Warnbro Cell Conference 2016 Tier 2

Code / Title / Presenter / Synopsis / Location / AITSIL standard
2A / Social Emotional Development in Young People / Meg Roche
National &International Presenter, / Teachers who put time and effort into building students’ self-motivation and self discipline will have a positive effect that will last them for the rest of their lives. Research has shown that there is a direct relationship between students’ self acceptance and their academic performance. The need to improve self acceptance is obvious.
To strengthen the positive social-emotional development in our young people is essential but at the same time relatively easy to achieve with effective strategies and skills. The presentation will examine some practical, fun ways to achieve positive social –emotional development. Strategies I have used successfully with behaviourally challenged students. / Lecture theatre
ECL2 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
2B / An Introduction to Trauma / Tim Thornton:
Lead School Psychologist, SM
Tunya Petridis: Children’s Consultant, Anglicare WA / An Introduction to Trauma: This presentation explores exactly what trauma is and what it looks like in the classroom. What are you looking out for as a teacher; what are the signs? This presentation then goes on to provide an understanding of the impacts trauma has on the student and how those impacts play out in the classroom. Being equipped with this knowledge is essential in understanding what you can do as a practitioner to support students presenting with trauma. / Lecture theatre
ECL3 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students.
2C / Collaborative Teams that Transform Schools: The Next Steps in PLCs / Gavin Grift
Executive Director
Hawker Brownlow Professional Learning Solutions / The jury is in. High-level collaboration makes a huge difference to both staff and student success in schools. So in what ways can you ensure your teams thrive in a culture where emotional intelligence, staff motivation and working on the ‘right’ things sits at the heart of what we do? Participants in the session will discover the six key elements of high performing collaborative cultures. / Lecture theatre
ECL1 / 6.2
Engage in professional learning and improve practice
2D / Peer Observation / Grant O’Sullivan & Ben Calleja
Growth Coaching International / Contemporary research (Timperley, 2015; Hattie, 2012; Myong&Martinez, 2013) has highlighted the critical importance of ‘collaborative practice’ with teachers working together to determine what works in their classroom and to support one another in their learning. This session looks at the underpinning mindset and skills that make observation and feedback work, particularly when using a peer coaching approach. Participants will leave with;
An appreciation of the importance of trust in conducting observations and giving feedback, and how trust is developed.
• The importance of quality learning conversations that frame feedback and lead to action
• An understanding of key principles of partnership that allow feedback to be given and received in a non-confrontational way
• Key factors that lead to a mindset conducive to giving and receiving observational feedback
• Examples of practical ways teachers and whole schools and embed observational feedback processes into their work / Lecture theatre
ECL4 / 6.3
Engage with colleagues and improve practice

