St. Sebastian Parish Pastoral Council
Regular Meeting –28 January 2016
IN ATTENDANCE: Father John Valencheck, PastorTodd Dekatch, Chair
Candy Bates, Vice Chair Patricia Clark-Varga, Past Chair Cyndy Cook, Secretary Jim Dietrich, Member Rob Sveda, Member Brandon Foster, Member
Chris Montana, Member Kathy Dietrich, Member
Kay Leckrone, Member Bob Rybka, Member
Chris Peters, Member
Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Council Chair, Todd DeKatch
Opening Prayer: Bob Rybka
Guest Speaker: Michelle Huber
- September Spectacular
- Michelle discussed the 2015 September Spectacular which netted $189,000, of which $118,000 came from the Paddle Raise. Of this amount, $27,000 has been spent thus far on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) initiative.
- As the STEM initiative is implemented further, the school will keep parents updated on the ways it is being integrated into the curriculum.
- $49,000 of the money raised will be applied toward a tuition credit for each student enrolled at St. Sebastian Parish School.
- The remaining $22,000 is earmarked for technology updates.
- The 2015 September Spectacular raised more money for the school than ever before – despite having a slightly smaller attendance. It has become an important fundraiser for the school.
- Mark and Cyndy Cook will be the chair couple for the 2016 September Spectacular.
- Steering committee composed of Parish administrators operates to support the volunteers.
- New Stewardship Initiative
- Michelle discussed the opportunity for a new stewardship initiative. LPI, which publishes the weekly parish bulletin will produce one additional publication annually at no additional cost.
- Last year LPI produced the Parish Directory.
- Michelle wondered if we should pursue stewardship again this year, not necessarily as the free LPI free promotional publication, but in other ways.
- Michelle and Council discussed the possibility of having LPI produce a pictorial calendar with photos of the Parish and important dates pre-printed on it.
- Whatever printing project is chosen must be ready to send to LPI for production by September 1st.
- Calendar would be for the school and the parish but would it have to be an annual thing because the previous calendar sponsor, Hummel Co. might withdraw permanently
- Stewardship is a concern to Michelle and she feels that reminders would be applicable
- We will add this to a future agenda for discussion
- Catholic Schools Week
- The school hosted an open house, a pastry morning for parents and held a State of the School address.
- Michelle informed council about the student referral program and outlined details concerning the financial incentive to referring parents. A flyer went to parish school families and Center for Early Learning families.
- Parish Website
- Michelle mentioned the website and the fact that Parish Pastoral Council minutes are uploaded on a regular basis.
- Michelle discussed the need for the website to provide a mobile platform, possibly as a St. Sebastian mobile app.
- Michelle is now able to update and contribute to keeping our website current
- Mrs. Patty Smith is retiring as Director from the Center for Early Learning
- A reception was suggested.
- Pat Clark Varga suggested that the Welcoming Committee might be able to set up something.
- Michelle told Council that the weekly Bulletin will go to 4 colors beginning in March due to equipment upgrades at LPI.
- Chris Montana inquired as to the availability of large print bulletins for the visually impaired. Michelle will ask her contact person at LPI if these are feasible.
Pastor’s Report by Father Valencheck:
- A Bishop’s Seminary Brunch will be held at noon on March 13 at Landerhaven. Bishop Lennon has asked Father Valencheck to get a table of people to attend this event.
- The Parish was notified that we will not be getting another priest to serve here.
- Father Valencheck informed Council that Fr. Swirski is quite ill and was hospitalized and received a pacemaker. He has returned to the Village at St. Edward’s.
- Father Valencheck mentioned that priests typically don’t go on vacation during Lent but he has received permission from the Bishop to do so and will be gone from February 8th through February 18th.
- Father reminded Council that in 2 years St. Sebastian will celebrate its 90th anniversary.
- is the new website for the St. Sebastian Academy of Culture and the Arts.
- A number of mountain dulcimers were donated to the Academy.
- The surplus funds from the brick parking lot renovation had been earmarked for the pipe organ project, but since that has been paid for, the funds will be used to establish a pipe organ maintenance fund.
- In 2 weeks, the Catholic Charities campaign will resume and be of a longer duration, since that approach worked so well last year.
- Jerry D’Antonio will speak at Forest Lodge on the Cyber Missionary program on Monday.
- Kevin Audin is investigating the possibility of installing hearing assistance for the hearing impaired. A donor has come forward to help sponsor this assistance.
- Father Valencheck is seeking financial support for the renovation of the church floors and pews.
- Father mentioned that it was time to consider renewing our agreement with Goodwill Industries that permits a mobile collection center to be placed in the parking lot of Byrider Hall. Council agreed that it is worth renewing.
Old Business:
- The December minutes were approved.
New Business:
- Todd DeKatch discussed the “If Not Me, then Who?” program currently being instituted at the FBI.
- One of the missions of the Travis Manion Foundation is to provide training for veterans to become public speakers on the topic of leadership and community service. More information is available at the Foundation’s website:
- An agent from Todd’s squad is currently receiving training and once it is completed would be available to address7th and 8th grade students.
- Father Valencheck noted that the PSR students should also be included in this, if possible.
