Montague: Capulet:




























Name: ______Date:______

Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare

Act 1: Scene 1

1.  Who are the two families mentioned in the scene?


2.  what kind of relationship do the two families seem to have?


3.  What is Tybalt anxious to do? How does the fight begin?


4.  Who is the Prince? What type of restrictions has he imposed?


5.  What concerns does Montague express about his son, Romeo?


6.  Why is Romeo so depressed?


7.  What advice does Benvolio give Romeo about Roseline? In your opinion is that good advice?


Act 1: Scene 2

1.  Why does Paris come to see Lord Capulet?


2.  How does Lord Capulet respond?


3.  How old is Juliet?


4.  Why does Benvolio want Romeo to attend Capulet’s party? Does Romeo agree to go? What does Romeo intend on doing at the party?


Act 1: Scene 3

1.  What is the nurse’s attitude toward marriage?


2.  What is Lady Capulet’s view on marriage?


3.  What is Juliet’s reaction to the thought of marring Paris?


Act 1: Scene 4

1.  How does the Montague crew plan to keep from being discovered at the Capulet’s party?


2.  How does Romeo feel as they head to the party?


3.  Try to paraphrase Romeo’s speech?


Act 1: Scene 5

1.  Is Romeo truly in love with Roseline? Explain.


2. How does Tybalt react the presence of a Montague at the party? ______

3.Does Lord Capulet accept Romeo’s presence? Why does he react the way he does? ______

4. What type of reputation does Romeo have? ______

5.Does Juliet admit that she has fallen in love with Rome? Why or why not? ______

Act 2

Act 2: Scene 1

What did Romeo do after the party?


What are Mercutio and Benvolio teasing Romeo about?______

Act 2: Scene 2

1.  How do Romeo and Juliet feel about their last names?


2.  How does Juliet feel about Romeo?


3.  Who bring up the idea of marriage?


Act 2: Scene 3

1.  Who is Friar Laurence?


2. How does Friar Laurence believe people and plants are the same?______

3.What does Friar Laurence agree to do? Why?


