Minutes of the 284th COUNCIL meeting, Wednesday, 20th June 2013.

PRESENT: Dr Paul Golby (in the Chair)

Ms Penny Barber Professor Robert Berry

Ms Geetu Bharwaney Dr John Blewitt

Mr Stuart Doughty Professor George Feiger

Professor Helen Griffiths Professor Helen Higson

Mr Mark Hodgson Ms Agnes Jacobs

Professor Dame Julia King Ms Adèle MacKinlay

Professor Pam Moores Mr Maximillian Pullen

Mr Mike Russell Mr Surinder Sharma

Mr Nick Tamblyn Mr Paul Williams

APOLOGIES: Dr Khurshid Ahmed Dr Mark Newbold

Ms Carole Parkes Mr Paul Pharaoh

Mr Stewart Towe

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr David Farrow Ms Aman Gill

Dr Trevor Oliver Mr John Walter


13/67 Professor George Feiger, the new Executive Dean of Aston Business School, was welcomed to the Council.


13/68 There were no new declarations of interest from Governors, or from those in attendance, with respect to any agenda items.


Proposed Changes to the University Charter, Statutes and Ordinances to reflect New Governance Arrangements for the Students’ Union

13/69 The Council gave consideration to Paper CO/13/16, concerned with the requirement for the Council to consider and to pass for a second time a special Resolution for recommending to the Privy Council amendments to the University Charter.

13/70 Council recalled that at its meeting of 20 March 2013, it had agreed to pass a Special Resolution to recommend to the Privy Council proposed amendments to the University Charter and Statutes and to approve amendments to Ordinance XIV to reflect the change in title from the Students’ Guild to the Students’ Union and the Union’s adoption of an incorporated structure in the form of a charitable company limited by guarantee, as detailed in Paper CO/13/16.

13/71 RESOLVED (unanimously):

To pass, for onward transmission to Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, a Special Resolution for the proposed amendments to the University Charter set out in Paper CO/13/16.

Membership of Council

13/72 The Council received Paper CO/13/32 detailing the following changes to the membership of the Council:

Class 1 [ex officio members]

i)  Professor George Feiger had been appointed as Executive Dean of the Aston Business School (vice Professor Nigel Driffield) with effect from 1 June 2013.

ii)  Professor Simon Green had been appointed as Executive Dean of the School of Languages and Social Sciences (vice Professor Pamela Moores) with effect from 1 August 2013.

Class 2 [lay members]

i) Mr Lance Doughty, Senior Vice President, Head of Systems Development & Integration, at Capgemini UK plc, would be taking up office as a lay member of the Council from 1st August 2013 to 31st July 2016 (vice Dr Khurshid Ahmed whose term of office was due to end on 31 July 2013).

ii) A vacancy had arisen following the resignation of Dr Dame Christine Braddock and the Nominations Committee had identified potential candidates with experience of the education sector. A short list of candidates had been prepared to meet with the Pro-Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor, who would then submit their recommendations to the Nominations Committee for consideration.

Class 4 [student representatives]

i) Following the recent election of Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers, the following would become members of Council from 1st July 2013:

·  Neil Bushell (President of the Guild), vice Mr Maximillian Pullen

·  Jake Delaney (Vice-President - Education and Welfare), vice Ms Agnes Jacobs


13/73 The Minutes of the 283rd meeting of the Council, held on 20th March 2013, were approved, and were signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.


13/74 Council received Paper CO/13/34 detailing matters arising from the above Minutes.

Council Sub-Group on Ethics (M12/156-157)

13/75 Council received:

i)  Paper CO/13/33(i) containing the report of the Sub-Group on Ethics (15 May 2013), chaired by Mr Surinder Sharma, which had met to review progress in implementing the Ethics Framework approved by Council (31 October 2012) and also to consider the University’s governance procedures for international collaborative provision, as suggested by a member of the Audit Committee.

ii)  An oral report from Mr Surinder Sharma on the work of the Sub-Group on Ethics. The Sub-Group had been impressed by the progress made in implementing the Framework and in reviewing and updating the University’s regulatory and governance arrangements. It was satisfied that the University’s Collaborative Provision Strategy Group was taking action to ensure that the arrangements for the approval, review and oversight of all the University’s collaborative activities were developed and fit for purpose in an increasing dynamic and challenging environment.

iii)  Copies of a draft brochure and a short video presentation were received, which have been developed for the launch of the Ethics Framework and for use in staff induction and training.

