Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 27th October 2014in the Skyrm Room at the Public Hall, Beaminster at 7.00pm.
1151PRESENT–Cllr G Berry (Chairman), Cllr Mrs V Baldwin, Cllr Mrs R Beeny, Cllr P Body,
Cllr Mrs A Cameron, Cllr R Cheeseman,Cllr P Elliott, Cllr Mrs R Knox, Cllr Mrs J Page and
Cllr Mrs S Samuel
1152IN ATTENDANCE – MrsChristine Bright (Town Clerk).
(a)Dorset Police Representative
In the absence of a police representative no report was received.
(b) West Dorset District Councillors
Councillor Mrs C Payne advised that:
- the main preoccupation of the District Council was currently the possible amalgamation with North Dorset District Council. Government funding had been made available to transform working practices and the first payment would fund the shared position in that the Chief Executive of WDDC would also take over as Chief Executive at North Dorset District Council, following the retirement of the current post holder. A decision would be taken in 2015 on full amalgamation should the sharing of a Chief Executive prove successful.
Councillor Mrs Page advised that:-
- she had recently attended a seminar on Play
- she had attended a half yearly meeting with representatives from the highway authority at which discussion on the provision of a pavement in North Street, traffic calming in Hogshill Street and traffic management in Whitcombe Road had all been discussed.
(c) Dorset County Councillor
Councillor Mrs Knox advised that:
- concern had been expressed that a proposed virtual pavement in North Street would not meet expections therefore plans had been prepared for the provision of a footway however no funding had been set aside within the current financial year
- future provision of Adult Services would be provided by an ‘authority trading company’, and although it would continue to be a County Council service, it would be accessible to those outside of the social services system
- there would be a further £8m less in the highway budget for 2015/2016
- every County Councillor had been given £5,000 to spend within their division and after careful consideration she had decided to purchase a community Speed Indicator Device which would be made available to all the parishes within her division; she also planned to consult with young people as to how any remaining funds should be spent
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Under this heading Councillor Berry drew attention to blocked pavement gullies, he also enquired
the latest position with regard to the unfinished footway in Clay Lane. Councillor Knox advised
that the District Council’s enforcement officer had been due to visit the property.
1154APOLOGIES–Apologies for absence were received from Cllr C Turner.
The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 22nd October 2014,havingpreviously been circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Under this heading it was AGREED,that anyfuture Declarations of Interest were referenced with the appropriate minute number.
No declarations were received.
Cllr Mrs Beeny advised that:
- the Community Lunch had been well attended. The Partnership were now
preparing for the Annual General Meeting on 26th November, the guest speaker will
be the new manager of the Citizens Advice Bureau in Bridport, Mr Rovarn
Attention was also being focused on budgets for the forthcoming year bearing in
mind funding of the Local Area Partnership’s was under review going forward after
(b) Yarn Barton Centre
Cllr S Samuel advised that:
- the Annual General Meeting had been well attended. The centre had a good
financial year with regular fund raising events, the latest being a Quiz Night which
had raised £400. This year the Centre would be supporting the Christmas Lights
Festival and will be open between 6.00 – 8.00pm.
(c) Town & Larger Councils
Cllr Turner reported on the recent DAPTC’s Town & Larger Councils meeting at which the guest
speaker had been Dr John Richardson, Director of the Transformation Clinical Commissioning
(d) Crime Prevention
Cllr Mrs Baldwin report there had been a number of thefts from caravans, theft of fuel from
lorries and domestic oil also instances of fraudulent telephone calls regarding faulty
computers in recent weeks.
The Community Speed Watch team continued to grow and were hoping to expand the number of sites from which they could operate in the coming months.
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Members were circulated with a list of payments, chequenumbers 103968 – 103981 together withdirect debit payments between1st October2014 and 31st October2014 totalling
£8,316.99also receipts totalling £1,173.18.
Members RESOLVED toAPPROVE the list, a copyof which isattached.
Under this heading attention was drawn to two payments made to British Gas for electricity, the
Town Clerk was asked to ascertain why there would appear to be two electricity meters in
the Public Hall.
Members had previously been circulated with details of outstanding issues relating to the
proposed improvements in the Main Hall together with essential remedial works identified in
respect of the former Social Club premises which would inevitably have an impact on thebudget.
It was AGREED that the immediate priority had to be the first floor premises and therefore the main hall project which still needed to be finalised was deferred until April 2015.
Members AGREED to close the Council Office from 12 Noon on Tuesday 23rd December 2014 and
reopen at 10.00am on Monday 5th January 2015.
Members had previously been circulatedwith a copy of the corporate response compiled by the Town Clerk based on members’ comments with regard to Dorset Waste Partnership’s consultation on street cleaning and litter. It was AGREEDto submit the response as circulated without any additional comments or observations.
Members had previously been circulated with correspondence received from the Local
Government Boundary Commission regarding the commencement of the formal electoral review
of Dorset County Council and views were sought on future division boundaries for the Council.
Cllr Mrs Knox advised that the Commission were looking at division boundaries with a view to
evenly distributing the number of electors represented by each Council member however the
geographical spread in rural areas would not be taken into account. Members had no comments
to make.
Members were circulated with the detail of the proposals put forward by Chideock Parish
Council, Bridport Town Council, Piddle Valley Parish Council and St Leonards and St Ives Parish
Council. Following consideration of each proposal it was AGREED to support the proposals
submitted on behalf of Chideock Parish Council and St Leonards and St Ives Parish Council; with
regard to the resolution from Bridport Town Council members considered that the statutory
Annual Parish Meeting was a vital link with the electorate and therefore could not support the
proposal. With regard to the resolution submitted by Piddle Valley Parish Council it was
AGREED to delegate the vote to the Town Council’s representatives attending the AGM.
