Quiz Chp 9 & 10 A Rome and Greece

1. The Roman policy toward conquered peoples was

a. centered around the policy of forced conversion to the Roman religion.

b. generous with the potential for citizenship.

c. cruel and despotic.

d. successful because citizenship was granted to all from the very beginning of expansion.

e. based on immediately turning conquered peoples into slaves.

2. Latifundia were

a. enormous plantations worked by slaves.

b. the emperor’s elite guard.

c. the priestly class devoted to the worship of Mithra.

d. the wealthy classes of ancient Rome.

e. short lyric poems focused on erotic love.

3. All of the following were foundations of Roman law with the exception of

a. the principle that defendants were innocent until proven guilty.

b. the notion that defendants had a right to challenge their accusers before a judge in a court of law.

c. the right of a patrician to transfer out of a plebeian court.

d. the ability of judges to set aside laws that were inequitable.

e. Both c and d are true.

4.FromaConfucianviewpoint,theRomanEmpiremighthavebeencriticizedforplacingtoo muchconfidencein

A) divinestatusoftheemperor.

B) publicworksfunctions.

C) lawsratherthantrainedofficials.*

D) harshpunishmentsofcriminals.

E) religiousconviction.

5. ThetwoMediterraneanpowersfightinginthePunicWarswere

A) AthensandSparta.

B) EgyptandthePersianEmpire.

C) MacedoniaandCrete.

D) SicilyandIonia.

E) CarthageandRome.

6.ComparedtomodernAmericanideasaboutdemocracyAtheniandemocracywasdistinctive in


B) separatingforeignresidentsfromcitizens.



E) electingrepresentativestogovernthecity-state.

7. The political structure of the ancient Greeks

a. achieved unification under Pericles.

b. was a history of early, long-lasting centralized government.

c. stabilized after the conquest by Persia.

d. was very similar to that of Egypt.

e. usually consisted of independent, autonomous city-states.

8. Athenian democracy was open to

a. all Athenians.

b. males and women as long as they owned property.

c. all Athenian citizens.

d. all males.

e. all Greek citizens.

9. Which of the following events occurred during the time of Pericles?

a. Athenian democracy reached its high point.

b. Athens became the most sophisticated of the poleis.

c. Athenian expansion and arrogance helped spark the Peloponnesian War.

d. Athens underwent a massive building program.

e. All of the above.

10. Which of the following did not come about because of Greek colonization?

a. an increase in the size and diversity of trade

b. a centralized imperial state

c. the spread of Greek language and cultural traditions

d. a quickening of the tempo of social life

e. increased contact with other societies

Chapter 9 & 10 Quiz B

1. The Roman policy of toleration and respect for conquered peoples was most similar to the

a. Assyrians.

b. Greeks.

c. Persians.

d. Chinese under Qin Shihuangdi.

e. Aryans.

2. All of the following were foundations of Roman law with the exception of

a. the principle that defendants were innocent until proven guilty.

b. the notion that defendants had a right to challenge their accusers before a judge in a court of law.

c. the right of a patrician to transfer out of a plebeian court.

d. the ability of judges to set aside laws that were inequitable.

e. Both c and d are true.

3. Which is NOT one of Rome’s cultural legacies?

a. The Romans preserved Hellenic philosophy.

b. The Romans built roads and fortifications that have lasted for centuries.

c. The Romans adopted the Islamic religion as the official faith of the empire.

d. The Romans made Christianity the official faith of the Empire.

e. The Romans adopted a legal code still in some use today.

4. Expansion of Rome’s empire during the PaxRomana was heavily dependent on

a. written and equally applied legal standards for all people under Roman rule

b. vigorous trade based on agricultural surplus

c. extensive and well-maintained system of roads

d. urban growth and development in strategic cities in the Empire

e. all were factors promoting imperial expansion


A) workinthemines.

B) agriculturallabor.

C) householdcareandtutoring.

D) militaryservice.

E) entertainment.

6. In which polis did women have the most freedom?

a. Sparta

b. Corinth

c. Athens

d. Thebes

e. Syracuse

7. Socrates believed that it was most important to understand

a. the will of the gods.

b. the basic forces of nature.

c. the makeup

of the cosmos.

d. human nature.

e. the hierarchy of animal life.

8. In The Republic, Plato proposed that the true rulers of society should be

a. the descendents of Socrates.

b. the electorate through a democratic framework.

c. the Spartans because of their emphasis on character and control.

d. the Athenians because of their wealth and fame.

e. philosopher kings.



A) properworshipofthegods.

B) astrongmilitary.

C) divisionofpowerswithinthestate.

D) splendidpublicbuildings.

E) aninvolvedcitizenry.

10. TheSenateofrepublicanRomeparticularlyrepresented

A) thelandedaristocracy.

B) theemperors.

C) theurbanworkers.

D) themerchantsandbusinessmen.

E) thenon-nativeRomans.