Warnbro Cell Conference 2016

Tier 3 workshop 112.05 – 1.05pm

Code / Title / Presenter / Synopsis / Location / AITSIL standard
3A / Practical ideas to strengthen Social Emotional Well-Being. / Meg Roche
National &International Presenter, / This workshop will be practical session involving many simple strategies and activities which have proven positive results in improving Social Emotional Well-Being.
A chance to try for yourself these simple ideas which for the most part can be done without preparation of resources, sound impossible!!!! No, good fun and very effective. / SS1. 035 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
3B / What is trauma informed teaching practice / Tim Thornton:
Lead School Psychologist, South Metro / This workshop follows on from the lecture presentation. A prerequisite for participation in the workshop is attendance at the lecture. This workshop will continue the themes introduced in the lecture specifically focussing on moving from a theoretical to practical understanding. What is trauma informed teaching practice; what does this mean, what teaching and learning adjustments can be made and why do I need to care? / EH1. 005 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students.
3C / Transforming Teacher Development Through Cognitive Coaching / Gavin Grift / Teaching and leading is a complex intellectual activity. Teachers and leaders who think at higher levels produce students and staff who are higher achieving, more collaborative and better problem solvers. Itis the invisible skills of teaching and leading – the thinking processes that underlie decision making – that produce superior performance. Discover how your approach can influence the individual and collective success of others. / SS1. 036 / 6.2
Engage in professional learning and improve practice
3D / Practical skills and tools for giving observation –based feedback in peer coaching way. / Ben Calleja
Growth Coaching International / Participants will explore how to work in partnership and move professional relationship beyond friendship to a relationship that enables rigor and challenge and supports learning.
Be introduced to a model to make meaning of classroom observation data. See the demonstration of a data-based coaching conversation using the GROWTH model. Practice their own peer-coaching conversations. Explore the next steps to further feedback and observation practices in their own contexts. / SS2. 035 / 6.3
Engage with colleagues and improve practice.
3E / Because Kids Matter! / Adrienne Richardson
Kids Matter / Do you think working on mental health and wellbeing is relevant to your students’ learning and education? Would you like to improve your students’ academic performance and attitudes towards school? But how?
By teaching social and emotional skills using resources and ideas from KidsMatter Component 2: Social and Emotional Learning for Students. / EH1. 001 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
3F / Emotional Intelligence / Sue Aspin
Coordinator of Special Projects. In Education.
Relationships Australia / Emotions play a strong role in individual thought and decision making. It is not a question of taking either an emotional or intellectual approach to an issue- it is preferable to do both. The goal of this workshop is to build your awareness about the basis of emotions and how, together with cognitive skills, to direct them towards a positive effect. / EH2.022 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
3G / Promoting Self-Regulated Learning in the Classroom / Deborah Pino Pasternak
Murdoch University
Lecturer &Leading Researcher / Through this workshop participants will enhance their understanding of student regulation of learning and will discuss effective strategies to enhance self –regulated learning in the classroom. Suitable for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Practitioners. / SS2. 038 / 1.2
Understand how students learn.
3H / Improving teacher quality through Peer Classroom Observation professional learning practices / Andrew Higgingbottom / The presentations will cover:
  • The context for using peer classroom observation as professional learning tool
  • How to set up Professional Leaning Teams in your school as the first stage of developing a professional learning community
The importance of using effective feedback and goal setting as development tools / SS2. 051 / 6.2
Engage in professional learning and improve practice
3I / Sexual Abuse – Understanding the Grooming Process / Justine O’Malley
BA Education Masters in Social Work / This workshop will provide participants with an overview of the grooming process (aimed at both primary and secondary school staff). Understanding the process of child sexual abuse is important for both its prevention and treatment. Offenders use techniques such as identifying a particularly vulnerable child, gift giving and sexual desensitization to prepare the child for the abuse. It is possible that if professionals were able to identify grooming before abuse has actually taken place the abuse may be prevented. / SS2. 052 / 4.4
Maintain student safety
3J / Student Escalation Profile. / Debra Ogrizek
Classroom Teacher
Experienced with implementing Behaviour and Education Plans. / Need help in dealing with and supporting students with challenging behaviour? In this session, we will look at the phases of a student’s escalating behaviour and general strategies for each phase. This will help in the development and implementation of effective intervention strategies for students with challenging behaviour in your class. / SS1. 032 / 4.3
Manage Challenging Behaviour
3K / Maori Culture and Education in Rockingham. / Jake Manmoaananou
Maori Elder / A practical workshop that addresses Maori culture and the considerations needed when teaching Maori children. Understanding our culture and the differences children from Maori backgrounds face in an Australian education context. A Maori Elders experiences, advice and practical strategies. / SS1.033 / 1.3
Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic background.
3L / An Insight into the world of CPFS / VaniaDapaz
Assistant Director Rockingham District Office CPFS / An introduction to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support, highlighting the demographics of your local District, the different service delivery teams, departmental reform projects, local district projects, importance of good referrals and collaborative work, understanding context and thresholds and an opportunity for you to ask the questions that you’ve been really wanting to ask! / EH1. 003 / 4.4
Maintain student safety