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The Chairman drew attention to notification that the responsibility for the organisation of
The Remembrance Day Parade had been passed to bodies other than the Royal British Legion,
Which were no longer able to take the lead or obtain insurance for organising these parades.
As a consequence of this decision an approach had been made to the Town Council by the
Beaminster Branch of the RBL for assistance. In view of the shorttimescale it was
AGREED to assist the RBL wherever possible with this year’s parade.
Members had previously been circulated with a written progress report on all outstanding
issues. NOTED.
Under this heading the Chairman advised that following a meeting with representatives from
WDDC it was planned to site a new parking ticket machine adjacent the recently installed Heritage
lighttogether with a new litter bin. The decision had also been taken to resite the bicycle rack if
The Town Clerk advised that discussions had commencedwith allotment plot holders with regard
to the possible formation of a Allotment Association to take futureresponsibility for the
allotments. A small working party had been formed and a further meeting had been scheduled for
22nd November.
The Chairman reminded members of the meeting with representatives from DCC Highway
representatives on November 28th.
One item was identified –WDDC Local Plan Examination on 4th December 2014
1166 PUBLIC BODIES (admission to meeting) ACT 1960
Members RESOLVED that public and press be now excluded from the meeting whilst
discussion took place on item 14 on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the
public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted in
respect of a potential lease agreement. Also item 15 on the grounds of consideration of quotations
Members were advised that a Draft Lease for the Fleet Club had been prepared and a precise of
the detail would be circulated to all members in due course. A document detailing the background
with regard to the surrender of the Lease with the former Social Club had also been circulated and NOTED.
Members were asked to consider three quotations received to install a new combination
condensing gas boiler in the Fleet Club as follows:
Company A£ 3,985.00 excl VAT
Company B£ 2,757.00 excl VAT
Company C£ 5,274.00 excl VAT
It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from A P Chant in the sum of £2,757.
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The Town Clerk advised of a recent incident of flooding, this time from the gents toilet in the first
floor premises which had, once again caused water ingress into the Council premises below. It
was AGREED to obtain a quotation from A P Chant to check all plumbing within the Club premises.
Members were asked to consider one quotation received to install / remove multiple strings of
lights on the Christmas tree and associated works in the sum of £831.00 excl VAT. It was AGREED
to accept the quotation in the sum of £831.00 provided by Shaun Annetts Property Services Ltd. It
was NOTED that any additional works would be charged at £32.00 per hour excl VAT.
The date of the next meeting was NOTED as Monday 24th November 2014.
1170 MEETING- The meeting which started at 7.00pm closed at8.40pm
24th November 2014
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TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – Monday 27th October 2014
D/D / Dorset County Council / 2 x Wheelie bins (October) / 108.00D/D / Andrews & Arnold / Web site - domain name / 6.00
D/D / Avivia / Insurance (October) / 301.55
D/D / UK Fuels / Tractor fuel (October) / 75.48
D/D / Wessex Water / Water rates - Public Hall / 103.16
D/D / British Telecom / Office telephone / 26.62
D/D / British Gas / Gas charges / 95.73
D/D / British Gas / Electricity charges / 124.47
D/D / British Gas / Electricity charges / 223.52
D/D / Danwood / Photocopier lease / 373.68
D/D / Wessex Water / Stand pipe at Cemetery / 15.25
103968/69 / Donovan Atyeo/Vile / Salaries - October / 4838.01
103970 / WPS Insurance / Adminstration Fee / 15.00
103971 / DAPTC / Clerk’s Seminar / 50.00
103972 / A J Supplies / Litter bin liners / 30.00
103973 / DAPTC / Budget/Precept training – Finance Admin. / 30.00
103974 / Buglers Ltd / Machine parts / 7.08
103975 / Guy Crabb / Replace corroded pipe / 98.16
103976 / RBS Software / Cemetery Software Annual Support / 208.80
103977 / C. Clare / Travel claim / 16.20
103978 / S. Pearce / Travel claim / 18.90
103979 / DAPTC / Councillors Training / 100.00
103980 / A J Supplies / Litter pickers x 2 / 26.38
103981 / Kevin Elliott / Office Counter / 1425.00
103963 / Wessex Water / Water charges - standpipe Allotments / 77.00
103964 / S D Playground Services / Quarterly inspection of Play Area / 72.00
All payments include VAT where applicable / TOTAL / 8,316.99
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A J Wakely / Interment – A12 Parfitt / 140.00
Public Hall Bookings / Ref 42 (12.10.14) / 190.00
Ref 41 (3.10.14) / 233.00
Ref 43 (24.10.14) / 132.00
Ref 43 (24.10.14) WDDC Bacs / 23.00
Ref 44 (27.10.14) / 123.00
Ref 40 (30.9.14) / 135.00
R King / Slimming World / 35.00
R King / Slimming World / 35.00
R King / Slimming World / 35.00
R King / Slimming World / 35.00
NSIB / Interest / 54.45
No.2 Account
HSBC / Interest / 2.73
TOTAL / 1,173.18
The above payments are approved expenditure items within existing contracts and / or the agreed budget framework
Councillors expenses having been vetted and authorised by the Chairman / Town Clerk or in the case of the
Chairman's expenses, by Vice Chairman.
Receipts are those from expected sources and within budget projections
Christine Bright
Responsible Finance Officer / Page 207