Title of Job: Unqualified/Locally Trained or Nationally Qualified Part Time Youth Worker

Grade: Hourly Rate (if sessional role)

Department: Youth Work

Project: BMX-treme, Newham’s BMX Club


Person reports to: Club Co-ordinator > Club Welfare Officer > Head of Youth


Person supervises: No direct supervision but may be asked to oversee the

work of other Youth Service staff from time to time

Purpose of Job:

To contribute to inclusion, social cohesion and healthy activities for young people, both in structured and unstructured settings, which meet the universal needs of young people, as opportunities and demands arise within Newham.

To encourage young people to make use of the resources available to them within the London Borough of Newham

Equal Opportunities:

NCY Trust has a strong commitment to achieving equality of opportunity in both services to the community and the employment of people and expects all employees to understand and promote its policies in their work.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1.  To contribute directly to the delivery of informal education for young people through BMX coaching and related activities.

2.  To enable and empower young people to participate in the provision BMX coaching and associate activities by informing, supporting and creating opportunities.

3.  To work in a variety of settings (centre based, streets, other organisations) and to use a range of methods (centre based, detached work, outreach etc) to achieve the aims and objectives of the BMX-treme cycle club.

4.  To work as required anywhere within the London Borough of Newham as required by NCY Trust.

5.  To work as a member of a team in order to assist in the planning and preparation of project delivery.

6.  To produce basic written reports and to monitor and evaluate work being carried out.

7.  To make contact with and to liaise as appropriate with other organisations, both within the voluntary youth sector, statutory, Council Departments and with other organisations in order to further the aims and objectives of the BMX-treme Cycle Club.

8.  To take on financial responsibility when called upon to do so.

9.  To act corporately with all members of NCY Trust and wider Integrated Youth Service for the development and practice of the project at local and borough levels.

10. To encourage youth participation at local and borough levels.

11. To maintain an awareness of current issues and developments in youth work locally.

12. To work within the NCY Trust’s Equal Opportunities policy.

13. To be in attendance at meetings called by NCY Trust.

14. To operate within the framework provided by the NCY Trust’s Staff Development Policies and to attend appropriate training as designated by the NCY management.

15. Any other duties as required by the CEO of NCY Trust or their representative within the competence of the post holder.

NB At the Locally Trained/Qualified Level, the post holder may be asked to oversee

the work of other NCY youth work project staff from time to time.



All requirements in this specification must be (a) essential to the post and (b) assessable within the selection process.






No qualification required. Demonstrable interest and/or experience in youth work and willingness to undertake appropriate and recognised training / Application Form/Interview

Locally Trained/Qualified

Will have successfully completed a course of training recognised by NCY Trust and the Integrated Youth Service or possess a nationally recognised youth work qualification. / Application Form/Interview



Locally Trained/Qualified

Experience of youth work in either a voluntary or part-time paid capacity / Application Form/Interview
& Skills /

Locally Trained/Qualified

Knowledge of current principles and practices of youth work / Application Form/Interview

All Levels

Clear written and person-to-person communication skills including the ability to produce basic reports and keep records / Application Form/Interview
Ability to work alone or as part of a team, to be able to take responsibility for designated areas of work both in the centre and outside. / Interview