Spider Chain of Lakes

Presidents Letter

Spring 2017

I write to you from Little Spider withGratitude, Joy, Appreciation and Hope for all that is Spider Chain of Lakes Association (SCLA). Your commitment to our lakes is helping to preserve and protect the pristine nature of Spider Lake for future generations. Over 80 of you are making a difference. Together we can do more. Volunteer. Be a leader. Recruit a new member. Make SCLA part of your annual charitable giving.

The mission of SCLA is to preserve and protect our lakes and watershed for future generations. Prior generations of volunteers and leaders devoted time and talent to launching and growing our mission activities. Now it is our turn.

Why is Spider Lake Threatened (and what are we doing about it)?

  1. Because we face a real danger: aquatic invasive species (AIS) are increasing significantly in the majority of lakes in our area of Sawyer County. It is more likely than not that Spider Lake will also experience an invasion of Eurasian Watermilfoil.
  1. Because in the past there were more grants available from the Wisconsin DNR to help fund our mission activities. Today grants are less plentiful;reducing our annual income.
  1. Because in the past, SCLA could rely on volunteers to monitor boats for AIS at public landings. Today we must hire staff to monitor the landings, which increases our annual expenses.
  1. So in 2014 we launched a fundraising goal of $1.2 millionwith a 2-part objective:
  2. Support our mission in perpetuity by using 2/3 to establish a Long Term fund goal of $800,000 which, together with a spending policy of 3% will generate annual funds to meet roughly half of our operating expenses while growing the principal in perpetuity
  3. Prepare for an emergency by using 1/3 to establish an Emergency Reserve fund goal of $400,000 to mitigate the invasion of AIS such as EurasionWatermilfoil


You responded to our launch in 2014 and many of you continue to donate annually to protect the lake we all love: As of December 31, 2016 twenty five families each contributed $5,000 or more and another 21 families each contributed $1,000 or more:

  • Your total gifts to the Preserve & Protect Fundraising Campaign, concluded in June 2016 were over $376,000.
  • Its successor,the Annual Giving Program, started in July 2016generated $37,000 through December 31, 2016.
  • Combined, your support totals over $413,000(plus $73,000 in pledges outstanding).
  • In addition, in 2016 one generous family contributed a significant gift to help cover SCLA operating expenses

We have achieved only 34% of our fundraising goalof $1.2 million. When we reach our goal,($800,000 to the the Long Term Fund and $400,000 to the Emergency Reserve Fund), the SCLA annual Spending Policy of 3% will begin to fund roughly half of our annual expenses, and hopefully grow by long term market returns and future gifts to support our mission.


In 2016 you and your neighbors led by the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee:

  • Inspected over 2,000 boatsat public landings to protect our lakes from AIS
  • Conducted water quality and temperature measurements in all 5 lakes in 6 locations monthly May-Aug (see Spring 2016 SpiderLines article by Steve Braddish for details on scientifically amazing Spider Lake)
  • Kayaked or canoed for dozens of hours to monitor the lake for AIS
  • Partnered with Northern Waters Environmental School of Hayward and the Wisconsin DNR to coordinate our first publicly subsidized shoreline restoration project
  • Organized educational materials and events to teach us all how to protect our water (over 80 adults and children attended the July S.L.E.E.K. program!)


In 2016 your SCLA Board:

  • Updated and Amended SCLABylawsfor the first time in over 25 years
  • Completed an independent financial review of SCLA by an external auditor
  • Implemented New Financial and Operational Controls
  • Launched an Investment Committee, approved investment policies for each fund, and made initial investments to further our goal of financial sustainability
  • Assessed board performance at its Leadership Retreat to strengthen SCLA & enhance succession planning
  • Launched Digital Media & Philanthropy Task Forces to improve transparency & support our mission


With your help, SCLA will:

•Increase the number of volunteers in mission related actions (we have over 50 today)

•Educate more stakeholders on how to protect our lakes and watershed

•Have fun while honoring our commitment to preserve and protect our beautiful lake

Thank you, all. It is an honor to serve you and this beautiful, pristine chain of lakes.