- School Safety Plan
- Todd informed council that a safety drill had been conducted at the school before Thanksgiving
- Todd also informed council that under Phase 2 Faculty and staff will be trained to look for warning signs
- In addition to practice and rehearsal, every classroom will be provided with a walkie talkie.
Pulse of the Parish:
- Jane Walker’s concerns about the output of one of the speakers being blocked by the new organ in the church seems to have been addressed
- Jim Dietrich mentioned that at the 7:30 Mass at St. Hillary’s Sister Denise Marie Vlna spoke about discerning religious life.
- Sister Denise has received permission from the Diocese to establish a new religious order, which has been named “Franciscans of the Little Way.”
- The order is currently renting the “old” rectory at St. Hilary.
- So far, three women currently discerning religious life have joined Sister Denise at St. Hilary.
- You can learn more about Franciscans of the Little Way at St. Hilary Parish here:
- On April 9 there will be a couples retreat at St. Sebastian. Father Tim O’Connor will speak at Zwisler Hall.
Commission Reports:
****Candy Bates made and distributed a Google spreadsheet with all the commission assignments listed that members of Parish Council will be able to help keep up to date.
- Worship:
- Jim Dietrich informed Council that Karen Spangler is concerned about the way in which homilies are recorded onto CDs
- Bob Rybka will attempt to follow up with a parish in Michigan, Our Lady of Good Counsel, whose pastor, Father Ricardo records his homilies digitally and makes them available online as podcasts.
- Spiritual Life:
- Bookrack: Concerns were expressed by some parishioners over a newspaper offered for sale in the bookrack which seeminglysupports issues that contradict Church teaching (e.g., gay marriage and the ordination of women.).
- Faith Formation:
From Cathy Sivec, Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry:
- Young Adult Group-I have contacted the Young Adult Group leader to see if I could help him get a few activities with this group. We have had a few more young adults volunteer to help him get things going again.
- Baptism- We used volunteers to help run the baptismal program until October 2014 when I began to run it. Parish staff took it over because we realized that paperwork wasn't being turned in and baptisms were not successfully being recorded.The recordshave been done correctly sinceparish staff took over the program. We are currently trying to fill in the gaps when they occur and we've found a process tofind the missing baptisms.
- Youth Ministry- Our high school teens are helping to facilitate an eight parish retreat for 6th, 7th and 8th graders from our parishes. This year's retreat is hosted at Holy Family in Stow and will be this weekend January 29 and 30.
- This week weregistered 23 high school teens for this summer's Steubenville Youth Conference (July 22-24)
- The Confirmation retreat is February 26 and 27 in Zwisler Hall.
- First Reconciliation- The First Reconciliation meeting for parents and children willbe Monday February 1 at 7 pm in the churchand First Reconciliation is Saturday February 6th from9:30-11 am in the church.
- Father Kovacina and Father Merzweiler willbe joining us tohear confessions that morning.
From Melane Francis, Director, PSR Program:
- ThePSR studentsdonated to the schoolwide canned food drive and helped the school to reach 1650+cans for the hunger center.
- They also made overtwo dozen blankets for the battered women’s shelter. For Valentine’s Day,the studentsare making Valentine’s Day cards to be distributed to area nursing homes.
- Wehave a bulletin board in the back of the church, by the main doors. Weuse it to show the activities of the PSRstudents.
- The2ndgrade and 8thgrade studentsare preparing to receive the Sacraments.
- The PSR staff was treated to a delicious dinner by the Knights of Columbus. Our teachers and staff are volunteers in this program and it is always great for them to be shown the appreciation of the parish.
- Social Justice:
- …And Justice for All is making preparations for a Potluck dinner.
- The Respect Life Committee held a Signature and Media campaign on 1/9 and 1/10 which had a great reception after Masses
- Right to Life was grateful for the monetary contribution to their Helpline and the signature campaign conducted by St. Sebastian’s Respect Life Committee.
- School:
- Planning a teacher’s luncheon for February 1st.
- Next HASA general meeting will be February 11th.
- Game night was successful
- Parish Life
- Sanctuary Society:
- The Sanctuary Society Executive Board is currently reviewing applications for its annual Altar Server Scholarship and will forward our top 3 to Father Valencheck for the final selection.
- Girl Scouts:
- Alice Incorvaia reports that the 2nd Grade Girl Scout troop was assisted in earning the “My Promise, My Faith” pin by Joan Brownfield. Alice adds that hey have been blessed with a lot of help.
- Athletics:
- The Booster Club reports that this year’s Night at the Races raised $8,500 which is over $1,000 more than the event has raised in prior years. The proceeds will be used to subsidize registration fees for our athletes and continue to fund all other direct expenses associated with running the program. Those include uniforms, equipment, coaches’ training, some tournament fees and facility fees. Our 2nd major fund raiser is our 3 on 3 tournament being held March 11 to 13.
- Administrative:
- Marcy Smith is the new contact and coordinator for Rectory Cooks
- Stewardship
- Louise McNulty is almost finished with the list of ministries and would like to shift her focus to the activities and benefits of the ministries
- Louise would like to recruit assistance from other parishioners who have writing experience.
Closing Prayer was by Kathy Dietrich
******The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday, February 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory.
******Opening Prayer will be led by Bob Rybka and Closing Prayer will be led by Chris Peters.