4. What does the Friar hope that a marriage between the two will finish?______

Act 2: Scene 4

1.  What is Juliet worried about?


2.  When the nurse arrives how does she act?


3.  How doe s the nurse feel about the marriage?


4.  What secret will they be keeping?______

5.  When do they plan to marry?______

Act 2: Scene 5

1.  Why doesn’t Juliet’s nurse tell Romeo’s message right away?______

2.  What is her nurse going to do with the ladder? What is the ladder for?______

Act 2: Scene 6

1.  What advice does Friar give Romeo about love?


2.  Where do the two get married?______

3.  Who marries them?______

Act 3:Scene 1

1.  Why does Benvolio want to go home?______

2.  How does Mercutio characterize Benvolio?


3.  Who starts the argument?______

4.  Why is Tybalt angry with Romeo?______

5.  Who are the two that sword fight?______

6.  How does Romeo try to stop the sword fight?______

7.  How does Tybalt kill Mercutio?______

8.  Who dies?______

9.  Who does Romeo kill?______

10.  Why does Romeo kill Tybalt?______

11.  Who explains what happened?______

12.  What happens to Romeo?______

Act 3: Scene 2

1. Why does Juliet want night to come? ______

2. How does Juliet learn about Tybalt’s death?______

3.Where is Romeo hiding?______

4. Who will bring Romeo to Juliet? ______

5. Why is Juliet crying? ______

6. At first, what does Juliet think of Romeo when she learns about what he did?______

Act 3: Scene 3

1.  Why does Romeo go to Friar Laurence’s cell?______

2.  Why does Romeo have to leave Verona? ______

3.  Why does Romeo not happy that his life has been spared?______

4.  How are both Romeo and Juliet reacting to the news?______

5.  What plan does the Friar have? Explain what they will do?______

6.  Where is Romeo supposed to go after tonight?______

Act 3:Scene 4

1.  What will Lord Capulet discuss with Juliet tomorrow?______

2.  Who will Juliet marry?______

3.  When will the wedding be?______

4.  Who will Juliet marry?______

5.  Why will the wedding be small?______

Act 3 scene 5

1.  Why does Romeo have to leave?______

2.  Romeo gives Juliet the choice of if he stays or leaves, what does she choose?______

3.  Where does Juliet foreshadow their fate of death? ______

4.  When Juliet tells her father that she will not marry Paris, what choice does he give her?______

5.  How does Lady Capulet react to Juliet’s not wanting to marry Paris? ______

6.  What is he Nurse’s advice with her problem?______

7.  What does Juliet tell her nurse she will do? Do you think she is telling the truth? ______

8.  Where is Juliet going at the end of the scene and why?______

9.  How does Juliet feel about her nurse’s advice? ______

Act 4:scene 1

1.  What does Friar Laurance feel about the marriage between Paris and Juliet? Why does he feel this way?______

2.  What is Juliet’s solution to this problem? ______

3.  What is Friar laurence’s plan to stop the wedding? Explain in detail.______

4.  Does Juliet agree with the plan? ______

Act 4:scene 2

1.  How has Juliet’s mode changed when she returns to the house?______

2.  How does everyone react to the change in Juliet? ______

Act 4:scene 3

1.  Explain the anxieties that Juliet is feeling before she takes the bottle?______

2.  What has happened to Juliet at the end of the scene?______

Act 4:scene 4

1.  What is the family doing to get ready for the wedding?______

2.  Who is doing most of the work?______

3.  What does that tell you about men’s and women’s roles during that time period? ______

Act 4:scene 5

1.  Who discovers Juliet’s body? ______

2.  How does Lord Capulet personify death in this scene? ______

3.  Why do the musicians stay in the house when they won’t be needed?______

4.  What does the family do with all the things that were supposed to be for the wedding?______

Act 5:scene 1

1.  Where does this scene take place? ______

2.  What is the dream the Romeo have? ______

3.  What news does Balthasar bring? ______

4.  Where does Romeo decide to go?______

5.  Why is he going to visit the druggist? ______

6.  Why does he choose that druggist? ______

7.  What does the druggist give Romeo? ______

Act 5:scene 2

1.  Why didn’t Romeo get the very important letter about Juliet?______

2.  What does Friar Laurence intend to do to solve the problem? ______

Act 5:scene 3

1.  Where does this scene take place? ______

2.  Why is Paris at the tomb? ______

3.  What does Romeo give his servant? ______

4.  What does Balthasar actually do? ______

5.  How does Romeo personify death in this scene? ______

6.  What does Paris think Romeo has come to do? ______

7.  What has Romeo actually intend to do? ______

8.  What happens to Paris? ______

9.  How does Romeo die? ______

10.  What does he does he do before he dies? ______

11.  Why does Friar Laurence show up at the tomb? Why does he leave?______

12.  What does Juliet see when she awakes? ______

13.  How does Juliet kill her self and why does she kill herself? ______

14.  Who tells the family what happened ? ______

15.  How do they know that the Friar was telling the truth? ______

16.  What do the 2 families pledge to each other and why?______

17.  How will Juliet be honored? ______

Act 3

Act 3: Scene 1

1.  Mercutio and Benvolio encounter Tybalt in the square. Why does Benvolio urge Tybalt and Mercutio to take their fight off the streets?

2.  How does Romeo act when he and Tybalt meet? Why?

3.  How is Mercutio stabbed?

4.  Why does Romeo fight Tybalt?

5.  What happens to Romeo when the Prince finds out about the fight?

6.  Why is Juliet crying?

Act 3: Scene 2

1. Who does Juliet think is dead?

2. What does Juliet do when she finds out that Romeo is banished?

3. Where is Romeo hiding?

4. What does Friar Laurence tell Romeo to do?