13/76 xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

ACTION: xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


The following arrangements for the future oversight of the new Ethics Framework, which had also been endorsed by the Audit Committee at its meeting of 24 May 2013 (refer to Council minute 13/96-97):

i)  that the responsibility for the oversight of the development, implementation and review of the Ethics Framework should rest with the Chief Operating Officer who should prepare an annual report for consideration by the Executive, the Audit Committee and Council.

ii)  that the Audit Committee be requested to extend its remit under Financial Regulation and Governance to include:

·  “To provide assurance to Council on the effectiveness of the oversight and operation of the University’s Ethics Framework.

·  To review, in exceptional circumstances, ethical governance issues referred following consideration by the University Executive or the University Research Ethics Committee.”

iii)  That the Sub-Group remain in force for a further year to oversee the implementation of the Ethics Framework

ACTION: Chief Operating Officer/Secretary

Preparations for the Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF) (M13/39)


That the Council should receive a progress report at the next meeting on preparations for the REF 2014, given the importance of the REF outcomes to the future well-being of the University.

ACTION: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)/Secretary



To congratulate Aston graduate, Anisa Haghdadi, who had been awarded a British Empire Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for her services to education and young people. Anisa graduated in 2012 with a degree in Business and Management. Aged 23, she had already set up a number of social enterprises and co-founded a successful training organisation.


Update on Key Learning and Teaching Issues

13/80 The Council received Paper CO/13/34 and an oral report from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor on key learning and teaching issues, noting that:

·  xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

·  xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

·  xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

·  The Office for Fair Access had confirmed that Aston, unlike several other leading UK universities, had achieved its widening participation targets for 2011/12, demonstrating that the University was succeeding in its efforts to provide accessible excellence.


That the results of the NSS 2013 (to be published in September 2013) and their impact on the University’s league table positioning should be considered at the next Council meeting, as these were of critical importance to the future success of the University.

ACTION: Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Council and Senate Strategy Away-days 2013

13/82 The Council received Paper CO/13/35 and an oral report from Mr David Farrow, Executive Director of Marketing Strategy and Communication, on the key actions and recommendations agreed at the Council/Senate Away Day held on 25th April 2013 and by the Senate at its subsequent Away-Day (8th May 2013) and identifying the members of the University Executive and other senior colleagues who would be responsible for taking forward the agreed actions. The important recommendations arising from the Away Day would inform Aston’s on-going strategy development.


i)  That the Council should receive a report on progress in taking forward the action points and recommendations from the Away Days at its meeting in February 2014.

ii)  That members of the Executive should, where appropriate, approach lay members of Council for assistance in taking forward the actions and recommendations.

ACTION: Executive Director of Strategic Marketing and Communication

University Financial Strategy 2012-13 to 2019-20, Budget for 2013/14, and Financial Forecasts for the period 2012-13 to 2015-16

13/84 The Council received:

i)  Paper CO/13/36(i) containing the updated Aston University Financial Strategic Plan for 2012-13 to 2019-20. xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

ii)  Paper CO/13/36(ii) outlining the draft University Revenue and Capital Budget for 2013/14, which was consistent with the Financial Strategic Plan. It was noted that the draft budget would be finalised in October 2013 when 2012/13 actual results and 2013/14 student recruitment levels would be available.

iii)  Paper CO/13/36(iii) setting out the University’s draft Financial Forecast (covering the period up to 2015/16), as required for onward transmission to HEFCE. This Forecast was also consistent with the Financial Strategic Plan.

iv)  An oral report from Mr Mark Hodgson, the Chief Financial Officer, noting that the above papers had been discussed and endorsed by the Finance and Major Projects Committee (minutes13/56-63) at its meeting of 3rd June 2013 (refer to Council minute 13/96).

