MSW Non-Thesis



The Master of Social Work program seeks candidates with a demonstrated interest in acquiring a deeper understanding of theories, research, and policies that inform social work practice in the areas of “Children and Families”, “Health and Social Care”, or “International and Community Development”.

Conceptualizing and analyzing a social problem with attention to relevant and contemporary scholarship on a subject matter, communicating ideas clearly and holding a vision of what you want to study and what you hope to accomplish through your Social Work education are highly valued at the graduate level of study. In 3 pages maximum (single-spaced, typed, 12pt font, excluding reference pages):

  • Identify a social problem of interest to you that captures the essence of your vision for your graduate level studies in social work at this time. Identify the “area of interest for study” in which this social problem is located: Children and Families, Health and Social Care, or International and Community Development. Demonstrate your appreciation of the current and relevant state of knowledge (empirical and theoretical scholarship) that surrounds your particular social problem of interest (2 single spaced pages)
  • What have you learned from your past, professional and/or personal, that has contributed to your interest in this social problem and how do these insights facilitate and impede your understanding of this problem? (½single spaced page)
  • In our desire to anticipate your learning goals, in half a single spaced page, describe your intended topic for your Independent Study Project (ISP): What is the social issue of concern? How do you plan to study it? What kinds of literatures will you review and reflect upon?What do you imagine to be the implications for social work practice? Which particular professor(s) might be best suited to oversee your graduate work and why? What kinds of field placement opportunities might provide advanced training in the development of your expertise in your chosen area of interest for study? (½ single spaced page)

This Non-Thesis Study Plan is expected to be focused on an identifiable social problem relevant to your chosen area of interest for study (Children and Families, Health and Social Care, OR International and Community Development). It must be clearly written, logical in flow and appropriately supported by relevant references to a selection of scholarly works. A reference list, with full citations in APA style, must be appended to this Study Plan. Your Non-Thesis Study Plan should demonstrate the fit between your social problem of interest and field placement training in the context of your chosen area of interest for study. Please note that in addition to assessing your presentation and analysis of the social problem, link with past and presentation and writing style will also be evaluated.