Compensation of employees
Gross national income (GNI)

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National Accounts Questionnaire

IV. Gross domestic product, national income and saving (continued)
27. Please complete the following table.
Measure / Compilation / NA
Annually / Quarterly
Current prices / Constant prices / Current prices / Constant prices / Annually / Quarterly
Gross national disposable income (GNDI)
Gross saving
Net lending / net borrowing
Capital stock
by industry
by asset type
27.1 Do you compile Supply and Use Table (SUT) / Input Output Table in your country?
27.2 If your answer to question 27.1 is “Yes”, how frequent?
Every year Every five years Every ten years other, please specify

V.  Availability of source data

28. Please complete the following table.
Measure / Admin-istrative records / Census / Survey / Corporations / Households and small enterprises
Latest year / Annual-ly / Quart-erly / Month-ly / Num. of sub-sectors / Proxy indicators / Num. of sub-sectors / Proxy indicators
Category A: Agriculture
Main field crops
Other crops
Livestock products
Category B: Fishing
Category C: Mining and quarrying
Category D: Manufacturing
Category E: Electricity, gas and water supply
Category F: Construction
Category G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of goods
Category H: Hotels and restaurants

National Accounts Questionnaire

V. Availability of source data (continued)
28. Please complete the following table.
Measure / Admin-istrative records / Census / Survey / Corporations / Households and small enterprises
Latest year / Annual-ly / Quart-erly / Month-ly / Num. of sub-sectors / Proxy indicators / Num. of sub-sectors / Proxy indicators
Category I: Transport & storage and communication
Category J: Financial Intermediation
Category K: Real estate, renting and business activities
Owner-ship of dwellings
Category L: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Category M: Education
Category N: Health social work
Category O: Other community, social and personal service activities
Category P: Activities of private households as employers & other
Category Q: Extraterritorial organizations and bodies

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National Account Questionnaire

VI. Expenditure approach

29. Please complete the following table.
Measure / Source / Compilation / NA
Admin-istrative records / Census / Survey / Proxy indicators / Annually / Quarterly
Latest year / Annual-ly / Quart-erly / Current prices / Constant prices / Current prices / Constant prices / Annual-ly / Quart-erly
Final consumption
of households and NPISHs
of government
Gross fixed capital formation
of private corporations
of public corporations
of households and NPISHs
of government
Changes in inventories
of goods
of services
of goods
of services

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National Account Questionnaire

VII.  Annual, quarterly, monthly price indexes

30. Please complete the following table.
Measure / Classification details / Price index
Details / Num. of classes / Annual-ly / Quart-erly / Monthly
Producer price indexes
Consumer price indexes
Export price indexes
Import price indexes
Other indexes can be listed below:

VIII.  Coverage

31. The following are included in the production boundary of national accounts:
Yes / Partly
Agricultural crops for own use
Other household production for own final use
Production by informal household enterprises
Non-agricultural production in unregistered un-incorporated enterprises
Premium supplements in respect of life and non-life insurance in output estimates
Own-account production of housing services by owner-occupiers
Production of domestic and personal services by employing paid domestic staff
Own-account fixed capital formation
31a. Comments on the “partly” responses:
II. Coverage (continued)
32. The following are treated as capital formation
Yes / Partly
Government defence expenditure on fixed assets that can be used for civilian purposes
Computer software
Expenditures on mineral exploration
Expenditures on R&D activity – both for market and own use
Own-account fixed capital formation
Expenditure on literature, entertainment and artistic originals
32a. Comments on the “partly” responses:

IX. Other questions

33. Valuation of output and value added is at basic prices: / Yes / No
34. The household sector includes unincorporated businesses: / Yes / No
35. Separate estimates of mixed income for unincorporated enterprises compiled: / Yes / No
36. Quasi-corporate bodies distinguished separately from other household sector units: / Yes / No
37. There are production activities reported in the household sector other than “Ownership of dwelling” and “Activities of private households as employers and undifferentiated production activities of private households” / Yes
37a. If yes please comment:
38. The Central Bank Issue Department is a producer of government services: / Yes / No
39. The following approach is used for estimating consumption of fixed capital:
PIM / Based reported depreciation data / Other (specify: )
40. FISIM allocated is allocated to users – as intermediate consumption to industries and as final consumption to final users: / Yes
40a. If yes please comment:
41. GDP estimates from demand and from supply are balanced: / Yes / No
41a. If yes please comment:

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