¡Uds. son las mejores estudiantes porque están tomando mi clase!

Spanish IV FL 514

Español IV

Course syllabus: August 2011 – May 2012

Instructor: Señorita Gallo - Moore

Contact info: Office – W5

(have not changed to married name yet)

wiki address: http://www.gallospanishclasses.wikispaces.com

Free periods – C, E, H

Contact location – W5

Phone – 314–968–1505 (ext. 118)

Materials Needed:

Realidades 3 Textbook (green)

Practice Workbook 3

Writing, Audio, & Video Workbook 3

Spanish / English Dictionary with 40,000 entries or more

Notebook, pen or pencil

501 Spanish Verbs (not required but helpful)

Class Rules / Behavioral Expectations:

1.  Be respectful towards fellow classmates and the teacher. One person talks at a time except during paired and group activities.

2.  Be on time. Tardies will affect your participation grade. Because Nerinx does not have bells, understanding what is considered late is difficult. The general rule will be as follows: if everyone else is here and you are not, you are late.

3.  Be prepared with the materials mentioned above.


5.  Leave cell phones in your locker. See Nerinx’s policy regarding cell phones on p. 44 in the handbook.

6.  Water (not flavored water) in a clear container is acceptable. Food is not allowed. We are in a new classroom. Yay! Let’s keep it sparkling!

7.  Be neat. Other classes use the same place. Clean up after yourselves.

8.  Be cooperative. Participate in all class activities – individual, paired, and group. Help others understand the material but avoid translating in English during class.

9.  Lighten up! In order to learn a language you must take risks and make mistakes. No one speaks perfect English 100% of the time. I certainly do not expect students to be able to do that in Spanish. However, I do expect students to respond or ask questions in Spanish as much as possible.



Refine your listening and speaking skills to enhance your ability to survive in a Spanish - speaking setting.

Expand your control over more complex grammatical through written expression.

Enrich your understanding and appreciation of Spanish – speaking cultures.

Sharpen your critical thinking skills.

Course content: This is tentative and subject to change. More detailed monthly schedules will be distributed or posted on line.

Quarter 1 – Verb and grammar review, Cap 1, 1st half of Cap 2

Quarter 2 – 2nd half of Cap 2, Cap 3, 1st half of Cap 4

Quarter 3 – 2nd half of Cap 4, Cap 5

Quarter 4 – Cap 5, Cap 6


Grading / Percentages: see p. 18 in handbook

Quarter Grade: Based on a total points system

Semester Grade:

40% Quarter Grade

40% Quarter Grade

20% Semester Exam

Tests: Chapter tests will assess the following skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening, and cultural understanding. Realidades requires 2 tests over grammar and vocabulary in each chapter. Then, there will be a third test for listening, speaking, and culture. To test speaking, students will have individual conversations with the teacher or paired conversations between students.

•Please see p. 19 “Test Policy” in the handbook if you have more than 3 tests on one day.

Quizzes: Students will take daily quizzes on grammar and vocabulary from the homework.

Compositions and Projects: There will be 1 composition for each chapter and 1 small project each quarter.

Procedure for writing compositions:

1.  All compositions are written in class using a pen or pencil. I will provide paper.

2.  Dictionaries are allowed.

3.  For grades 86% and below the student must make corrections. Additional points may be earned provided that they are correct.

4.  Students with 87% and above have the option to receive extra points.


The following behaviors are expected on a regular basis and will earn you B-/B for participation:

1.  Gesturing or singing along as appropriate.

2.  Bringing the required materials to class everyday.

3.  Saying the “Our Father” in Spanish everyday.

4.  Having homework ready to correct at the appropriate time.

5.  Paying attention in class

6.  Following along during readings and listening to teacher.

7.  Answering questions appropriately when called upon.

8.  Using Spanish appropriately.

The following behaviors will kick your score up a notch to a B+/A depending on frequency:

1.  Acting out dialogues or reading aloud with enthusiasm and correct intonation

2.  Putting forth clear and audible effort in pronunciation

3.  Volunteering to answer.

4.  Helping or encouraging others.

5.  Speaking Spanish with Srta. Gallo outside of class.

6.  Contributing original information or ideas in class work or discussions.

7.  Asking relevant questions (not ones just answered by teacher!)

The following behaviors could lower your score to a C, D, or F, depending on frequency:

1.  Not bringing materials to class


3.  Chewing gum or eating food or things (end of a pen)

4.  Not paying attention or participating fairly in class or small group activities

5.  Doing anything that is not Spanish class related (doing other homework, playing games online or on a calculator, shopping online, playing beauty salon, sleeping, etc.)

6.  Not answering when called upon (or even trying)


8.  Being rude or disrespectful to the teacher or other students

9.  Distracting others who are trying to hear or speak

10.  Asking questions in English w/o even thinking about how to do it in Spanish

11.  Asking questions which have JUST been answered


Homework: Homework will be checked in on the assigned dates. It is only checked for completion. It is the student’s responsibility to correct her work as it is reviewed in class. Late work for the chapter will be accepted until the day of that chapter test.

• Please note that compositions, quizzes, and tests will be filed in a folder and left with the teacher. They will remain at school and not be used to study for exams.

Policies / Procedures:

1.  Cheating will not be tolerated on tests, quizzes or assignments. All parties involved will receive a zero. No make-ups will be given and parents will be called. See p 21 in the handbook for the definition of cheating and plagiarism.

• Internet translators are only acceptable when used as a dictionary. If the student composes Spanish sentences / paragraphs with the translator, it will be considered cheating.

2.  Field trip policy – see p. 22 in the handbook

3.  Attendance / Absences – see pp. 23 – 27

• Also see Make-up Tests on p. 19 in the handbook

•Work assigned before the absence is due upon your return to class.

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process.

•Once a test is started, it must be completed before leaving.

Habits for Success:

1.  Study at least 15 minutes everyday, including the days we do not have class. Learning a language is like playing a musical instrument or playing a sport. You need to practice everyday.

2.  Develop a study system that works for you. Some students learn from saying the vocabulary aloud. Others need to write it out 10 times.

3.  Look up ALL the words that you do not know in EVERY sentence. Be sure you understand the tense of the verbs used.

4.  Do ALL homework on your own. The purpose of having homework is to learn how to do what has been covered in class. Then, if you can’t do it, or do not understand it, at least you will be aware of not knowing it BEFORE a quiz and will be able to get help.

5.  Use the homework as a practice quiz. It will save you time studying.

6.  Make corrections on the homework so that you will know what you are doing wrong, if anything.

7.  Get help early. Visit me in my office or in W5 during contact time. If I step outside my office or W5 please leave me a note saying you stopped by. Also, use email to ask questions. I will check my email until 4:30 pm during the school week.


#1 – ¡La vida no es justa! (Life is not fair!)

#2 - ¡No hay extra crédito en la vida! ¡Haz el trabajo y hazlo bien! (There is no extra credit in life! Do your work and do it well!)

Agreement to the rules and policies as stated in Ms. Gallo’s course syllabus for Spanish IV.


I, (print name)______, agree that I will be held accountable for the rules and policies stated in the syllabus and in the corresponding pages found in Nerinx Hall’s handbook. I acknowledge that I have read the syllabus and the handbook.

Student signature ______

Date ______


Parent / Guardian:

I, (print name)______, agree that my daughter will be held accountable for the rules and policies stated in the syllabus and in the corresponding pages found in Nerinx Hall’s handbook. I acknowledge that I have read the syllabus and the handbook.

Parent / Guardian signature ______

Date ______