13/85 The following points were discussed:

i)  xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

ii)  xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


To approve, on the recommendation of the Finance and Major Projects Committee, the University Financial Strategy 2012-13 to 2019-20, the draft Budget for 2013/14, and Financial Forecasts for the period 2012-13 to 2015-16 (for onward transmission to HEFCE).

ACTION: Chief Financial Officer

Progress against Council Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

13/87 The Council received and discussed Paper CO/13/37, comprising a half-yearly progress report in respect of the Council’s full set of KPIs, together with a tabled report and oral report from the Executive Director of Strategic Marketing and Communication on progress against the 12 ‘mission critical’ KPIs and outlining the action planned to address those KPIs which were below target or were moving in the wrong direction.


That the University Executive should consider the optimum stage at which the Council should receive reports on progress against KPIs, taking into account, for example, the publication of the National Student Survey Results, key league tables and outcomes of HESA’s Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey.

ACTION: Executive Director of Strategic Marketing and Communication

Strategy Presentation: School of Engineering and Applied Science

13/89 The Council received a presentation from the Executive Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science (EAS), Professor Robert Berry, outlining the School’s mission, current teaching and research provision, and evolving strategy towards 2020.

13/90 The following points arising from the presentation were discussed:

i)  xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

ii)  xxxxREDACTEDxCOMMERCIALLYxSENSITIVExINFORMATIONxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

iii)  EAS was actively engaged in collaboration with a wide range of industrial partners, from SMEs to national and multi-national corporations. Lay members of Council asked if they could assist the School in developing further links and partnerships with industry, and the Executive Dean undertook to circulate a list of current partnerships and an indication of the types of links the School was seeking to develop further.

iv)  EAS was heavily involved in the development and operation of the Aston University Engineering Academy, through membership of its Governing Board and its Strategy Forums, contribution to development and delivery of its academic programmes, assistance with industrial links and hosting visits from its students to experience life at Aston University. It was hoped the Academy would provide a stream of well-qualified and motivated entrants to Aston from a range of socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds.

v)  Council Members congratulated the Product Design students from EAS who had showcased their final year projects at this year’s Aston Inspired Design Show, in terms of both the quality and range of work undertaken

ACTION: Executive Dean of EAS

Review of Governing Body Effectiveness - Report of Council Sub-Group

13/91 The Council received Paper CO/13/39 containing the report of the Council Sub-Group on the Effectiveness of Council and its Sub-Committees, chaired by Adèle MacKinlay, the Chief Operating Officer. The Sub-Group Report outlined the methodology adopted to review the effectiveness of Council and contained a range of recommendations to build upon the current strengths of Council and to enhance the engagement of all its members in the effective governance of the University, promoting its strategic development, maximising institutional performance and building competitive reputation. The Sub-Group felt that desirably the size of Council should be reduced to 18-20 but recognised that this could be difficult to achieve at this juncture, and requested that the size of Council be subject to periodic review.


i)  That the recommendations to improve the effectiveness of Council be adopted and that the Chief Operating Officer and the Secretary draw up a schedule for their implementation.

ii)  That the Pro-Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor should reflect on the comments made at the meeting and, if appropriate, bring proposals for a reduction in the size of Council, taking into account the need to maintain appropriate representation from University staff and students, and whether there was any flexibility around HEFCE’s expectation that a governing body should contain a majority of external and independent members (as currently specified in the HEFCE Financial Memorandum).

iii)  That the proposal to adopt an abbreviated version of the Council’s primary objectives should not be approved at this stage.

ACTION: Chief Operating Officer/Secretary


13/93 The Council received Paper CO/13/40, together with an oral report from the Vice-Chancellor. The following points were noted:

·  Adèle MacKinlay, Chief Operating Officer, would be leaving Aston at the end of July 2013 to relocate with her family to the east coast of America.

·  Professor Pam Moores would be stepping down from the role of Executive Dean of the School of Languages & Social Sciences after ten years, with effect from 31 July 2013. Going forward, as well as having more time to support students and colleagues in French, Pam was to play a wider University role, supporting activities to develop international collaboration, increase staff and student mobility and the take-up of work and study abroad, and build relations with China through planned engagement with the Confucius Institute.