Warnbro Cell Conference 2016

Tier 3 Workshop 2 1.45pm -2.45pm

Code / Title / Presenter / Synopsis / Location / AITSIL standard
4A / Practical ideas to strengthen Social Emotional Well-Being. / Meg Roche
National & International Presenter / This workshop will be practical session involving many simple strategies and activities which have proven positive results in improving Social Emotional Well-Being.
A chance to try for yourself these simple ideas which for the most part can be done without preparation of resources, sound impossible!!!! No, good fun and very effective. / SS1.035 / 1.2
Understand how students learn.
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
4B / English as a Second Language / Vivienne Little
LOTE teacher
A.I.E.O. / How to recognise and embrace Aboriginal English in your schools. Most Aboriginal children come to school s and bring with them Home talk or (Aboriginal English)
They also write in Aboriginal Englishand too many of our Aboriginal students Standard Australia English may be a second language, or third dialect. / SS1. 033 / 1.4
Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
4C / Transforming Teacher Development Through Cognitive Coaching / Gavin Grift / Teaching and leading is a complex intellectual activity. Teachers and leaders who think at higher levels produce students and staff who are higher achieving, more collaborative and better problem solvers. Itis the invisible skills of teaching and leading – the thinking processes that underlie decision making – that produce superior performance. Discover how your approach can influence the individual and collective success of others. / SS1. 036 / .2
Engage in professional learning and improve practice
4D / The Social Use of Language-Pagmatics / Hazel Hatfield &Premm Gill
Peel Language Development School / This workshop will look at the six areas of oral language and how the oral language area of pragmatics impacts on the social competence of children. We will explore typical pragmatic development and consider the implementation of explicit teaching of social skills within classroom practice. / EH3.001 / 1..2
Understand how students learn.
4E / Understanding the social and emotional development of children. / Roger Golling
CAHMS / This presentation seeks to reflect on what is ‘normal’ social and emotional development in children and discuss the impact and possible interventions/ support for children and families when this is disrupted through life events. / SS1. 032 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
4F / Practical skills and tools for giving observation –based feedback in peer coaching way. / Ben Calleja
Growth Coaching International / Participants will explore how to work in partnership and move professional relationship beyond friendship to a relationship that enables rigor and challenge and supports learning.
Be introduced to a model to make meaning of classroom observation data. See the demonstration of a data-based coaching conversation using the GROWTH model. Practice their own peer-coaching conversations. Explore the next steps to further feedback and observation practices in their own contexts. / SS2. 035 / 6.3
Engage with colleagues and improve practice.
4G / The Impact of Poverty- ‘It’s hard work being poor!’ / Kerry Wadsworth
Coordinator Homelessness Services, &
Jackie Hamilton Financial Counsellor
Anglicare WA / This workshop will explore the impact of poverty on families, and try to unpack the reasoning behind some of the decisions that they make, which, to people that have not experienced life on the poverty line, would not make sense. Come and meet one of our families on a journey of being poor, and how much time it takes up- ‘It’s hard work being poor’. / EH1. 001 / 1.3
Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic background.
4H / FoodBank WA and your community / Rex Milligan
Food Bank WA
Manager for Healthy Food For All, School Breakfast Program, Food Sensations. / In WA approximately 19 000 children live in a household that regularly experiences food insecurity. Foodbank WA addresses this need by supplying a School Breakfast Program to 430 children across the state. This program doesn’t just fill empty stomachs, it provides an education, health and social benefits to participants, The Food Sensations and cooking and nutrition education program is offered to these schools to encourage and equip school children and their families to make healthy food choices and prepare healthy meals on a budget.. Come share this journey and gain your knowledge about the need for this community initiative. / EH2. 022 / 1.3
Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic background.
4I / The role of attachment in social emotional development. (K – year 6) / Wilma Bokaar
Social Worker
Anglicare WA / What are the main building blocks of the natural attachment process? How does this process shape social and emotional development? How can teachers K- Year 6 use these principles in a classroom environment?
A brief overview of how to support children with (co) regulation of emotional and energy states, meaning making, resolving conflict or issues, limit setting and natural consequences. / EH1. 005 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
4J / Improving teacher quality through Peer Classroom Observation professional learning practices / Andrew Higgingbottom / The presentations will cover:
  • The context for using peer classroom observation as professional learning tool
  • How to set up Professional Leaning Teams in your school as the first stage of developing a professional learning community
The importance of using effective feedback and goal setting as development tools / SS2. 051 / 6.3
Engage with colleagues and improve practice.
4K / Preventing Child Sexual Abuse- Overview of the 10 topic areas in the Protective Behaviours Program / Justine O’Malley
BA in Education and Masters in Social Work. / This workshop will provide an overview of the 10 topic areas in the Protective Behaviours Program. (aimed at Primary School staff)
Theme One – “We all have the right to feel safe at all times” and Feelings, Early Warning Signs, Safety Continuum & Problem Solving
Theme 2 – We can talk with someone about anything, no matter what it is” & Safe Secrets/Unsafe Secrets, Networks, Persistence Expectation , Body awareness and Ownership & Private and Public, Personal Space & Safe and Unsafe Touch, Assertiveness and Theme and Program Reinforcement. / SS2. 052 / 4.4
Maintain student safety
4L / Social Regulation and productive dialogue in collaborative group work. / Deborah Pino Pasternak
Murdoch University
Lecturer & Researcher / Working in small groups requires interpersonal regulation of learning, motivation, and behaviours. This workshop will discuss how teachers can best support student shared-thinking in groups. Suitable for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Practitioners. / SS2. 038 / 1.2
Understand how students learn.
4M / An Insight into the world of CPFS / VaniaDapaz
Assistant Director Rockingham District Office CPFS / An introduction to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support, highlighting the demographics of your local District, the different service delivery teams, departmental reform projects, local district projects, importance of good referrals and collaborative work, understanding context and thresholds and an opportunity for you to ask the questions that you’ve been really wanting to ask! / EH1. 003 / 4.4
Maintain student safety

Warnbro Cell Conference 2016

Tier 3 workshop 3 2.45pm – 3.45pm

Code / Title / Presenter / Synopsis / Location / AITSIL standard
5A / Practical ideas to strengthen Social Emotional Well-Being. / Meg Roche
National & International Presenter / This workshop will be practical session involving many simple strategies and activities which have proven positive results in improving Social Emotional Well-Being.
A chance to try for yourself these simple ideas which for the most part can be done without preparation of resources, sound impossible!!!! No, good fun and very effective. / SS1. 035 / 1.1
Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
5B / Maori Culture and Education in Rockingham. / Jake Manmoaananou
Maori Elder / A practical workshop that addresses Maori culture and the considerations needed when teaching Maori children. Understanding our culture and the differences children from Maori backgrounds face in an Australian education context. A Maori Elders experiences, advice and practical strategies. / SS1. 033 / 1.3
Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic background.
5C / Transforming Teacher Development Through Cognitive Coaching / Gavin Grift / Teaching and leading is a complex intellectual activity. Teachers and leaders who think at higher levels produce students and staff who are higher achieving, more collaborative and better problem solvers. Itis the invisible skills of teaching and leading – the thinking processes that underlie decision making – that produce superior performance. Discover how your approach can influence the individual and collective success of others. / SS1. 036 / 6.2