Speak Guided Reading Questions

Fourth Marking Period

  1. What is a “winter rat?”
  1. How is Melinda doing in school?
  1. With whom is Andy Evans hanging out?
  1. How does Melinda’s family celebrate Easter? Is there any improvement from their Thanksgiving debacle?
  1. Who does Melinda run into at the mall? What positive advice does this person share?
  1. Which of the “lies” on page 148 do you think is true here at Lakeland? Which one is not true?
  1. What is Rachel talking non-stop about? What is Melinda debating regarding this situation?
  1. Where does Melinda hang out to think about the Rachel situation? What does she decide?
  1. How is she starting to feel about the closet? How is her tree coming along? Is there a connection between these two things?
  1. What does Mr. Freeman think of Melinda’s tree? Why is he being so critical? What does her tree seem to lack?
  1. What group of women does Melinda study for her Social Studies report? What is ironic about this?
  1. What does Mr. Neck expect her to do with the report? Who helps her with this? What do they do instead? What is her grade? Where does Mr. Neck send her?
  1. What advice does David give her about making a difference?
  1. Who shows up in the art room after school?
  1. Who is he really looking for? How does he treat Melinda? How does Ivy react when she sees Andy? What does Melinda do?
  1. Why does Melinda stay home from school? How does her mom react?
  1. When she thinks about “talk show type questions,” what is she really trying to figure out?
  1. What does Melinda do to her yard? What does this tell us about Melinda’s current condition? Who gets involved? How?
  1. What does Melinda ask for at the hardware store?
  1. Who does Melinda play against in gym? What happens that gets everyone’s attention?
  1. Melinda says ,” I’m tough enough to play, and strong enough to win.” What seems to be happening to Melinda?
  1. Why is Melinda not buying a yearbook?
  1. What is happening with Hairwoman? What connections can you make between Hair woman and Melinda?
  1. What happens to Melinda’s shirt? Who helps her clean it?
  1. What do they write on the bathroom wall?
  1. Who is Andy taking to the prom?
  1. Who shows up at Melinda’s house? What does she want? What does Melinda say?
  1. In Communication 101, Melinda lists 3 things that show she is getting stronger?
  1. Who does Melinda run into in the Library? How do they start to communicate? What does Melinda share with Rachel? How does Rachel react?
  1. What shows up on the bathroom wall? How does Melinda react to this?
  1. What happens to the tree in Melinda’s yard? How does her dad justify this? How does this relate to Melinda?
  1. What happens at the prom?
  1. What does Melinda decide to do? Who finds her? What happens?
  1. What happens to Melinda’s reputation after the truth is revealed about Andy?
  1. What is her tree like at the end? Explain how it’s like Melinda.
  1. Who does Melinda reveal her story to at the end of the novel?